How to Recognize Social Engineering, Propaganda, and Psychological Warfare
We are being subjected to intense social engineering via our governments, public health, news, entertainment and social media. Some have described this as 5th-generation warfare. The following is intended to assist you to identify propaganda and psychological manipulation in an effort to better protect yourself and your family from the effects of social engineering.
Acknowledge Your Vulnerability to Propaganda
We are all susceptible to propaganda. Those who think they are too smart to be manipulated are the most vulnerable. Be wary and constantly vigilant of efforts to manipulate you. We are in a psychological war where the goal is to control the minds and hearts of humanity.
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We Are Being Manipulated Beyond Our Awareness
The advances in behavioural sciences have increased dramatically in recent years. People can and are being manipulated without their conscious awareness. Messaging developed by governments and corporations is carefully evaluated for its impact. There is extensive research behind the propaganda we face today. Those designing the messaging know what influences us, consciously and unconsciously. Their efforts to control us are intentional.
Influence, Not Information
This is an ‘influence’ war, not an ‘information’ war. The goal is not to inform us so that we can make better decisions, but rather influence our behaviour without our awareness such that we act in ways desired by those producing the propaganda.
Consider Information from Multiple Sources
In addition to any “official” government sources, people should consider other sources of information that are independent of government and corporate influence. Important sources of information are the voices of the censored, cancelled or shamed. Ask why we are not allowed to hear their perspective.
Numbers Can Lie
Be wary of statistics. Numbers don’t equal the truth. Data can easily be manufactured and manipulated. It’s important to understand how science has been corrupted and that statistics are used to deceive you.
Identify Conflicts of Interest
Ask who funds the research from “trusted” organizations such as the CDC, FDA, Health Canada, medical journals, and mainstream media. Identify conflicts of interest and ask why somebody is promoting an issue or product. Notice how many television programs today are sponsored by Pfizer. What is the impact when Bill Gates is the largest funder of the World Health Organization? There is little true philanthropy by governments and big corporations. They expect a return on their investment.
Be Skeptical of Group Think
Employ healthy skepticism towards messaging such as “do the right thing” or “greater good” — messaging that insists everyone think and act a certain way. Be wary of messages that are promoted in unison. This is not a coincidence. These messages are scripted, intentional and coordinated.
Does The Messaging Evoke Strong Emotions?
Behavioural scientists have long known that fear makes people compliant with authority. As such, fear is an indispensable social engineering tool. Fear-based emotions shut down our ability to think critically, which is exactly what they want. Be wary of propaganda that has the effect of creating division. If you feel fear, shame or guilt, it’s likely propaganda.
Check the Fact Checkers
Just because they are called ‘fact checkers’ doesn’t mean they are acting honestly, independently, responsibly, are qualified, or are correct. Most fact-checkers are employed by organizations wanting to control your behaviour.
Turn OFF the TV
The television is effectively a programming device. Broadcasters are in the business of selling products and ideas. Be wary of all forms of mainstream media including news, entertainment and education programs. They are tools of propaganda, not truth. Their goal is to influence you, not educate you.
Don’t Be Too Agreeable
Most people are agreeable and want to get along with others. Those involved in propaganda use our good nature against us. They use our concern for others as a way to manipulate us. We saw this with the campaign that declared — “We are all in this together”. They also want us to think that everyone thinks a certain way, and that we should all think the same. Be wary of efforts to use your good nature against you.
Think for Yourself
There is a saying that warns: “If you don’t think for yourself, someone will do it for you.” Be wary of those who want you to take the advice of another rather than decide for yourself. The medical industry has been very successful with its “Ask your doctor” and “Trust the science” campaigns. Ultimately it is your responsibility to gather information and utilize your common sense and critical thinking skills. It is you, not the government or media, who will experience the consequences of your decisions. Life is too important to allow others to think for us. It is your responsibility to keep yourself safe and healthy; no one, including the government, can do that for you. Be wary of those who want to erode or deny personal responsibility and instead have you blindly follow the advice of others.
The Threat of Censorship
The reality is that our access to honest and unbiased information is under threat. We now live in an age where discussion mostly takes place online, and the Internet is directed by corporations that collaborate with governments and secret agencies to control what we can and can’t see. It is important to recognize that without the free exchange of opinions and access to information, democracy cannot thrive. Freedom of expression is the prerequisite for all other human rights. Therefore, our free democratic society is at stake, it is as simple as that.
Ted Kuntz is a father, a medical choice activist, and an educator.
He is also the president of