Rememberance Day


Why I Chose To Forget Remembrance Day

Published On: December 1, 2021Tags: , ,

By Guy Crittenden

I’ve traditionally acknowledged Remembrance Day, and this year I did meditate upon the meaning of the sacrifice previous generations made in what they thought of as defending their country, fighting fascism, or some such noble cause. Blood relatives of mine paid a steep price (in some cases the ultimate price) protecting democracy in the last century, so this is not an abstract notion for me.

However, I’m done with celebrating this day, at least for the foreseeable future. And why?

Because my research shows every war has been a rich man’s trick, a banker’s war, with oligarchic families and sociopathic corporations arming both sides. Virtually every war has been based on a false flag attack or a ridiculous premise. Can someone please explain to me what World War One was about? Because to my mind it wasn’t about anything identifiable, other than an orgy of violence at the behest of the ruling class of the time.

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World War Two could have been ended quickly by grounding the Luftwaffe, which relied on imported anti-knock chemicals for its aviation fuel. Clandestine operatives in the US government allowed the additive to be quietly supplied to Germany’s airforce throughout the war. Ford engines powered Nazi tanks and IBM fully collaborated in the murder of Jews and Roma people, and many others, by supplying crucial computer punch cards to track and trace the unhygienic. (My, doesn’t that sound familiar?) Was World War Two really about what we were told?

The Korean and Vietnam Wars were based on contrivances. LBJ once remarked he could end the Vietnam War in a heartbeat, but his friends were making too much money. What does that tell you? We know the two Gulf Wars were based on false intelligence reports including WMD. Libya was destroyed for completely fabricated reasons, and few in the west seem to care. The same was attempted against Syria, where massacres (including the use of poison gas) were committed by western-backed mercenaries, then staged to look like it was the Assad government’s doing. Even the OPCW report’s findings were falsified. There’s the United Nations for you…

The assassination of President Kennedy was an inside job, and the perpetrators (led by the CIA) got away with their crime. They similarly succeeded in killing JFK’s brother and son, and MLK. 9/11 was the largest-scale mass murder committed by the deep state against American citizens, no doubt involving shadowy elements recruited from among militant Zionists and Saudi fundamentalists, and led by the same oligarchic family that destroyed its rival clan, the Kennedys. The failure to bring the 9/11 perpetrators to justice inspired the globalists and China’s CCP to launch the most sinister attack against the civilized world in recorded history, but in this case the war is not nation-on-nation but rather the one per cent against the rest of humanity, with a transhuman gene-editing and subscription injection agenda so malevolent that most citizens cannot overcome their cognitive dissonance to admit any group of people could be so evil and have such vast power. And now they’re coming for the children, whose parents have been the subject of a military-grade propaganda campaign.

What we really ought remember on November 11 each year is that our parents and grandparents were duped into risking injury and death to fight for wealthy people who in many cases actually wanted them dead, and were essentially speculating in a market in which the soldiers’ blood was the lubricating oil of an enormous (and enormously profitable) death machine. Same with the nuclear arms race. Same with today’s nanotech and CRISPR gene editing technology, microwave frequencies, and invasive surveillance strategies. We need to forget the propaganda and all the celebrations for “derring-do” a.k.a. state-sponsored sociopathy. And we need to all join in the current struggle, which looks disturbingly now like the final scenes of the Book of Revelation.

As Dr David Martin has recently remarked, the Corporation has emerged as the global organization that’s now replaced organized religion and representative government and is working toward the enslavement of mankind and its replacement with a cyborg-like race of chimeras, that could include such things as human beings bred without brains, for organ harvesting, and other abominations about which men like Orwell and Huxley warned us decades ago (when the current plan was first being devised).

So let us forget the war propaganda, and remember the totalitarianism, the communism, the fascism, what we can now call Technocracy, and know this is a rescue mission for the heavily besieged soul of humanity, and perhaps even the species homo sapiens itself.

Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the award-winning book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco). Follow Guy at