Truth Reality Tradition Freedom


Truth, Reality, Tradition, and Freedom

Published On: August 1, 2024Tags: , , , ,


Silvia Guerini is a powerful contemporary critic of the techno-scientific system and the multi-pronged threat of its global agenda. She has a background in radical ecology and calls for a new 21st-century resistance that goes beyond the “stale and dusty categories” of “right” and “left.” What is at stake today, she says, is the very future of humanity, with a historic clash taking place between “two opposing visions of the world, of the living, of nature, of human beings.

“There are no more excuses. We can no longer wait for those who do not want to understand, those who pursue marginal projects, those who do not have a total and clear-cut critique of every aspect and every fundamental element in the transhumanist project. We need to find a firm shore, that line of resistance for those of us who are determined to remain anchored to reality, in defence of humanity and in defence of all that is living.

“Let’s form alliances to repel the transhumanist vanguard.”

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One such alliance was in evidence when two groups in which Guerini is involved in Italy—Resistenze al nanomondo and FINAARGIT (Feminist International Network Against Artificial Reproduction, Gender Ideology and Transhumanism)—protested outside the Milan Baby Fair in 2023.

Their action was supported by feminists from Genoa and Milan by a Catholic network drawing support from various cities in Italy and by a Marxist group from Milan that also opposed the “Green Pass” (vaccine passport).

Guerini has warned that the growth of the artificial reproduction industry threatens to lead to what she calls “a world without mothers.” In an article for the French journal Ecologie & Politique in 2022, she explained that the eugenicists behind test-tube babies and surrogate motherhood now had their sights on genetic engineering and artificial wombs, which would cut women out of the reproductive process. While the current justification for the technology was on medical grounds, helping people who could not have babies naturally, the long-term goal for the industry was no doubt to make artificial reproduction the norm and turn babies into yet more industrial “products.”

Guerini wrote: “The use of your own body would be considered a sign of social inferiority and poverty. A natural mother would be considered potentially irresponsible, like mothers who currently opt for home birth, refusing the hospitalization and medicalization of the process … Natural childbirth would first be treated as irresponsible, then criminal.”

Artificial wombs would eventually be demanded, or rather marketed, as a “right” for everyone, including “transgender” people, she predicted. Indeed, she noted that “the interests and the demands of the LGBTQ+ movement and transfeminism on the subject of reproduction converge with those of the techno-scientific and transhumanist system.”

What was involved, she set out in her 2023 book From the ‘Neutral’ Body to the Postmodern Cyborg: A Critique of Gender Ideology, was “a new synthetic identity, a dissociation from one’s sexed body and a claim to new rights bestowed by a progressive, rainbow and transgenic left together with LGBTQ+ organizations and the pharmaceutical and bionanotechnological apparatus. This is not a grassroots movement, it is an elite project, a lot of money is being invested to promote a dissociative body condition that unties us from our sexed bodies. The LGBTQ+ cause is now high on the agenda of the powerful, and its advocates are at the top of the media, in academia, and especially in Big Business, Big Philanthropy, and Big Tech.”

“The glittery trans industry is now attacking girls, boys, and adolescents. The pressure exerted through social media, print, and television and in every cultural sphere, especially in a progressive culture, is becoming stronger and stronger. A further worrying element was the parallel officially-approved sexualization of children, which will also serve to clear pedophilia as a new ‘sexual orientation’.” [Framed as MAP, Minor Attracted Person.]

Guerini took issue with the way that fluidity and deconstruction of meaning were today being presented to us as “progressive.” She observed: “Fluidity is the antithesis of density, of that which persists, which does not change, which endures and provides a foothold in the earth. The human being, conceived like any fluid, is supposed to be able to take on any form someone may want it to take.”

“No girl and no boy is born in the wrong body … We do not have a body, we are our body and many of our experiences originate from that very body. What we were witnessing,” she said, “is an attack on life, on nature, on what is born, as opposed to artificial.”

“All ties to the real, natural world must be severed. Everything must be artificial, synthetic, and virtual.” And, she warned, the price for so-called “emancipation” from the living and its natural constraints is “submission to the technological constraints of the machine world.”

Transhumanist ideology, embodied in the projects and aims of Silicon Valley, major research hubs, various foundations, and international groups, seeks to dispose of living processes and bodies. The end goal is to “transform the human being and everything living into the artificial, cybernetic and engineered world,” which would then be declared to be the only possible and imaginable world.

This would involve, Guerini has written elsewhere, the complete eradication of our sense of identity, “the tearing and subjugation of the deepest spirit of the human being,” and ultimately the cancellation of the “very sense of humanity.” A total demolition of the previous forms of existence is underway: how one comes into the world, biological sex, education, relationships, the family, even the diet that is becoming synthetic. “There must be no room for what will be deemed obsolete and a hindrance to the imperatives of the techno-scientific system.”

Children besieged with propaganda

With books re-written to align with the global agenda and the content dumbed down, future generations’ ability to think is being deliberately stunted, she pointed out. “Fewer words, less difficult words, fewer and poorer sentences and phrases, less but more ideologically oriented sense and meaning, less narrative variety, and poorer and poorer narratives about the world. Everything is sweetened and glittered.”

This targeting of children, notably when they are at school and beyond the protection of their families, amounts to a deliberate program of social engineering. “There is no need to burn books, just rewrite them. It is an attack on the capacity to develop critical thinking and thus on the very possibility of developing critical awareness. It is an attack that begins to mould girls and boys from an early age, building empty, superficial, depthless, sterile, neutral, fluid individuals, for a voluntary servitude necessary for the transhuman and posthuman project. New generations are the testing ground for the new world order, which is why it is so central to tear children away from families, to hand them over to technicians in white coats who will mould them according to the new transhuman dictates.”

In a December 2023 “Truth in Science” lecture for the Sinclètica Monastic School, Silvia Guerini stressed the unimaginable severity and scope of the separation being planned for us. “We are moving towards a complete dissociation from ourselves, from procreation, from life, from death, from reality, from truth. Today, everything that belonged to the past must be regarded as obsolete, as an error, as something continually to be overcome, in an overcoming that will never end. The past becomes something to be erased in order to break the thread that binds us to a history, to a tradition, to a belonging, for the transition towards a new uprooted humanity, without past, without memory, without a present and a future that can be held up precisely on the past, a new humanity dehumanized in its essence, totally in the hands of the manipulators of reality and truth.”

As Guerini has written, the removal of cultural identities and the loss of rituals and traditions “means making a people empty and fragile,” the perfect targets for manipulation by the “shapers of men” who have dispossessed their lives of real meaning.

Referencing the work of Ernst Jünger, she wrote: “The human being, reduced to a spectre, can only wander among the ruins, the rubble, and the deserts.” For Guerini, in the face of this great uprooting from the healthy and natural soil of “wild and free” living, we urgently need to reaffirm reality and truth: “If there is no reality and if there is no truth, there can be no freedom either.” The impulse for truth is a necessary condition for there to be cohesion within a community, in her view. “Truth is the existential foundation of the human. Its disintegration runs parallel with the disintegration of society and any community.” To counter this disintegration and the associated “desacralization of existence,” we should remember that there is “a Truth that comes from elsewhere, that we can grasp, feel, that is there, that comes from afar, that is handed down. It is the Truth of Tradition and Spirit. We must return to the setting of the rhythm of our lives by ritual, by the cycle of the seasons, by the cult of the dead, by the recovery of traditions.”

“Each community has a bodily and a spiritual dimension and weaves a bodily and spiritual bond with the place where it lives. Through rituals, the community recognizes itself and its place in the world beyond the contingent moment. Rites contribute to rooting and making a single existence endure in a time, in a territory, in a community. They create the spirit of a rooted community. They create a link beyond contingency, a recognition of what remains beyond our time. They create a common rhythm in relation to things, to time, to the natural world, to other living beings, they allow a resonance.”

Throughout her work, Silvia Guerini never shies away from the seriousness of the situation humankind is facing or the difficulty of overcoming the threat. But at the same time, she insists on the vital need to push aside our fears and engage in the great battle for the future. “The storm is coming. Let the free spirits rise to fight without expectations, without calculations, without justifications. We must be willing to fight even a losing battle to keep the sense of humanity free from the machine-world, to transmit to those who will come another sense of life. Under the rubble, fires will burn which will, just as we are already doing, keep alight a path of resistance.”

Originally published at