A Fork in the Road
By Toby Rogers
We must choose between two radically different futures.
Just imagine for a moment what the world will look like if we do NOT win:
- The soulless idiotic grifters—Fauci, Offit, Hotez, Califf, Cohen, Marks, etc.—will continue to be the gatekeepers and create the official narrative on all things related to vaccines.
- The CDC will keep adding more and more vaccines to the schedule—100, 110, 120—a shot every time you visit any doctor from now until you die “suddenly and unexpectedly.”
- Autism rates will continue to climb. Autism prevalence is already at 8% to 10% in Black and Latino communities. Within the realm of possibility in the next decade are 15% to 20% autism rates.
- Chronic illness will afflict an ever-growing share of the population. Currently, 54% of kids already suffer from one or more chronic illnesses. On the present course, 80% to 90% rates of chronic illness in the adult population seem well within the realm of possibility.
- The DoD (Department of Defense), WHO (World Health Organization), BMGF (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), and UNC (United Nations Command) will continue to release new gain-of-function viruses every two years, anytime Pharma’s profits sag, or whenever there’s an election that they need to win.
- Pharma will keep cranking out gene therapies that have negative efficacy while making people sick, causing infertility and birth defects, and increasing all-cause mortality by 15%.
- The mainstream media will continue hyping pandemics every day with ominous onscreen death trackers and breathless reporting from people who have no idea what they are talking about and are probably AI (Artificial Intelligence) anyway.
- Athletes will keep collapsing from cardiac arrest during games. Medics will just rush onto the field to pick up the dead and dying and the game will go on as if it has always been thus. Musicians will keep cancelling shows for unexplained reasons. Celebrities and everyday citizens in the prime of life will keep dying with no official cause of death ever declared.
- Doctors, scientists, and professors will keep saying “Oh gee golly shucks, whatever could it be!?” while not discovering anything of importance because they are always looking in the wrong place for the answers.
- Tax revenues will decline, and double-digit inflation will be the norm as there are not enough workers to produce goods and services. The federal government will keep printing more money to cover debts it never will be able to repay.
- AI will become more and more essential to daily life because people are so cognitively impaired. However, AI makes less and less sense because it is training on large language models filled with nonsense and controlled by corporate-friendly algorithms.
- Polarization in society will increase as people get madder and madder that nothing ever works like it used to. They will blame each other for the collapse of society that is actually being brought about by vaccines.
We don’t have to imagine any of that because all of it is already happening.
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Now, just for a moment, allow yourself to imagine what the world will look like if we DO win (if our ideas become hegemonic).
Here is a revolutionary wish list. One day, I hope it becomes our lived reality:
- The genocidal gatekeepers will be discredited, prosecuted, and jailed for crimes against humanity. In their place, will rise the leaders of tomorrow who actually understand the problem—Joe Ladapo as Surgeon General, Aaron Siri as Attorney General, and nine warrior moms and dads on the U.S. Supreme Court.
- The repeal of the 1980 Bayh-Dole Act, the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and the 2005 PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness) Act. Liability protection for corporations will be permanently banned. Medical freedom will be added to the U.S. Constitution.
- The U.S. will exit the World Health Organization. The assets of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust will be seized and paid out as reparations to the vaccine injured. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration), CDC (Centers for Disease Control), and NIH (National Institutes of Health) will be turned into vaccine holocaust museums.
- We will subsidize organic food production and place taxes on pesticides and herbicides. Agriculture will be based on healthy soils, supported by strong families and strong communities. Food will have actual nutrients in it again.
- Doctors will be doctors again—listening to patients and their own intuition and experience. Individualized (N-of-1) medicine will become the standard. Payments will be reasonable, transparent, and based on respect. Hospitals should not behave like used car dealers.
- Scientists will do research again instead of just engaging in regulatory capture. Actual research is difficult and slow. But we’re never going to get innovation again so long as Pharma is free to just buy the regulators and politicians.
- Children will be healthy again—laughing, playing, and socializing with each other. Prevalence rates will decline to near zero for autism, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), autoimmune disorders, childhood cancers, eczema, and epilepsy. Declining chronic disease rates will massively increase the resources available for those with chronic ailments.
- Chronic illness and pain will massively decline, which will also drive down healthcare costs as people are able to enjoy active lives again. People who are not dealing with inflammation and scarcity every day will also be better equipped to respect difference in our society.
- Seniors will be able to enjoy their golden years with their memories intact, surrounded by extended family.
- Mass shootings and school shootings will sharply decline as people are no longer neurologically injured by vaccines, and no longer hepped up on psychopharmaceuticals that cause suicidal and homicidal ideation.
- Healthy, clear-headed people will be better able to spot the lies of Artificial Intelligence and push back against this technological invasion in our lives.
- The economy will reward innovation and provide dignity for hard work again, with 3% to 5% growth every year. Healthy and sane employers and employees produce better products that improve people’s lives. Inflation will decline to 1% to 2% as competition keeps prices in check.
That’s my why. The world is awash in misery and death as a result of bad policy and bad law. But an entirely different future is possible if we choose to make it so.
Of course, we also have to figure out how to get from here to there. But for now I think it’s helpful to gain clarity on the road we are on and the better road we seek to travel.
What would you add to each of these lists?
Blessings to the warriors.
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide.
Huzzah for those who are building the parallel society our hearts know is possible.
Originally published at tobyrogers.substack.com