How To Get Your Tax Cattle To Love Digital Id


How to Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID

Published On: December 1, 2024Tags: , , , ,

A Guide for Left-wing or Right-wing Authoritarians

By James Corbett

Ladies and gentlemen, cyborgs, clones, interdimensional reptilian shapeshifters and assorted others: I bring you today glad tidings of joyous news! Our plan is almost complete!

Yes, after centuries of careful manipulation, we are almost ready to implement the final stage of our scheme for total global domination. All we need now is to get the tax cattle to accept their digital ID and the rest of the plan will fall into place.

First, the digital ID.

Then the digital currency.

Then a war or scamdemic or alien invasion or other emergency (yet to be decided).

Then: BAM! We have them!

Imagine. Everyone tracked everywhere they go! No one allowed to buy or sell without the digital ID chip in their hand or forehead! Every would-be resister identified and rounded up at a moment’s notice! Genetic manipulation of the species? Enforced brain chips? Carbon rationing? 15-minute cities? The end of free speech? The end of humanity itself? With our digital ID control grid in place, the sky’s the limit!

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There’s just one pesky problem. It seems the tax cattle are wary of the digital ID system. It seems it may take some doing to convince them of the benefits of being tracked, traced, surveilled, monitored, databased, regulated, allowed, disallowed, measured, mandated, restricted, cajoled, punished and reduced every moment of every day for the rest of their miserable little lives.

But let’s not worry about that. As you know, we have managed to get the tax cattle to sort themselves into two opposed groups: those who identify as “left-wing” and those who identify as “right-wing.” (Or, in the modern parlance, “libtards” and “fascists.”) It should be simple enough, therefore, to employ our usual psychological warfare tactics to create propaganda specifically tailored to appeal to each side’s sensibilities and lead them down the digital ID cattle chute toward the slaughterhouse.

I present to you, then, our ultra-secret guide to How To Get Your Tax Cattle to LOVE Digital ID: A Guide for Left- or Right-wing Authoritarians.

For the Left-Wing Authoritarian

Remember when the tax cattle on the left wing of our technocratic plantation were wary of the collaboration of government and business? Remember when they inherently distrusted Big Pharma and Big Agra and Big Finance and all the other “Bigs”?

Remember when they organized entire movements to protest the formation of the Big Tech “Octoputer” and to warn about the perils of digital dictatorship? Luckily, that’s all a relic of the past!

Yes, if recent events have taught us anything, it’s that there’s no Big Tech / Big Pharma / Big Government collaboration that the average lefty won’t swallow (or inject). All you have to do is tie your digital cattle tag into an establishment media-driven, government spokesmen-led campaign that allows the erstwhile “liberals” to virtue signal how willing they are to follow Big Brother’s orders and—hey, presto!—they’re lining up to get digitally cattle tagged with a manure-eating grin on their face.

And if that doesn’t work, how about this: you can always gin up a big scare over “fake news” or “disinformation”! Tell your cattle it’s all part of a Russian campaign to undermine your country or something like that. (Unless you’re a Russian authoritarian, of course. Then you blame it on Western meddling.) Once you get the people worked up over the horrid freedom of speech that has allowed this scourge to flourish, then you can propose your solution: a digital ID to get online!

After all, we’ve been trying to introduce a “driver’s license for the internet” for 24 years now, and the US government started testing it a decade ago. The trick is not how to get such a system to work on a technical level. That’s already taken care of. The trick is how to get the public sufficiently panicked about the latest cyber scare story to demand that we, their rightful rulers, force such a system on them.

Or, if the Russki/Chicom/North Korean disinfo bogeyman isn’t alarming enough, we can always pull out the time-tested emotional blackmail tactic of mothers everywhere: “Won’t somebody think of the children!”

Yes, children are being exploited, duped and lured into seedy parts of the internet by online predators, and they’re encountering all sorts of age-inappropriate material in cyberspace. So “think of the children” in this case means that parents should be committed, engaged guardians who take an active role in teaching their children how to behave responsibly online, right? It means these parents should be monitoring their kids’ internet usage, discussing issues of concern with them and making sure their online activities are restricted in age-appropriate ways, doesn’t it?

Pfff. Of course not! No, the only conceivable solution to the problem of online exploitation is online age verification, and the only conceivable way that can be done (according to the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a congress critter-infested “independent research institute”) is for US legislators to pass a bill that creates a “national, interoperable framework for securely issuing and validating digital IDs across all levels of government.”

The Aussies, meanwhile, are lightyears ahead of their American counterparts in terms of implementing these technocratic controls. That’s right, Australians are already thinking of the children! Earlier this month, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced that he would be introducing legislation to ban under-16s from social media platforms in that country. According to Australia’s ABC, depending on the wording of the bill that finally gets passed, this might mean “Australians will be asked to provide their IDs or biometric data directly to social media companies in order to use their platforms.”

And if it works in Australia, it’ll work in Canada, too! Just call it the “Protecting Young Persons from Exposure to Pornography Act,” make sure it imposes an age verification burden on social media platforms that will ultimately require a digital ID “solution,” and then dare any MP to oppose it. “Look, this sick politician opposed the bill, so he’s for exposing children to pornography!” Works every time.

And if all that doesn’t work, there’s yet another issue that can be exploited to get those bleeding-heart sandal-and-sock-wearing, granola-chewing lefties clamouring for their digital cattle tag: poverty!

You want to end poverty, don’t you? Of course, you do. And we can’t do that without a cute, cartoony, colour-coded UN-backed agenda driving us toward such a worthy goal, can we? And in the fine print of that agenda (but who’s got time to read anything these days?), we can let slip that it’s all about digital ID:


And the gullible rubes still wear their SDG lapel pins and think that the “Sustainable Development Goals” are actually aimed at helping the poor and caring for the sick or some such twaddle!

One way or another, we have the lefties in the bag for the tag!

For the Right-Wing Authoritarian

Remember when conservatives were wary of Big Brother infringing on their liberties? Remember when they protested Social Security cards because the very thought of having to accept a government-issued number in order to get a job was a sure sign that the Land of the Free was turning into a communist hellhole? Remember when they recognized the collusion of billionaire tech monopolists and the government as a bad thing?

Well, now that Trump is in office (with Musk and Thiel and the other “dark MAGA” Silicon Valley technocrats in tow), the would-be right-wing authoritarian doesn’t have to worry about Americans standing up against the coming digital ID anymore! Just wait until Elon starts including it with every Neuralink brain chip. Or when he makes you use an Israeli software company founded by “ex”-Unit 8200 members to verify your Twitter account. (And—oops!—it looks like that company “accidentally” exposed all their users’ identity documents!)

Thankfully, though, as a right-wing tyrant, you don’t have to rely on the based, edgy meme lord salesmanship of Elon “Hipster Gates” Musk. As it turns out, the “think of the children” tactic works on both sides of the aisle! Of the states that have enacted age verification laws requiring users to provide government ID to access adult sites online—Arkansas, Indiana, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, etc.—every single one of them voted for Team Red in the recent (s)election. Yes, repubs love requiring government-issued IDs for online access just as much as dems do! And it’s not just in the US. Canadian conservative party leader Pierre Poilievre has already pledged that the next Canadian conservative government will require age verification for online access.

But that’s not all! There are even deeper-seated conservative fears that can be played on to ram digital IDs down their throats. For example, remember when Trump came to power in 2016 campaigning on a promise to “build the wall”? Well, it turns out he didn’t mean THAT kind of wall. He meant a digital wall. You know, one with biometric scanners and digital ID and that kind of stuff.

Of course, anyone paying attention has known about this bait-and-switch for years. We all remember how Trump was (s)elected in 2016 on the back of his one-two punch: Illegal immigrants are overrunning America. America “desperately needs” a biometric entry/exit visa tracking system to stem the scourge of illegals. And we all remember how Trump’s much-ballyhooed “Muslim ban” casually slipped “Expedited Completion of the Biometric Entry-Exit Tracking System” into Section 7 of that document, right?

But the deep state agenda for the creation of the digital ID cattle tag grid didn’t end there. As Americans know by now, the “REAL ID” that Trump spent his first administration trying to ramrod down the American public’s collective throat is finally ready to be unleashed on the US next year. Whitney Webb reported earlier this year: In the US, the move toward the “real ID” system, which is to come into force in 2025, will see biometric collection in the US become a requisite for domestic flights and any other “official purposes” that the DHS Secretary can unilaterally determine require a “real ID.” The “real ID” also provides favourable provisions for digital IDs, such as digital driver’s licenses (such as the “Florida smart ID” being piloted in Ron DeSantis-governed Florida) and other “mobile digital documents and digital cards.” Elsewhere in the US, in airports, the push for digital IDs and facial biometric scans continues to rapidly advance.

The best part is, the erstwhile “conservatives” who would have been up in arms about such a move if it had come under a Harris administration will sheepishly (or is that cattle-ishly?) bow their heads and comply simply because it’s happening under Trump!

Even if there is resistance to this agenda, it can be quelled by dropping the nuclear bomb of conservative fears on the argument: “We have to stop these damn dirty libs from rigging our holy (s)elections!”

That’s right; if there’s anything that keeps the obedient statist tax cattle of Team Conservative up at night, it’s the fear that hordes of dead people are being registered to vote for the libs or that illegals are being shipped in to vote for the Dems in the next (s)election. And somehow, although those wily libtards managed to magically fake an extra 20 million votes into existence in 2020, they just somehow couldn’t manage it this time! (Probably because the MAGA crowd voted even harderer this time!) So NOW is the opportunity to use this right-wing control of government to stop (s)election-rigging from happening again.

And how do we stop (s)election-rigging? By breaking the two-party duopoly’s stranglehold over the US? By freeing people from their statist delusion that the real ruling powers of the United States of America, Inc. would ever put the future of their multi-trillion-dollar globe-spanning empire up for a vote?

Of course not! The answer is voter ID, of course! Naturally, such a system would have to be administered federally. And hey, it’s [Current Year]! It might as well be done digitally, doncha think? I mean, if it’s good enough for India and the Philippines, it’s good enough for the US of A, amirite?

Yes, won’t somebody think of the children!

Build the (digital biometric border) wall!

Stop the steal with a digital ID!

Whatever way you frame it, the right-wing cattle will be lining up for their digital tag in no time!

Any Questions?

Let’s see. We have left-wing voters. We have right-wing voters. That’s everyone, correct? Because everyone is either Team Left-Wing Oligarch or Team Right-Wing Oligarch, yes? There couldn’t possibly be anyone who is against both left-wing and right-wing oligarchs, could there be?

Well, if any such oddballs exist, not to worry. Like crabs in a bucket, the lefties and righties will make sure to attack any outliers, labeling them deranged conspiracy theorists or, worse yet, supporters of the other side so that their objections can be dismissed without discussion.

And the plan marches forward…

Now we entrust this special guide to our most trusted lieutenant.

Let’s hope he doesn’t leave our secret plans in an old photocopier…again! Just imagine if the public caught on to what we were doing! They might actually refuse to be digitally cattle-tagged! Anarchy! Luckily, that will never happen! Our plan is almost complete!

Now the rest depends upon you, dear reader…

Originally published at