The Biggest Untold Story in Canada
Canadians LOST their private Land Rights and it’s happening in New Zealand. This initiative is going on worldwide, including in the US, through governments’ adoption of UNDRIP — United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. It is the UN’s destabilizing, neutron bomb, designed to destroy the concept of private property and so much more.
Implementation of UNDRIP is being done quietly in the background. Not one politician in Canada informed the people of its dire consequences because there is only one political party to which all parties belong, the International Democrat Union chaired by Stephen Harper, to advance a new world order reset through politicians they install world-wide.
Purpose of Bill C15
In June 2021, Federal MPs and Senate passed Bill C-15 which,
4.a) affirms the Declaration (UNDRIP) as a universal, international, human rights instrument with application in Canadian law.
5. The Government of Canada, must in consultation and cooperation with Indigenous peoples, take all measures necessary to ensure that the laws of Canada are consistent with the declaration (UNDRIP).
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How you could lose your land
There is no legal definition of Indigenous in UNDRIP. The UN website has no official definition either, only mention of other’s definitions. This is confirmed in the following video of the C-15 standing committee, where Romeo Saganash, the main pusher of UNDRIP in Canada, states the same. This Vancouver document lays out what the world can expect when UNDRIP is implemented. It’s being rolled out in municipal, provincial, and county jurisdictions. It will radically disrupt everything.
During a Freedom Rising team leader’s Zoom Dec 16.22, former CBC Journalist Sarah Nicholson and Paul Fischer shared as follows:
Source: posts/533770668800510
*There is only ‘one’ political party
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that elected representatives have no legal obligation to their constituents. So why do people vote when there exists only one ‘big’ political party, the International Democrat Union, chaired by Stephen Harper to advance a new world order through politicians they install worldwide?
J. WILTON LITTLECHILD M.P. v. Citizens of Canada Docket No. 9012000725
1990: Queen’s Bench, Law Courts, Wetaskiwin, Alberta. EXCERPTS:
“I know of no legal duty on an elected representative at any level of government to consult with his constituents or determine their views. While such an obligation may generally be considered desirable, there is no legal requirement. I adopt the quotation from the trial in the Roman Corporation case, where he said:”
“It is of the essence of our parliament system of government that our elected representatives should be able to perform their duties courageously and resolutely in what they consider to be the best interests of Canada, free from any worry of being called to account anywhere except in parliament.”
Politicians say and do ‘anything’ to get elected however tyranny lives on.
UNDRIP Article 46.1
Remember, ‘all’ Canadian law is to be consistent with UNDRIP. No politician or news media want to talk about Article 46.1, which states:
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, people, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act contrary to the Charter of the United Nations or construed as authorizing or encouraging any action, which would dismember or impair, totally or in part, the territorial integrity or political unity of sovereign and independent States.
It is important to read at least these UNDRIP Articles 5, 26, 28, 29.1, 30, 32.1, 36, 46.1. UNDRIP_E_web.pdf
How Can We Stop This?
Get the truth out however you can. Educate others on this matter. Share videos listed below. Let your voice be heard.
Read Ron’s letter to MPs and Senators before the C-15 vote, where he lays out ‘big’ issues everyone should be aware of.
Contact politicians on this matter b/c they are the ones ‘implementing’ it, and b/c silence is implied consent. Advise them of potential consequences and liabilities.
MPS by province:
Withdraw consent
If a new indigenous property tax is added, whether hidden or not, and you pay it, you consent to their ownership of the land you bought. This is a sticky point most will eventually face.
Do we just pay it to go along to get along, relinquishing our land rights, or do we gain new awareness and collectively defend our rights?
Article 26.1 reads: Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired.
Custom and agreement overrule law.
Article 26.1 does not say Indigenous peoples have rights to the lands, territories and resources, which they have ‘not’ traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired, and not without an agreement signed by you.
Most important video ‘ever’ about the future
What follows is Pope Francis’ Oct 03.20 Encyclical Letter ‘Fratelli Tutti’ on fraternity and social friendship; a document on catholic social doctrine well disguised.
Social theology will only work if there are enough poor people they can get on board. So, the poorer they can make society the more likely they are to succeed in getting the power they want. This is a very dangerous precedent.
Fratelli Tutti is UN Agenda 2030 encyclicals/documents/papa-francesco_20201003_ enciclica-fratelli-tutti.html
Encyclical # and comments from the video below.
5. In other words, the mega religions of the world appear to be on board.
7. Of course, the Pope had to mention covid-19 and reasons we need rapid change.
29. Ask yourself, is a shared roadmap actually the World Economic Forum’s great reset in a world where you own nothing?
37. The Pope has always maintained we have to have migrants; we have to mix cultures. Cultures come with religions, so, is the plan to blend religions toward a one world religion foretold as the anti-christ?
40. Nothing you own is yours if a poor person has need of it
113. In other words, individuality must go.
32. In other words, we are all one. Individuality is something that needs to be faded out.
119. In other words, if you have something and another person doesn’t have, you are at fault because you have, not the other person because he doesn’t bother to attain it. There are some who can’t attain it and they have to be taken care of, but this is typical social doctrine of the roman catholic church. What happened to? “Give a man a fish, he will be hungry again tomorrow; teach him to catch fish and he will be richer all his life.” M. Loane 1911 120. In other words, if you own something you are a thief. Nothing you own is actually yours if someone has need of it. If they need it, they can take it.
121. In other words, if you live in a rich Nation of hard working people, you have to give what you have away to the poor people. You have to. This is catholic social doctrine. Capitalism in all its forms has to disappear.
123. In other words, you have nothing.
A foreign, destabilizing weapon against humanity
The Indigenous peoples need to see they are being used for the World Economic Forum’s agenda of “You will own nothing and be happy” by 2030.
The wicked ones care not about the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the depressed nor the injured. All they care about is power, control, and thwarting the higher divine nature of man upon which they thrive.
With UNDRIP being UN based, this means the UN becomes the banker, the group that holds the property. Over the past two years, on many reserves, new offices have been built. UN trained entities are connecting with Indigenous peoples to manage the transition.
Most reserves are federally owned, operated and funded. This is not just dealing with Indigenous peoples, it’s dealing with an arm of the federal government, creating a dangerous situation for all Indigenous peoples and all the regular community.
For more information, follow Ron’s YouTube channel at:
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