

Image by Ben Garrison,

Absurdity Observer – November 2023

Published On: November 1, 2023Tags: , , , ,

Some Of The Most Absurd Things That Have Happened In Recent Weeks

  • Pfizer admits the public received a different vaccine formulation than one they tested. New information has emerged that the COVID vaccine Pfizer distributed was not produced using the same process as the vaccine that was tested prior to gaining approval for distribution. This clinical trial bait-and-switch, Pfizer claims, was necessary since the process they used during the trials could not be used on a mass scale in a cost-effective way. Unlike their original “clinical batches” process, the mass scaled process leaves behind plasmid DNA remnants in the vaccine, which has been linked to side effects.
  • “Environmentalists” are now advocating that we chop down trees to save the planet. Forget planting trees to suck up the carbon in the air, the Bill Gates funded tech company Kodama Systems is planning on chopping down and burying trees that are at risk of “burning or decaying” to reduce the chances of trees naturally dying and spewing their stored carbon back into the air.
  • The World Economic Forum wants white people kicked to the back of hospital wait lists. The WEF has created an “equity” health initiative (The Global Health Equity Network) that prioritizes — and de-prioritizes — patients on the basis of their ethnicity. The initiative has already been rolled out in New Zealand, where it is pushing Māori patients up wait lists to “fight inequality.”

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  • The CIA paid off analysts in order to bury their findings that COVID-19 most likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China, new whistleblower testimony to US Congress alleges. According to the whistleblower, in the CIA COVID Discovery Team, which consisted of 7 experienced officers with significant scientific expertise, 6 of the 7 believed that the intelligence and science were sufficient to say that COVID-19 may have originated in a lab. The 7th, who happened to be the senior officer and who did not agree with the team, orchestrated for team members to be given a significant monetary incentive to change their position.
  • Preprint study titled, “Unnaturalness in the evolution process of the SARS-CoV-2 variants and the possibility of deliberate natural selection,” (Atsushi & Takayuki) finds evidence of deliberate and systematic creation of the circulating covid variant Omicron. The scientists noted that perfect reversions of mutations like this, on such a scale, in addition to the lack of synonymous (non-functional) mutations, is completely implausible by any natural process. The top virologists who authored the paper noted that the academic journal they submitted to is refusing to publish their article, not because they have a problem with the study’s data or science, but because the article contains “potential inflammatory language.”
  • 8-Year-Old Israeli ‘Poster Child’ for COVID vaccines dies of sudden cardiac arrest. Israel, sometimes referred to as “the world’s largest Pfizer casestudy” due to its significant purchase and brutal mandate of exclusively Pfizer vaccines, had previously featured Yonatan Moshe Erlichman in a government-sponsored commercial promoting the COVID-19 vaccine. The young boy’s tragic death mirrors the story of Santino Godoy Blanco, the Argentine vaccine ‘poster boy’ who died last year at age 4 from pneumonia.
  • While simultaneously lacking support and not offering affordable rehab centres to those with addictions, Canada’s Medically Assisted Dying Program (MAiD) announced it will expand to include those with solely drug and alcohol addictions this spring.
  • Study titled, “BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination in Children alters cytokine responses to heterologous pathogens and toll-like receptor agonists,” (Noé et al.) revealed that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine is detrimental to children’s immune response to other viral infections. The study found that the shots decreased interleukin-6 in particular, an essential player in fighting viral infections. This study supports the finding of a similar previous study (Fohse et al.) and also real-word findings of increased viral infection rates that the WHO and the CDC have reported on.
  • The CDC just publicly admitted that the COVID vaccine was not life saving and harmful for children. In their recent ACIP report (on, they claimed “per million doses in 12-17-year-olds over 6 months, 0-1 deaths have been prevented.” Even worse, that same report noted that every million doses resulted in 100,000 – 200,000 severe side effects (see breakdown by reporter @AlexBerenson).
  • As a part of the same government legislation that is preventing from being shared on sites such as Facebook, the Canadian government is expanding the Online Streaming Act to require all major streaming platforms to register with the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). This will likely include platforms like YouTube, Netflix, TikTok, Spotify, and Rumble. As the CRTC announced, the Act includes a proposed rule that would force content to be available in “English, French, and Indigenous languages’’ and aims to make content “more inclusive of persons with disabilities, ethno-cultural groups, racialized communities, and 2SLGBTQI+ communities.”
  • A new Penn State study titled, “Life Course Patterns of Prescription Drug Use in the United States 3,” (Ho) reveals that people born in the US today will spend over half their lives taking prescription drugs. The findings of the study aligned with what a 2022 US Congressional Budget Office report noted that nationwide spending on prescription drugs increased from the equivalent of $30 billion in 1980 USD to $335 billion in 2018. Accounting for inflation, real per capita spending on prescription drugs increased more than sevenfold, from $140 (in 2018 USD) to $1,073 USD. (
  • A shocking new report by Canadian Institute for Health Information reveals that at least 602 transgender minors have had breasts surgically removed in Canada since 2018 as part of so-called “gender affirming care.” Some children were as young as 14-years-old. The actual number of minors who have undergone life-changing gender affirming surgeries is likely larger as private clinics that cater to transgender clients were not included in the study.
  • While Girl Guides of Canada is actively encouraging their members to attend pride parades on their blog, the Santa Clause Parade is off limits. The organization announced that the Santa Clause parade and other Christmas-related activities are off-limits to its members because the organization does not allow religion and is trying to be more “inclusive.” Earlier this year, GGC also rebranded the name of their “Brownies” group to “Embers” to be more inclusive. Despite their focus on “inclusivity,” GGC previously banned unvaccinated leaders.