

Why is Canada Burning?

By Zak Nicholls

Oxford Dictionaries define geoengineering as a noun, 1. the deliberate large-scale manipulation of an environmental process that affects the earth’s climate, in an attempt to COUNTERACT the effects of GLOBAL WARMING.

Oxford almost got it right. Change COUNTERACT to CREATE and GLOBAL WARMING to CLIMATE CHANGE and they will have nailed it.

Forest fires are nearly the perfect geoengineering tool. They are likely the third most effective process to guarantee climate crisis, following nuclear cataclysm and exploding volcanoes. Currently, forest fires are the easiest and cheapest method of geoengineering.

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There is a saying: An evil man will burn down his own nation to the ground in order to rule over the ashes. I believe that is the kind of crazy we are dealing with; however, nuclear winter might be taking it too far. Bill Gates and friends are working on revving up volcanic action, thinking that might be a safer and easier alternative to atomic Armageddon.

Persistent lasting contrails (chemtrails) leave an all too easily identifiable time stamp that gets people to talking and taking pictures. I suppose one question that I would want answered regarding forest fires, is what causes our earth to be so combustible? I read somewhere that aluminum is incendiary. Maybe that is why persistent lasting contrails are so important.

What is coal fly ash?

Officially, geoengineers suggest sulphur might be an effective aerosol to prevent the sun from doing its job. Has anyone seen the sulphur pyramids in the Alberta tar sands? They are the largest pyramids on earth. I wonder what that sulphur might be used for? Placing reflective particles in the atmosphere will cause a minuscule number of life-giving rays of sunshine to bounce back from whence they came; however, it can also create a greenhouse effect between the ash and where we dwell.

Does anyone remember acid rain? That was the threat du jour of the eighties. Everything had to change in order to prevent the end of the world. People had to change their behaviour. Acid rain had to be stopped! It was so bad, it was going to eat right through and destroy important things like statues of historic people, denying BLM (Black Lives Matter) the future opportunity.

Was 911 possibly a giant experiment to test and justify the effects of geoengineering? Following the attacks that provided George Bush the side benefit and perfect opportunity to reclaim US oil buried under the sands of Iraq and prop up the welfare of the military industrial complex, the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater took the opportunity to grab temperature data from immediately before the attack, and the three days of grounded flights. They say the change in the temperature difference was +1.8 degrees Celsius.

What is the so-called no turning back global tipping point?

What can be done when a corporation and the governments that serve them want to exploit resources when there is a pesky boreal forest and so-called environmentalists in the way? There is an easy solution that provides easy access to elements needed for EVs and smart phones. Burn that forest down, but label it as climate change. Blame it on and demand concessions from the peasants. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Why geoengineering? Power and money, or possibly money and power.