World War Iii May Have Already Begun


World War III May Have Already Begun

Published On: December 1, 2024Tags: , , , , , , , ,

By Melvin Frohike

Friends, if the last five years here in Western society have left you with a sense of disconnectedness and confusion as regards the society you live in, a discussion of the recent work by David Hughes could be just the panacea you need.

Hughes, a British scholar and academic, is only the latest critical thinker to argue that Covid-19 was a psychological operation and not a health emergency. It was a way to usher in technocracy, a path to totalitarianism by a transnational elite. As a quick aside, can I suggest we start replacing the word “elite” with “elitist”? Calling these people elites feeds into their own overblown narcissism while calling them elitists is a far better descriptor.

Hughes has coined the term “Omniwar” to better describe the variety of attacks being waged against the people. He describes it this way. “World War III is waged using the novel methods of Omniwar—that is, war waged across every domain of life, but clandestinely and with plausible deniability where possible, so that the public does not recognize it as such.” This war is the few (global elitists) versus the many (the rest of us).

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Omniwar is nothing like past wars—the effort now is focused on gaining control of every single individual through the use (misuse) of technology.

The Weaponization of Everything

In support of his thesis, Hughes presents fifteen easily identified areas that are being used to attack and subject (mainly Western) populations. In the interests of space, I have selected a handful for review. You may not agree with every example, but pondering Hughes’s position and considering his argument is still worthwhile.

1. Weaponized Health Care – the fact that odious Covid-19 measures were rolled out in lockstep fashion by governments worldwide suggests they were not meant to protect the population’s health but, instead, to cause maximum harm to people, particularly the weak and vulnerable. Consider the damage done by lockdowns, mandated injections, loss of employment, delays in education, forced medical treatments, reduced worldwide fertility rates, etc. The list seems endless.

2. Vaccines – Way before Covid-19, there were reasonable questions from reasonable people about vaccine safety, with specific, well-founded concerns around possible links to autism in children and infants. More recent microscopic analyses of Covid-19 vaccines and the documentation of a variety of unidentified substances within them have increased our suspicions. The now-famously blank Covid-19 vaccine package inserts and recent damning Pfizer Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) disclosures in the United States (US) demonstrate that pharmaceutical companies were aware early on of the terrible side effects. The Amazon bestselling book by author and former Presidential consultant Dr. Naomi Wolf, The Pfizer Papers (2024), corroborates that fact.

3. The Great Poisoning – Hughes notes the general trend towards the poisoning of necessities like food and water, particularly in Western countries. Recent court decisions in the US prove that the ingredient Glyphosate found in the herbicide Roundup is poisonous to soil and especially wheat, and a recent California Court’s strongly worded decision shows that the fluoridation of drinking water can damage cognitive neurodevelopment in children.

4. Financial Warfare – Rising Inflation since 2022 has disproportionately hurt the working classes. In the United States, Canada and the UK, we have seen governments and the private sector colluding to engage in financial censorship and penalties against political dissidents.

5. Information Warfare – We were first introduced to the dishonest phenomenon of “fact-checking” during Covid. It is by now well established that most, if not all, Covid-era fact-checking was carried out by groups both directly and indirectly funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Remember, too, “Freedom of Speech but not Freedom of Reach,” that juvenile mantra rolled out on Twitter / X. This was also a disguised tool for the suppression of inconvenient truths.

6. Law and Order – Hughes points to evidence of police brutality against Covid protesters but not other kinds of protesters. This leads to the appearance of a politicized policing policy. There is also a growing use of “lawfare”—using the judicial system as a means to silence and persecute dissidents. Both examples will resonate with Canadians who remember the Freedom Convoy, many of whom are, even today, aware that our judicial system continues to be used to target Freedom Convoy participants, and other social/political dissenters.

7. Subversion of Christianity – Christianity has been increasingly subverted for the last 100 years, claims Hughes. But the recent uptick has been dramatic. Evidence the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, which included a blatant mockery of Christ’s Last Supper. Clearly, it has nothing to do with sports but was seemingly designed to attack, offend, disrespect and sow disunity. Covid rules, in particular, targeted churches and other places of worship, causing many to close their doors and alienating many Christians from their houses of worship – further dividing them and subverting their unity. Because of the abject failure of many churches to oppose such measures, many Christians have not returned.

8. Weather Modification (as a military objective) – Hughes points to a 1996 US Department of Defence (DoD) document entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025”. Sources like have shown that some governments view weather management as a military operation. Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI) affect the air we breathe; the Canadian government openly admits to cloud manipulation efforts in response to the “crisis” of Global, er… Climate Change. Any Canadian interested in a VERY strange episode in the career of former Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister can watch a video of him (not) answering a question about Ivermectin from a voter by “thanking the people who sent the rain”.1 It mostly came across as a hostage statement. Brian Pallister thanks the Rainman.

9. War on Children – This sank to new lows during Covid when children and infants were forced to wear facemasks and regard other children as bio-hazards. Delayed education, impaired communication development and trauma were the order of the day. Many were disgusted by the fact that unknown substances were being injected into millions of children, sometimes in direct opposition to parental instructions.2 All of this is in addition to the mounting revelations about child trafficking and global pedophile networks. Have you heard about the UN’s promotion of “minor-attracted” as a basic human right? The U.N. Sympathizes with the Minor Attracted Person (MAP) community.3

10. War on the Elderly – Hughes notes that while the UK government continues to find billions of dollars to support the Ukrainian war against Russia, nine million elderly UK citizens had their winter fuel allowance cut by the government in 2023/2024. The misguided overprescriptions of Remdesivir and Medazepam in the UK amounted to involuntary euthanasia in elder care homes and an attack on vulnerable elderly. The scandal in New York state elder care homes, which has resulted in a recommended prosecution of then-governor Cuomo, is further evidence of the war on the elderly.

“It’s World War Three. It is stealthy, and it has you as its target,” argues Hughes. But he also encourages that once you recognize it, you can defend against it.

Do not be daunted, friends. Understand that their goal is to leave you confused and incoherent. Recognizing this makes it easier to begin taking steps to protect yourself, your mind, and your family. For anyone interested in learning more about Omniwar or other work by David Hughes, please visit
