What Is Mandatory?
By Kuen Chow
Directly from the Black’s Law ‘legalese’ dictionary. Illegitimate “authority” and man’s “law” entrapment language 101: Definitions taken from the attached link and key words
“The action of mandamus [Latin for mandatory, “We command”] is one, brought in a court of competent jurisdiction, to obtain an older of such court commanding an inferior tribunal, board, corporation, or person to do or not to do an act the performance or omission of which the law enjoins as a duty resulting from an office, trust, or station. Where discretion is left to the inferior tribunal or person, the mandamus can only compel it to act, but cannot control such discretion.”
Did you read that correctly? By legalese definition, YOU are INFERIOR to the arbitrary “laws” of the state. I thought the government and it’s agencies worked for us? I thought they’re supposed to protect our sovereignty?
A mandate is a LEGAL act to compel, NOT LAWFUL and “CANNOT control such discretion”…
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Discretion: “Individual choice or judgment”
The state and their agencies can try to compel you to do something, but unless you give them consent, they CANNOT take further action, by their own definition.
Just because someone in “authority” tries to command you, you have a choice. A mandate isn’t a law and doesn’t require your participation. Wearing a mask or getting injected is a choice…
Legal and lawful are NOT the same…
You are complying with arbitrary legal acts that have no power or lawful standing.
Any police officer handing out fines, demanding to see your exemption, escorting you off the premises, holding you under duress or ANY other compelling act/command are all UNLAWFUL acts/commands and have NO real power.
- You do NOT need to show exemption
- You do NOT need to pay unlawful fines
- You do NOT need to cooperate
Policing is supposed to be done via consent, so they can’t do a damn thing without it… They only get away with what they do because you’re ill informed and don’t know how to deal with them…
It is YOUR duty as a sovereign citizen to not comply with unlawful acts of an unlawful government and unlawful police. It’s YOUR duty to stop complying with tyrants that have ZERO clue about the “laws” they are enforcing.
- Language matters
- Consent matters
- Constitutional and Common Laws matter
- Natural Law is the source of your rights and common law is the enactment and protection of your natural rights
- Rights matter
- Freedom matters
- Cherish it and fight for it…
- When are you going to start being brave and stop complying with tyranny…?
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