

A More Comprehensive Perspective Please

Published On: February 1, 2022Tags: , , ,

By Pat Keating

I would like to take this opportunity to mention a few comparative examples of current and historical events that might widen the readers’ perspective with regard to today’s coronaviruses and the resulting vaccine mandates. I am not an accomplished writer and will therefore present my thoughts in point form in order to keep this article as short and simple as possible.

  1. The military involvement of wealthy western nations over the last number of decades in the Middle East has been presented to its citizens by political leaders, military experts, and mainstream media platforms as necessary for world peace, stability and the safety of its citizens from militant terrorists. Similar to today’s pandemic coverage; overwhelming mainstream media coverage using images, slogans, rhetoric, dogma and commentary has been used to justify these military actions which have resulted in the expenditure of trillions of dollars in tax payers money. Those of us who questioned these actions and the mainstream narrative are sometimes regarded as ignorant, subversive and unpatriotic. We have been told to ‘support the troops’ and venerate the ‘frontline heroes’. We are also told by the authorities and experts that the actions taken, with the resulting collateral damage, are unfortunate but necessary. These countries are now seemingly worse off than before. Vast sums of taxpayers money have ended up in the hands of a few multinational military and industrial corporations. Instead of roads, hospitals, housing, community centres, power generating infrastructure etc. being created, many have been bombed and destroyed. Now we are no more secure than before. In fact we are less secure, with more people who are angry and radicalized because of the deaths and destruction caused. Sometimes fear, whether real or perceived, makes societies react in negative, destructive and nonsensical ways. This seems to be similar to some of the actions taken in response to this current pandemic. Maybe the money and public resources devoted to weapons etc. could have been used at home and abroad to invest in hospitals and critical infrastructure in preparation of our growing populations of sick and elderly. This would have helped mitigate the health crisis we have today.

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  1. The development and implementation of antibiotics. This has been a game changer in modern day medicine, helping to prevent injury and death due to microbial infections with seemingly little adverse risk. The effectiveness of antibiotics has led to widespread use and sometimes overuse in both humans and animals. One such example is the well documented overprescribing of antibiotics by doctors to their patients as a ‘cure all’ measure for many ailments. Another example is the overuse of antibiotics for profit, in intensive commercial livestock settings to promote animal growth through the prevention of microbial disease. This overuse has led to the emergence of antibiotic resistant ‘superbugs’ which have caused a host of problems and complications, costing society dearly. Can we compare this overuse to the possible overuse of vaccines as a ‘cure all’ for infectious diseases? It should be noted that children growing up in Ontario during the 1970’s and early 1980’s received a total of 22 vaccine doses for the prevention of infectious diseases as compared to now (2020 ‘pre covid’) where children receive 66 vaccine doses by the time they are 18. Antibiotics are ‘good’. More antibiotics are not necessarily ‘better’. Vaccines are ‘good’. Are more vaccines necessarily ‘better’? May there be unforeseen negative consequences?
  2. The development and introduction of semi-synthetic and synthetic opioids. Another medical technology which seemed at first to be a panacea in the treatment of both chronic and acute pain. Large pharmaceutical companies developed, heavily marketed and promoted these new drugs downplaying the potential risks. Medical doctors embraced these drugs, prescribing them and in many cases over prescribing them. In recent years it has come to be understood that these drugs have significant potential in creating strong mental and physical addiction as well as the risk of death or injury due to overdose. This has caused a huge expense to society, putting a large strain on an already fragile health system. Further legal investigations have exposed some pharmaceutical companies with the manipulation and obfuscation of data under the guise of proprietary information. This is not an isolated scenario. Large pharmaceutical corporations have been investigated and convicted by judicial bodies worldwide for withholding and manipulating data, sometimes many years later after the damage to society has been done. All in the name of profit and competitive advantage. Does the public at present have access to all the data regarding these current vaccines? No. We have enough data which has been studied by medical scientists and specialists worldwide raising legitimate questions and concerns as to their safety, efficacy, and necessity, disregarding any far fetched conspiracy theories.
  3. Macintyre powder. This has been in the local news lately. It is an aluminum and aluminum oxide powder that was administered (inhaled) by miners between 1943 and 1979. It was thought to prevent silicosis among miners. For many it was mandated by their employers as necessary for their health and safety. Only later was it discovered to have no protective effect and in fact results in an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease and possibly other neurological diseases. The studies are ongoing. The possible comparisons to vaccine mandates speak for themselves in my opinion.
  4. I could continue with many other examples of drugs and medical treatments that at first seemed only beneficial with little adverse risk (ie. thalidomide, some implants, negative reactions to multiple drug use etc.) only later to be recognized as causing unforeseen harm many years later after exposure to large segments of the population, especially to the sick and elderly. In conclusion with the above examples in mind, it seems to me that one of the main underlying themes of advanced societies is: the few and powerful disproportionately control and shape the perspectives and actions/reactions of the many, often for their own benefit. This is done by various means including the use and control of public resources, the control of information by media including books, newspapers, and digital platforms. Some of us have difficulty believing those in positions of power both public and private would offer nothing but the absolute truth concerning important issues of the day. I believe it is incumbent on the individual to question everything presented to us in society. Be curious. Be critical. Exercise your intellect through the pursuit of knowledge. This might help make for a better society in my opinion. Sometimes what at first may seem to be a clear cut issue is in fact more complex and nuanced. I hope this letter helps the reader widen his or her perspective and to understand/ empathize with those of us who choose not to participate in this current vaccine regime. Instead, choosing a healthy diet and lifestyle and if necessary, undertaking successful and well documented therapies in the event of contracting these ever mutating corona viruses.

Respectfully, Pat Keating. Tehkummah