Whopowergrab Thegoodthebadandtheugly


W.H.O. Power Grab: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

By Shellie Troy

Thanks to a sustained resistance, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) dreadful Pandemic Agreement was not ratified on June 1st! The combined efforts of a great many—protesters, activists, lawyers, scientists, doctors, social media influencers, journalists and concerned citizens—showed that people power gets results. This good news provides a breather but would-be overlords are already busy making workarounds. The next draft of the International Health Regulations (IHR) is promised in six months and next year, another worldwide vote occurs.

“We will get there,” a defeated Director-General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, told the cameras.

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“Not on our watch,” said Dutch lawyer and passionate activist, Philipp Kruse, who’s been closely involved. “The legal instruments being created make the WHO the sole arbiter of pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The WHO claims an absolute and non-questionable leadership in all health matters and claims to have the ultimate expertise and ultimate power in all aspects of this wide field. The rule of law will be replaced by the rule of emergencies.” 1

One man (Tedros Ghebreyesus) perched on top of a feudal-era pyramid, has the power to call global emergencies—and call them off. He appears to have power over the entire organization. All functions and committees are under his direct control:

Article 12 (1) The Director-General shall determine […] whether an event constitutes a public health emergency of international concern.

Article 49 (1) The Director-General shall convene meetings of the Emergency Committee by selecting a number of experts.

Article 49 (2) The Director-General shall provide the Emergency Committee with the agenda and any relevant information concerning the event.

Article 49 (5) The Director-General shall make the final determination on these matters.

Article 50 (3) The Members of the Review Committee shall be selected and appointed by the Director-General.

The Director-General (DG) could override any nation that disagrees with an emergency declaration. He has sole control of all communications with the public and media.2

All the focus on the DG certainly shields Mr. Oz behind the curtain. Bill Gates appointed Ghebreyesus. He’s the WHO’s largest funder. “Virtually every significant decision at WHO is first vetted by the Gates Foundation.” 3 Very sleuth of Gates to hoist another player, who’s also eager for the career bump, into the limelight. Ghebreyesus becomes doppelganger, puppet, and most important, cover. If a WHO power grab succeeds, Gates & Gang would set in motion some terrible times.

Trudeau’s Liberal government did not veto.

On the Government of Canada site, enthusiastic bureaucracy is in full swing. A declaration of support for “the development of a new WHO convention, agreement or international instrument” is coddled by optimistic splatter giving the impression that “we’ve anticipated every possible angle.” Nothing seems to worry them.4

If WHO gets international legal licence, Article 55 (3) states Canada will have to “adjust its domestic legislative and administrative arrangements fully with these Regulations within 12 months.” Floating around X last week was a photo of a dour Theresa Tam standing next to Tedros Ghebreyesus, who was smiling deliriously. Easy guess that Tam is in line to be the nation’s biomedical czar, who is required by the Regulations to report directly. Canada’s “health” management would have to develop pandemic readiness. New information networks are supposed to hook deeply into local communities and funnel data up the chain of command. They’re called Core Capacities: prevention, surveillance, reporting, notification, verification, preparedness, response, and collaboration. (Annex 1, 1a)

Article 7 outlines “information sharing.” If Canada “has evidence of an unexpected or unusual public health event within its territory […] it shall provide to WHO all relevant public health information.” This “sharing” includes our personal data. Article 45: Canada “may process and disclose personal data where essential for the purposes of assessing and managing a public health risk.” The (c) clause states that monitoring personal data would be ongoing: health data must be “accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.”

The bought-off media has been mute.

Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis, however, has not: “… if the government fails to be transparent with Canadians as it ratifies a far-reaching expansion to WHO jurisdiction and powers, it will undermine the democratic rights of Canadians to determine their own governance.” 5

The good news in the current IHR draft is that health documents may be issued in non-digital or digital format, no specific travel pass required, and no vaccine passports, all of which would have marched us faster into a digital gulag.

The document lists 63 Terms of its legal instruments. Here are a few:

  • “intrusive” means possibly provoking discomfort through close or intimate contact or questioning;
  • “invasive” means the puncture or incision of the skin or insertion of an instrument or foreign material into the body or the examination of a body cavity. For the purposes of these Regulations, medical examination of the ear, nose and mouth, temperature assessment using an ear, oral or cutaneous thermometer, or thermal imaging; medical inspection; auscultation; external palpation; retinoscopy; external collection of urine, faeces or saliva samples; external measurement of blood pressure; and electrocardiography shall be considered to be non-invasive;
  • “decontamination” means a procedure whereby health measures are taken to eliminate an infectious or toxic agent or matter on a human or animal body surface, in or on a product prepared for consumption or on other inanimate objects, including conveyances, that may constitute a public health risk;
  • “ill person” means an individual suffering from or affected with a physical ailment that may pose a public health risk;
  • “relevant health products” means those health products needed to respond to public health emergencies of international concern, including pandemic emergencies, which may include medicines, vaccines, diagnostics, medical devices, vector control products, personal protective equipment, decontamination products, assistive products, antidotes, cell-based and gene-based therapies, and other health technologies.

Why are retinoscopy and electrocardiography included? Why is “may constitute or may pose” enough reason to apply “procedures,” whatever those are? Why are cell-based and gene-based therapies called “therapies” and not the Frankensteining of medicine?

Actual science gets very little mention in the 62-page document other than these two Terms:

  • “scientific evidence” means information furnishing a level of proof based on the established and accepted methods of science;
  • “scientific principles” means the accepted fundamental laws and facts of nature known through the methods of science.

What are those “accepted methods of science”?

Well, a cabal of the greedy and demented pushed an experimental, untested vaccine into billions of arms. Their methods harmed and killed millions because their “science” has legal immunity. Weasel words are scattershot throughout the Regulations—“may, could, possibly, might”— words that hammer fear and anxiety, planting “what if” terrors into the minds of the brainwashed, and are the trademark tactics of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

If all this bad wasn’t bad enough, now for the ugly.

Protecting the WHO’s “risk communication, including addressing misinformation and disinformation” are part of the Regulations, so expect the Trudeau government to increase its propaganda warfare: demonize fact-tellers, ignore whistleblowers, censor critics, stifle free speech, stoke social division, and manipulate the public mood.

As expected, the big winners are pharmaceutical companies and their retinue. In a lengthy post mortem discussion between Dr. Meryl Nass and James Corbett, Corbett observed that the pharma cartel want to ensure the billions of dollars keep rolling in.6 A new legal article was expanded in this latest IHR draft: Article 44bis – Coordinating Financial Mechanism seeks “to maximize the availability of financing” and “work to mobilize new and additional financial resources” and “promote the provision of timely, predictable, and sustainable financing.”

This Financial Mechanism would be a well-guarded bureaucracy whose sole purpose is to measure, calibrate, and increase revenues.

Global policing makes an entrance in Article 13 (3), offering “international teams of experts for on-site assistance, when necessary.” Buried in Annex 2 are checklists—for “guidance purposes”—to assist nations in the identification of a pandemic. “Is external assistance needed to detect, investigate, respond, and control the current event, or prevent new cases?” And last, but certainly not least, Article 6 is a doozy. “If the notification received by WHO involves the competency of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) … immediately notify the IAEA.”

These red flags reveal the merging of military and big pharma.

Robert Kennedy Jr. exhaustively documented this disturbing trend in his must-read book, The Real Anthony Fauci. Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci, and many others now conflate biowarfare with public health—while making personal fortunes. Six decades of war game tabletop exercises have solidified a biosecurity mindset, war game conferences produce blueprints for predicting pandemics, and think tanks make step-by-step instructions for governments on censorship, media compliance, and manufacturing public obedience.

The World Health Organization (WHO) would-be overlords, finance sharks, and politicians who would ratify Regulations without our knowledge or consent—should learn our Terms: Our human rights and body autonomy are sacrosanct. We will not comply, we do not recognize your invented authority, no more secretive scheming and fake emergencies, no medical martial law, and no more billions stolen from taxpayers and handed over to serial criminals who are trying to build a biosecurity police state.

1. Dr. Philipp Kruse, Dutch lawyer and activist


2. WHO IHR Amendments as of June 1/2024


3. Robert F Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci ~ Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War Against Democracy and Public Health

4. canada.ca/en/public-health/services/emergency-preparedness-response/canada-role-international-pandemic-instrument/engagement-forum.html#a5

5. leslynlewismp.ca/2024/01/17/the-who-pandemic-treaty

6. doortofreedom.org/is-this-a-win-all-you-need-to-know-on-the-world-health-assembly