The Real State of Law Under the Federal Corporation CANADA
By Djohn Lawrence
I am writing this article in the spirit of Druthers [“If I had my druthers, we would all know the truth”].
I’ve been a reader, distributor, and supporter of Druthers, in my community, from its beginning. This article is my attempt to share and provide some additional insights into the October article “The State of the Law in Canada” by Ted Kuntz of Vaccine Choice Canada.
I know and very much appreciate Ted’s work and his integrity. His article inspired me to write to clarify and add insights to points he wrote about. I will hopefully provide a little more in-depth summary of my comprehension of the law that I/we Canadians live with every day. All aspects of the legal system are not what we are supposed to believe they are at any level of the Corporation CANADA’s Government(s).
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My first factual concern is that we, the Canadian people, have not been educated or taught the basics of Financial Literacy when it comes to seeking legal help, assistance, and guidance.
I learned more about this deficit in May 2010 when I presented a paper to the Federal Task Force on Financial Literacy at a Public Hearing in Ottawa. My conclusion after that experience was that the Financial Literacy Task Force was established to assure the private owners and controllers of CANADA’s legal and financial systems that Canadians were successfully kept in the dark, dumbed down to the point that they accepted, virtually without question, that what they were told was what they needed to know to be a success under these systems.
I have learned from personal experience that this is simply very true. The personal trauma and the cost to me personally has been very, very expensive, emotionally, physically, financially, and in legal costs and losses.
I have learned over the past 35 years that I, as a Canadian, am totally and solely responsible for managing, controlling, and conducting my life and my financial and legal affairs. My education began in 1988 while on a highly classified special assignment at the most Senior Management levels of the Federal Corporation CANADA’s Government, under which I believed I was serving my fellow Canadians.
I learned four years after I retired that this was not the case and that the Federal Corporation CANADA does not and was never intended to serve the Canadian people!
Why is this a fact? We Canadians are programmed to believe that we are under common law, which has never been the case under the Corporation CANADA’s “at law’’ legal system of “Bills, Acts, Statutes, Regulations, and Corporate Policies’’ [or mandates, as we’ve all learned over the past few years during the “International, worldwide Plandemic,” depopulation, and crimes against humanity on a scale not experienced before in the last several centuries except in China, under Communist rule].
It is not easy or simple to know or comprehend and is very hard to mentally accept, given our lack of Financial Literacy as Canadians. This is not accidental! The private owners of the World’s Monetary, Legal, and Corporate Governments consider humanity a disposable, renewable resource and a commodity to be disposed of for their pleasure and profit!
The Canadian people are not a part of, or included, “under their law” unless you knowingly, unknowingly, or tacitly can be presumed, assumed, deemed, coerced, or intimidated into giving the legal system jurisdiction over your use of the Corporate Government(s) “legal person” that we all unconsciously use as our own NAME in Commerce every day of our adult life. There are not many Canadians who know this (in the legal, financial, or Government[s] professions, and forget about ordinary Canadians) or who can express what their relationship in Commerce is, with the legal person NAME that controls their lives, financially and legally!
Sadly, most Canadians unknowingly criminalize themselves, and live “under” the Statute laws of the privately owned and controlled foreign US/DC Registered, Federal Corporation, CANADA, and its Government(s), at all levels of government. WE are not aware, taught, or educated to use CANADA’s “Commercial Criminal Code lawfully and legally. We enter into “contracts” constantly, unconsciously, and unknowingly to our detriment daily. In doing so, we unknowingly and voluntarily give up our common law “unalienable rights,” and live with and under the “benefits and privileges” of legal systems’ games, provided that we as individuals, conform to and function under the Corporation CANADA’s legislated Statutes, Codes, Bylaws, Regulations, and Policies, all in compliance with the Uniform Commercial Code, the worldwide International rules for contracts, under Corporations: Admiralty (Military) Maritime Merchant Law.
If the average Canadian had the knowledge and comprehension that I’ve learned studying Commerce law, virtually daily for 35 years, there would be a revolution worse than France’s French Revolution of over two centuries ago!
Back to Ted’s article: The State of Law in Canada
To open his article, Ted states that we are “living in a time of lawlessness.” This is a fact, and has always been a fact, “in law” and “at law” for an individual Canadian. Most Canadians, as individuals, are programmed to accept the “legal person” Status and Standing (Jurisdiction) as the way life is! I no longer do that! …and have not done so for some time.
From my 35 years of study, I’ve learned the hard way that:
There are no “Our” Courts or “Our” Judges under the corporation CANADA, its Courts, legal systems’ laws/ Corporate Regulations, Policies and Bylaws.
Jurisdiction determines if a Case is heard in a Court, and few people comprehend or can control it. Remember Courts deal with their always “in custody,” legal person (the paper on the “monetized” Court docket and not a flesh and blood, living man or woman or people)!
The legal system is a costly (emotionally, physically, and financially) complex procedural “legal paper” system that is designed to create cash flow for the system from their “surety” (You & I) when we are a DEFENDANT, RESPONDENT, or CLAIMANT, even if you are skilled and capable of “self-representation.”
When you hire a lawyer under their contract, verbally or in writing, costs escalate and the time spent in Courts expands, often for months or years, and the “legal person,” in custody of the Court, is always “guilty until proven innocent,” under Corporate CANADA’s legal system.
I’ve learned that I cannot change the system, but I’ve learned I can use it without harming myself, my lifestyle, or others. After all, the legal system that we are supposed to believe is law for the Canadian people is a “paper illusion.’’
It takes time, learning, and sometimes making expensive mistakes (as I’ve learned) to control my relationship with the Corporation CANADA’s Commerce contracts, their policy authorities, and their legal system.
Flying, sharing, and accepting the flag of CANADA give the Government’s Policy Authorities immediate “Jurisdiction” in any circumstance that you may believe you can or should challenge… it’s “guilty until you prove yourself innocent”!!!
Most of my concerns have always been true for the “Canadian people” since “the idea” of Canada was conceived around 1866 and the BNA Act of 1867 was passed as British law under the CROWN to create the Colony Canada, under which Canadians were British “Subjects.” The legal definition of a “subject” is “property,” meaning, a Canadian was a British slave during Canada’s existence as a Colony until December 11, 1931. On that date, with the passage and acceptance of The Statute of Westminster, Canada’s Status became the Corporation CANADA. The land known as Canada, the British Colony, and its Canadian people were no longer “British subjects” or property of the British Commonwealth Government under the CROWN. After the passage and acceptance of the SWM Act by CANADA’s Parliament, the form of Government we face daily began, the hidden changes, that I’ve summarized below:
Canada [the idea] changed virtually unnoticed to the Corporation CANADA
Democracy [so we are told] vs STATUTE CORPORATE GOVERNMENT(s) [Servitude/Slavery – for Canadians]
Statute legislated Corporate Government for Canadians creates an illusion of freedom “at law” [under Admiralty Maritime Merchant Law, which is Military Law]. “The Rule of Law,” of and for the Federal Corporation CANADA, is an International legal Jurisdiction for which there are the Corporate Commercial rules for the Corporations contract laws, not Common Law, as Canada’s legal system “in law” [Common Law] was meant to be for the Canadian people. The Corporate CANADA [called The Government of Canada] creates the illusion of ownership and freedom for the legal PERSON, but rules by fraud, deception, intimidation, fear, coercion, secrecy, unlawful contracts, and tacit acceptance because the people do not know they have been programmed, deceived, and undermined by a corrupt, privately-owned Corporate Political Party system. Because the system is privately owned and controlled by private owners, the 1% (the Financial Elite), these owners and controllers of the monetary and legal systems operate freely by their own rules, unaccountable to the Canadian people of the land we know and love as Canada. The Canadian people do not exist as people under the Corporation CANADA’s legal system, or Government(s), and any level of the system, which has not changed in centuries.
“CORPORATE” is never used to describe the Federal Government of CANADA.
Given that is what we are functioning with in our daily lives, it is time to educate every Canadian so that we operate the Federal CANADA system of Government(s) lawfully.
Given that we have been accepting and would appear to accept and function with this INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE SYSTEM of Government(s), it is time for just and honourable “Rule of Law.” That at present is not the case, nor has it ever been so for Canadians.
In CANADA’s International CORPORATE Jurisdictions [FEDERAL and PROVINCIAL] “at law” under the UCC [Uniform Commercial Code] of the UNITED CORPORATIONS (deceptively and fraudulently called the UNITED NATIONS), fraud, deception, intimidation, fear, coercion, secrecy, unlawful contracts and tacit acceptance is the norm in Commerce, Government, and the Courts as accepted normal policy and procedure.
It is time that the system functions and operates lawfully, openly and in honour at all levels of the system. People need to be recognized “in law.” Corporations need to be lawfully accountable to and serve the Canadian people. We Canadians are not property of Corporate Government(s).
In closing, every Canadian needs to know and remember that “freedom is not free.” Freedom means you take full responsibility for yourself, your life, your family, and the role in life you choose to live for as long as you exist in physical form. Freedom means there is no retirement. You & I cannot withdraw from life!
How do we begin to make “the ‘idea’ of Canada” our Canadian reality?
Education, and learning does not end – ever!
Change the definition of the word “person” to mean only a man, woman, or “people,” and not a “Corporation” in the Statutes legal system.
Take back the Ownership of the BANK OF CANADA and manage the monetary system for the Canadian people.
Make Corporations “serve” and provide Services for the people “in law” (Common law), and “at law” (Merchant/contract law). Teach, educate, and remember, this Maxim of law: “All law is contract and only contracts make the law.”
Give the Canadian people, by referendum, their Constitution “in law,” to make Government(s) at all levels accountable to the people of Canada.
There is a lot to learn, and after 35 years, I am still learning! This summary is a very concise overview of a Canadians’ relationship with our CORPORATE GOVERNMENT(s) that controls the daily life of every Canadian from birth to death, and their Estate after death for 100 years. It is time for an honest and honourable Government and a Canada for Canadians – “in law”!
Sources of information to confirm factually what I’ve shared in this article and learned are up to each of us as individual Canadians.
I cannot change your relationship with the corporation CANADA’s Government(s), only you can do that! Here is a list of some of the books and texts in PDFs that I have downloaded, read, studied, shared, and used, and continue to use to navigate my life purpose and mission as a Canadian with Commerce and with the financial, monetary, contract, Corporate Government(s), and their “at law” legal system.
This short Reference Bibliography for any Canadian is readily available at this moment on the Internet should any reader of this article choose to learn more about “The Real State of Law Under the Federal Corporation CANADA and its Government(s).”
- The Extortion of the Financial Elite
- Fabrication of a Nation by P Ellis
- Behold a Pale Horse by W Cooper
- Modern Money Mechanics
- Oxford Dictionary
- Black’s Law Dictionary, Third Edition
- Postal Power
- Report from the Iron Mountain
- How Banks Work
- Silent weapons for Quiet Wars
- Law Merchant by Knox and Keating
- Overview of the World Financial System
- Book for Judges
- Common Law vs Admiralty
- What is a Person?
Approach the Internet information sources of factual, relevant, and unlimited information, with an open mind! …and, have an amazing life!
….and remember this:
Eighty-one years after the publication in 1928 of Edward L. Bernays’ book, Propaganda, Chris Hedges wrote the following in his 2009 book, Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle.
“A public that can no longer distinguish between truth and fiction is left to interpret reality through illusion. Random facts or obscure bits of data and trivia are used either to bolster illusion and give it credibility, or discarded if they interfere with the message . . .
When opinions cannot be distinguished from facts, when there is no universal standard to determine truth in law, in science, in scholarship, or in reporting the events of the day, when the most valued skill is the ability to entertain, the world becomes a place where lies become true, where people can believe what they want to believe. This is the real danger of pseudo-events, and pseudoevents are far more pernicious than stereotypes. They do not explain reality, as stereotypes attempt to, but replace reality. Pseudo-events redefine reality by the parameters set by their creators. These creators, who make massive profits selling illusions, have a vested interest in maintaining the power structures they control.”
The people behind the wars we have faced for decades, in my lifetime, have never been investigated and removed from power. This article is the tip of the iceberg!
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