The Future of Medicine
By Alan Brough
Canada Health Alliance Vice-President Dr. Stephen Malthouse did a live presentation on the Future of Medicine at the International Crisis Summit in Bucharest, Romania on November 19, 2023. To set the scene as to how and why doctors are losing their credibility and influence, Dr. Malthouse detailed the rapid rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. He pointed out that this has been facilitated by the huge burden of paperwork and administration that has been placed on doctors over the last decade and the need for them to process as many patients as quickly as possible. According to a survey done by Health Expectations in June 2022, patients said that compassionate healthcare in their opinion meant that doctors should be listening and paying attention. Yet research also shows that doctors spend more time looking at their screens than looking at patients during consultancies. Doctors are systematically being more and more removed from their patients. And their patients are noticing.
The Decline of Empathy and the Rise of AI
When asked, most patients say that what makes a good doctor is their empathy. But we are not seeing it nowadays. Fifty-six percent of doctors said they simply don’t have the time to be empathetic or compassionate.
Yet this has a material impact on the quality of care they provide. In an extensive 2019 study, Trzeciak and Mazzarelli found that when doctors take the time to make human connections, patient outcomes improve and medical costs decrease.
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Unfortunately, improving patient outcomes and reducing costs are not a priority of the allopathic (or “Rockefeller”) medical system that we currently have, which is more of a “sick care” system that treats symptoms of the disease and tries to make those symptoms disappear. Inevitably, patients are not cured, and over time, they actually become sicker, returning more often to the clinic. The system is designed this way to make them “clients for life,” thereby leveraging the maximum profit potential from each patient. Curing illness is counter-productive to this business model.
Doctors swamped by work pressure realize their patients are not cured, so their willingness to emotionally connect with their patients has waned. This situation opened the door to telemedicine, which became very popular during the COVID years when face-to-face, in-person consultations were highly discouraged. Telemedicine has further distanced patients from their doctors.
In a study done in April 2023 that compared responses from physicians and AI chatbots to patient questions posted to a public social media forum, a panel of licensed healthcare professionals preferred ChatGPT response seventy-nine percent of the time. The AI responses were rated as higher quality and more empathetic, which should be a massive wake-up call for doctors who, by all accounts, are already on the edge of obsolescence.
As Dr. Malthouse pointed out to his European audience, many doctors will not recover from this slippery slope. It starts with people being unable to access timely care, which forces them to use ChatGPT or other medical AIs. If the answers they get are accurate and empathetic, they will use the more convenient AI service again. Over time, they will not care if it’s advice from a computer or a human and may start to trust AI more than the “old school” human doctor. Once this process begins, humans will play an ever-decreasing role in providing healthcare.
Dr. Malthouse cautioned that, to survive, doctors need to find and develop the human qualities that add a non-mechanical element to care, such as empathy and respect. Otherwise, AI will fill the gap, as it has already started to do.
The Impact of the Flexner Report and the Establishment of “Rockefeller” Medicine
Dr. Malthouse then explained how Rockefeller captured the medical industry via the Flexner Report in 1910, which enabled him to discredit and squeeze out any health practitioners deemed “irregular,” targeting homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, osteopathic, and eclectic medicine. Before the Flexner hit job, these health practitioners were well-established, well-respected, and credited with curing their patients, just as medicine should.
Under the influence of Rockefeller and his grant money, the American Medical Association ruled that “regular” doctors couldn’t even speak to homeopaths. This carefully planned campaign to discredit the “irregular” medical practitioners in the eyes of the public had several negative and fully intended impacts, which included a decrease in the number of female medical graduates and African American medical graduates and the closure of more than half of all the medical schools in America, along with all of the remaining homeopathic hospitals.
In 1986, there was another blow to the health of Americans—the passing of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which protected all the big pharmaceutical companies from any liability for injuries that their vaccines caused. Of course, the number of scheduled vaccines for children soared right after that, which in North America is now about 72 vaccines before age 18.
By the end of 2020, this complete embracement of “Rockefeller” or Allopathic medicine controls education to ensure a “modern” paradigm of medicine that treats symptoms. And we are awash with pharmaceutical drugs and more vaccines than we know what to do with—great for Big Business, Big Pharma, and Big Marketing.
And then along came the COVID-19 vaccines, which ramped everything up even further. We had to contend with having an untested and dangerous vaccine forced upon every one of us. The medical colleges and associations with almost every educational institute and media channel further consolidated Big Pharma’s grip on centralized healthcare.
And it has been disastrous. According to the American VAERS reporting system, up to the end of October 2023, there have been 36,501 reported deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccine, 211,257 hospitalizations, 152,852 cases of urgent care, and 68,416 people now suffering from permanent disabilities. While these figures are shocking, it is also widely accepted that VAERS only reports as little as one percent of the actual total! If so, to date, in the United States, there have likely been more than three and a half million deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine alone.
Now The Pendulum Starts to Swing Back Towards “Alternative” Medicine Again…
Although it is hard to find a silver lining, this blatant assault has finally made people realize the failings of formal allopathic healthcare, and they are now beginning to look for alternatives. We see this shift with the establishment of organizations such as Canada Health Alliance, working on establishing a parallel healthcare system, and in the “Reform Pharma” initiative recently launched by the Children’s Health Defence.
There is also a population-wide move back to the old “irregular” modalities of homeopathy, naturopathy, nutritional therapy, chiropractic, and the many other alternative modalities that have all been suppressed since the Flexner Report.
In a recent survey, eighty-six percent of Canadians think homeopathy should be offered as much, or more often, by their healthcare professional. At the same time, more than one in four Canadians used homeopathy in the last twelve months.
This change is also happening across the United States, so we anticipate massive growth in the North American homeopathy market, which started in 2020 when the market size doubled when people began seeing homeopaths to treat COVID-19. At the time, the “regular” medical profession only offered dread and fear, which established a habit so that in 2022, the market size of the industry was worth $750 million. In 2023, it is estimated to be $850 million, and by 2032, it is estimated that it will be worth $2.34 billion.
According to Precedence Research, the market size of ALL complementary and alternative medicines is seeing the same rapid rise. In 2022, the market was worth $99 billion; in 2023, $123 billion; with estimates for 2026, $235 billion; in 2029, $456 billion; and by 2032, it is estimated to be worth a whopping $890 billion!! (
This huge trend across North America reflects ordinary people realizing the failings of the allopathic system and turning, in ever greater numbers, to more effective alternative modalities that are more curative and less symptom-orientated.
Back To The Future
Dr. Malthouse concluded his presentation with his list of predictions for the future and what he recommends we should aim for. They included:
- THE LOSS OF HUMAN DOCTORS: The biggest threat to conventional doctors is that we will not need them anymore because artificial intelligence will likely replace them. Doctors are now just following an algorithm, a guideline that tells them what to do, and they’ve lost the humanness of being a doctor. They don’t have the time for empathy, trapped in the paradigm of treating the symptoms with conventional drugs, which only make the person sicker and never cure them.
- INTEGRATION: We need a much more integrated approach to healthcare, and it should not just be exclusively the allopathic model for everything. There is a place for allopathy, especially in terms of emergency care and stabilizing patients after trauma, such as car accidents and broken bones. But when it comes to chronic diseases such as what we see every day in our clinics, accounting for 80% of health conditions, an integrative approach utilizing the curative benefits of homeopathy, naturopathy, nutrition, and chiropractic would be much more effective.
- INFRASTRUCTURE: In Canada, particularly, we will change our infrastructure. Canada’s socialized medical system is failing, being expensive and very top-heavy, which makes it inefficient. We must regain control of our institutions, such as our hospitals and community hospitals. We need to decentralize. When we give power to a few people, it inevitably corrupts them. We must decentralize the infrastructure and let communities take back control of institutions, including the finances.
- MORE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR HEALTH: People must take back personal responsibility for their health and treat themselves preventatively. And they have to take back sovereignty and realize their informed consent is essential.
- PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES MUST HAVE LIABILITY AGAIN: If we made them liable, you can be sure they would be gone overnight! And that would lead to the disappearance of vaccines and most conventional drugs from the market. Based on Dr. Paul Thomas’s research, if we stopped childhood vaccines, we would immediately see an improvement in overall health by as much as fifty percent, and improving health would again become the priority.
- THE BIG PARADIGM SHIFT: We must stop treating symptoms and return to helping people treat and heal themselves by moving towards energy medicine and properly integrating “old-fashioned” therapies.
We need:
- The removal of suppressive drugs and treatments that make people worse in the long term
- Stabilizing therapies used only temporarily and palliatively
- Curative treatments in harmony with the body, mind, and spirit • A RETURN OF HUMANITY: Search for what makes us human and strengthen and hone those skills
- A RETURN OF ETHICS: We need ethics in medicine again because we have seen that morality has left medicine and there needs to be an awakening of conscience and the reestablishment of empathy and true care.
Dr. Malthouse concluded his 25-minute presentation by saying that we need to ground the future of medicine at the confluence of consciousness, conscience, and will. “At that point, we will find out what a human really is so that Artificial Intelligence cannot challenge us. Real humans will be able to transcend that, and it will revolutionize medicine. I believe this is where we are going.”
You can watch Dr. Malthouse’s full talk on Day 2 at, the third presentation. See also
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