

Our Freedom & Sovereignty – Going, Going, Gone?

Published On: June 1, 2023Tags: , , , , ,

Homelessness, poverty, addictions, abuse, mental illness and sudden deaths have all increased dramatically in Canada following our government’s imposed tyranny and mandates.i

The advent of computers has brought many advantages. We now can communicate with people all over the world, learning we have more in common with each other than we realize. We all share the same love of family and the same desire to live in peace and harmony on this planet. This is a good thing, as long as we can speak freely and debate important issues to improve life on our planet. However, there are a few with a lust for power and profit that have a different idea, using this medium for their own agenda, to control and manipulate — threatening not only our lives, but all life on our planet. They promote fear and division with propaganda and censorship, creating chaos among nations and people.

These people represent only a few but possess 90% of the world’s wealth, which gives them extreme power within our current monetary systems. They can easily tempt and control government officials and world leaders, control the largest corporations and organizations, fund and dictate to mainstream institutions and public media outlets who become obligated by their support. Anyone who lusts after wealth can easily become a puppet of their control.

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Censorship and the curtailing of free speech and personal freedom was never a noticed issue in Canada — that is, until the “Freedom Convoy” was held in Ottawa. Hundreds of truckers and middle-class families traveled from all parts of Canada to support the cause and thousands of families lined up on roadways all across Canada to cheer them on (“A Fringe Minority”, according to Trudeau). Yet our Prime Minister refused to meet even one of them, or listen to their concerns. In the past we’ve seen Trudeau’s involvement and support of many protests and movements–“Black Lives Matter”, “Gay Rights”, etc., even showing his encouragement and support of late for the citizens who protested for their own freedom in China. Yet, what did he do in Canada? He not only would not talk to anyone in the freedom convoy, but kept all the funds Canadians had raised and contributed for their food and gas, stole food and gasoline from them on site, then brought in armed personnel to forcibly remove them, injuring many. Several organizers and leaders were arrested (having broken no laws, as the protest was always peaceful). They towed away trucks, impounded them, smashing their windows, even destroyed computer equipment inside. To make matters worse, Trudeau ordered banks to freeze the personal bank accounts of hundreds of Canadian families who were not even participating (simply donating to the cause)- including a single parent donating just $50.00. For those of us who were there, that knew the truth and those who suffered the damaging consequences, we may never again believe in our present government or believe we have a free and just democracy.

Have you noticed?

Have you noticed that all global events and the constant propaganda that mainstream news has been reporting lately are all linked to a central theme? Profiteering and wealth creation fuels much of it to be sure; however, this represents merely a side-benefit for the ultimate control of the survivors. This central theme is a belief held by many members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and a handful of wealthy elite. Their goal is to dramatically reduce the world’s population and create a new world order of submission and control. Attempts have been made in several ways over the decades, which have been recently noticed by those of us who are awakening and researching. Food production and distribution, misuse of drugs and chemicals, misinformation in education and health care and control of the largest and most profitable organizations and corporations are just a few ways they are able to generate widespread illness, disease, famine and human conflict around the globe.

With today’s technological advances, they can now make a central control system possible; however, new advances in technology are also helping in the evolution of human beings. More of us are starting to become aware of truth and having a compassion for ALL life, no longer condoning war nor human suffering. More people are waking up and discovering the truth of who they really are and how they can improve their own health and their own reality. This is seen as a major threat to those who wish to keep us in fear and servitude. It also explains why all our basic rights and freedoms are being taken away and life has become more restrictive and controlled today. This is also why new destructive philosophies and beliefs have been created and promoted. It is to divide people and their families, increase mental illness and disease, and dramatically reduce world populations.

The Real Agenda

I’ve witnessed their complete agenda for world dominance, carved into a giant pillar in the US (some say there are more). The first objective literally explains everything — all the corruption and destruction that’s been going on for decades. The first step reads: “For your One World Order you must reduce the earth’s population to five hundred million people.” This should be a major concern to all, as this would eliminate over seven billion people! Then it goes on to say: “Use the monetary system, big business and public media to control and exploit the poor and middle-class. Eliminate all non-contributors…”, and so on. The first objective was enough to realize the extent of our vulnerability and better understand why all the tragic human events are occurring around the world. It explains the hazardous chemicals being used in food production, the fluoridation of our drinking water with neuro-toxins, the weather manipulations (blaming climate change) and the chemical trails we routinely see coming from planes over North America, covering our skies with toxic clouds that poison the soil, the forests, plants and a variety of wildlife. Many of these things have been going on secretly for years. However, now that people are slowly becoming aware, we can finally see what needs to change — not only for our own health, but the very health of our planet.

Media’s false narratives and constant misinformation (what they accuse “Truthers” of today), ultimately divide people in their views and perpetuate conflict. Just see what the recent “Plandemic” did (yes, it was planned–see the “Rockefeller Report”). The ramifications and fears that were generated from this planned virus were massive. The widespread lock-downs, the unnecessary masking and social distancing (to keep people from talking and gathering), the damage to our children’s education and to millions of small businesses, the forced inoculations, the rise in excess deaths after the vaccines and the move to get everyone “Hooked Up” (using computers and cellphones exclusively), all show the intentions of the WEF philosophy of control. Thousands of Canadians lost their jobs, their professions and their reputations for speaking up or refusing the jabs: health care workers, teachers, transport truck drivers, religious leaders, armed forces personnel, doctors, scientists, hopeful political leaders and many more.

There is legislation planned in Canada’s parliament to give the World Health Organization (funded & controlled through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) complete power to dictate, control and mandate citizens in all future pandemics (which Gates has openly announced will be coming in 2025). Trudeau has also funded a new pharmaceutical plant in Canada to create more vaccines to administer to Canadians. To make matters worse, in a move to increase profits for “Big Pharma”, we are now promoting gender confusion in our schoolchildren, allowing them to decide (at too young an age) to change their sex, get sterilized and submit to costly medical procedures, making them forever dependent on drugs and drug therapy to continue their existence. This was all drummed up by governments to further reduce our populations and divide the people, making a new “Woke” movement, pretending it promotes diversity, equal opportunity and a reduction of prejudice.

Is Canada still a democracy, with a government who works for the people? I’d say no. Now our government has just made even “Ending your Life” easier than ever — making it available to those with a simple mental illness (that could be cured), to anyone who is homeless or in poverty — even publicly promoting it in health care circles. Today, a bill (Bill C-18) has been passed in Canada to increase online censoring, and the list of topics that are being targeted include: COVID, vaccines, excess deaths and adverse effects from vaccinations, criticism of present government, pedophiles, sex-trafficking, the Ukraine war and more.

Connect the Dots

Isn’t it interesting that all these topics seem to be exactly the information that our government wants hidden? And isn’t it interesting that the very areas they wish to censor is where most of the “Disinformation” is coming from — public mainstream media (all funded and supported by “Big Pharma” and the global elite). And isn’t it also interesting that it was the CIA who first devised the phrase “Conspiracy Theories”? It was purposely created to discredit anyone who spoke out against the promoted public narrative to suppress belief.

Have you also noticed? Leaders with something to hide will always dodge answering a direct question, citing an unrelated fact or throwing an accusation back at the questioner (something our current Prime Minister has mastered). It would be wise to question all dictates that suppress the freedom and civil rights of people, and research every topic being censored by the wealthy elite who control our government leaders. Considering all we have endured over the last 3 years, we, the people, need to heal and become united in our compassion for others and for life itself. Those we loved and lost need not have died in vain if we can discover truth and collectively end the existing corruption and tyranny. Being united will create peace and prosperity; divided we lose it all. Truth and sharing has the power to set us free, creating a better world for future generations.

C. D. Hill-Lavalle is an author, researcher, senior citizen and freelance writer. You can read the complete story in her promo-censored book entitled: “How to Control an Entire Planet” at