

My Top 20 Survival Tips For 2022-2023

Published On: November 1, 2022Tags:

By Jason Christoff

  1. Start an online business, even as a side hustle. Start pursuing something where you’re not under the thumb of corrupt gov-lovers or corrupt corporations. Email me at for three online businesses you can start now, with very little investment.
  2. Start growing your own food. Just start, even if it’s something small.
  3. Create redundancy with your fresh water supply. Potentially bottled water (glass bottles preferred) plus a reverse osmosis filter under the sink. A gravity-powered Berkey filter can also work. A well is the best idea. Dependency is the general weakness that ushers in blind compliance.

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  1. Create redundancy for your backup heating system. A natural gas-powered fireplace plus a wood fireplace or wood stove. (on top of your conventional gas/oil-powered furnace). You’re more likely to comply with corrupt dictates when you don’t have a choice, so manufacture your backup choices and options long in advance.
  2. Create redundancy for your backup electricity supply. Natural gas-fired generator plus solar panels. (on top of your regular on-grid power supply). Generac makes both generators and solar panels. There are even portable solar power charging units for electronic devices. Start small but start.
  3. Have a 4-6 month supply of absolutely everything you use regularly. From spices to toothpaste and from mustard to toilet paper. Make a list. It’s time. Get a 6 months supply of propane for your barbecue as well.
  4. Try to exit from large city centers if possible and find homes with more floor space, bigger lots or acreage, a garden, a place for tools, a place for weapons/ammo, solar, and a well and try to keep your distance from the dependent gov loving folks who comply simply because they don’t have any other options, alternatives or choices.
  5. Home defence for potential looters. Whatever the law allows in your area regarding firearms and protective/ defensive weapons, make sure you invest in this area. Get something that will make the troublemakers back up and not ever return. A double-barrel pump shotgun looks rather menacing but any sort of firearm will do, to keep potential looters at bay. If supplies run dry in the cities, in an attempt to install a hunger gamestype society in the dependent populace, you will need to protect your assets from people who never paid attention to what was happening or the direction being taken by the government and media.
  6. Remove all cryptocurrencies from exchanges and download them to personally controlled wallets. Hard wallets are preferable. In a crash of the stock markets, where they fall by 40%, something like Bitcoin could get as low as $3000-$5000. Keep this in mind as a potential scenario for loading up on choice cryptos if that happens or think about selling now and getting out before the stress of it all causes illogical decision-making near the bottom. At this point, it should be obvious that most financial markets are artificially maintained and in no way reflect basic economic principles or present-day economic realities.
  7. Remove a good amount of cash assets from banks, to avoid bail-in situations or restrictions on cash withdrawals, as happened in Greece, Cyprus, Argentina etc. Obviously, leave enough for recurring bills, just in case the payment of bills is permitted, even if having access to your cash assets is restricted for withdrawal purposes. For people with larger cash balances, make sure to remove at least 6 months’ worth of cash for your living expenses. Remember Greece 5 years ago where you could only take out a very small amount of cash every week (300 euros), even if you had millions in the bank? Investigate “bail-ins” as after the 2008 pre-planned economic collapse, legislatures across the world all pressed forward to modify the laws of most developed nations to reflect the philosophy that banks could literally steal the deposits of their customers to save the bank in a financial collapse. If you see anything when “out of nowhere, it’s everywhere”, you know you’re most likely being set up for a future con that was planned decades in advance.
  8. Acquire 1-2 chest freezers and make sure you’re stocked up on the frozen essentials like grass-fed meats, frozen fruit etc. Don’t ever load up on junk. Junk makes you sick, weak and compliant. Always build your strength with everything you do. Remember the 4 pillars of strength that the system aims to destroy, so that you can’t resist their social engineering. Remember to build your physical strength, your mental strength, your spiritual strength and your financial strength.
  9. Sell what you don’t need and get streamlined with your assets and finances. When people have money and things are calm, it’s the best time to unload items you no longer use and redirect that money into loading up in the areas that are going to count. Maximize your benefit, and minimize anything that holds you down or clutters up your life.
  10. Contact local organic farmers in your area, who you already buy organic food from. Visit them in person. Tell them that if they experience any looting or bullying, regarding their food supply… call you for support and in defence of the only thing of value in a crisis, which is healthy organic food. Social engineers are working around the clock to close farms and push insect-based agriculture upon the population, for the same reason they push all their policies……..because eating insects weakens people physically, mentally, spiritually and financially. Crickets are known parasite and chitin repositories, which first make a human physically ill. After physical illness, mental illness follows. Once the physical body and mind are damaged, spiritual weakness then follows. After these 3 areas of weakness infiltrate a person, they can no longer work to produce energy for themselves or others……..thus financial weakness comes next. After all 4 areas of weakness are set, compliance is almost a guarantee.
  11. Best to get a 4×4 truck instead of a car if possible. Keep the gas tank near full at all times. Diesel is preferable. Hopefully, in a countryside property, you can arrange for larger storage tanks of fuel.
  12. Beyond stocking up on healthy food, make sure you have a wide array of health supplements. I believe Organifi makes some of the best nutritional green and red powders on the planet. Remember that in a crisis you need VITAMIN C to stay healthy. The powders from Organifi are a good source of vitamin C. Frozen fruit is good as well. Use the discount code CHEK20 at check out for Organifi, to get a 20 percent discount. Vitamin D (from Mega Food) fish oil (from Nordic Naturals), digestive enzymes from Renew Life, zinc (from Mega Food), Thieves Oil (from Young Living), Fermented Garlic (from and Echinacea (from Vogel)…..all essential. These items can reverse almost any illness when combined with clean water, bed rest and love from your family.
  13. Make sure you have a first aid kit, which may even include a stitching kit as well.
  14. If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, start buying your hunting and winter gear months in advance for the best selection.
  15. If you’re in the Northern hemisphere, sunbathe as much as possible (from May 1 to Oct 1), to build up a good concentration of vitamin D in your fat cells. No toxic sunblock of course but never burn. This will guarantee that your immune system is strong, regarding everything they’re going to throw at you over the next calendar year.
  16. Keep exercising, stretching, shadow boxing, strength training and practicing active relaxation to keep the stress hormones at a minimum. Turn off the TV and all mainstream fear-based media, to keep your head straight and to stay outside of the mind control. Quit alcohol, coffee, caffeine, sugar, nicotine, narcotics etc to get ahead of the survival curve. Don’t participate in the rituals of the slave. Don’t hurt, abuse or destroy yourself by your own hand. You only get one body. Start getting healthy today. The best book on health ever written is Paul Chek’s How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy.
  17. Keep using private and alternative channels to spread valuable information, which is currently being censored, so as to wake up as many people as possible. This agenda is based on the media tricking people to do to themselves what the powers “that shouldn’t be” could never do by force. The more people get the proper uncensored information, the less likely they are to cheerlead the destruction of their society and culture.

To get on my personal email list please email me at As the slaves are watching the big game and getting drunk at the restaurant on Friday night (taking the bait as we call it), you get cracking and start prepping. Prepare now while the commodities and services are still flowing.