Life Of The 15 Min City Meme


Life of the “15-Minute City” Citizen in the Metaverse

Published On: August 1, 2023Tags:

By Bantam Joe

T he web3-metaverse, as it is being developed, will be tied to a new global economic system based on carbon-credits and social-credits, hacked minds and hijacked natural processes. It will consist of virtual assets, virtual money, virtual jobs, virtual friends, virtual travel, virtual entertainment, virtual intimacy and virtual imaginative creations. For the “good of the planet”, all physical travel and ownership of goods, including cars, will be restricted to the point of non-existence, except for the super wealthy. The majority of the world’s population will be forced into 15-minute cities and geo-fenced at home to their local metaverse networks.

The ruling mafia class at the UN, WEF, WHO, BIS, IMF along with the royal families are in the midst of creating a new world with a smaller manageable population, using technology to monitor and control the masses with the end goal of merging our biological processes to the digital domain processes. These self-appointed guardians of the universe are rewriting the code of life at will and dictating their will upon every inhabitant of this planet without our consent or debate. If left unopposed, it most certainly will result in the destruction of humanity as we know it, along with the rest of natural life on earth.

We are dealing with eugenicists and transhumanists who believe that directed-evolution is their right, their responsibility and their duty, and that they have been divinely anointed to be the engineers of such a future. And in the process, they are also enriching themselves by taking away our property and resources. These people were not kidding when stating in movies that resistance would be futile and that we all would be assimilated. We literally are dealing with psychopathic criminals.

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So what will life look like in the metaverse? Before we can answer this question, we have to take a leap forward to a time (soon) when there will be no cash, replaced by CBDC. Your identity is a globally recognized blockchain-based NFT avatar that represents your digital twin. Cameras and other forms of surveillance devices permeate the physical world including those under your skin. Gas combustion vehicles have been outlawed and people are left to be dependent upon the 15-minute city services. Travel outside the city limits is restricted to only essential workers, VIP members of government and corporations. The power to homes, businesses and municipal structures are routinely cut off in order to meet net-zero thresholds and benchmarks.

By this time, many brick-and-mortar businesses, including banks and retail stores have shut down, moving to the metaverse. Brick-and mortar schools have disappeared as well, giving way to online education. The streets are patrolled by drones and robots, making human police a thing of the past. Drones and robots are constantly scanning faces and identifying people along with their behaviors, predicting their intentions in real-time, ensuring they are “good citizens”.

Keep in mind that the governance of this new social and economic system is performed by artificial intelligence. The all-mighty, all-seeing AI eye. The panopticon of the world. Ensuring that all its citizens are “good” and “compliant”.

Included in this article are charts that outline the sections that make up this Web 3.0 Metaverse, and what would be required of each person living inside the metaverse in order to have food, water, shelter, medicine, energy and other services and goods. The basic necessities of life. What each person would need to navigate in order to sustain one’s self and family.

With this all said, let’s examine the life of a 15-minute city citizen.

Metaverse/Web 3.0

The time will soon come when needing access to the internet will require your digital credentials. Meaning, you must be identified and thus must divulge your identity at login. This is the entry point to Web3.0. The decentralized internet.

Entering the Web3-metaverse will begin with your identity. Though your identity and your personal data will be private (from other human eyes), it will be known to the all-seeing AI at all times. Be it by facial recognition scanners, cameras, iris scanners, genetic inferencing, fingerprint, ID Cards, or even electromagnetic brainwave scanners.

Everything you do is recorded as data points, packaged and sent off to a cloud computer for analysis. This data is stored in a blockchain database and is correlated to your identity. In essence, a profile of your life is created from birth to death.

Every blog you read, every item you purchase, every person you chat or converse with on the phone will be recorded and stored. Every friend you meet in the physical world, every cup of coffee or tea you drink, every second you spend travelling on a bus or train, will also be tabulated. Every grade you attended, along with every exam you took, every book you checked out of a library, will be recorded. Your graduation from school, your exact time at specific places of employment, payrate, work habits, and more will be preserved on the blockchain.

All of this information will help the all-seeing AI to determine both your carbon footprint and your social standing reputation and credit. The all-seeing AI predictive algorithms will nudge you in directions it deems appropriate if you are falling away from the wayside. The all-seeing AI will advise you or others to avoid contact with people in your immediate vicinity if you’re to maintain a good social credit score.

If your social-credit score is acceptable and you have sufficient carbon-credit allowance, then you’ll be issued CBDC that you can spend. If for any reason your social-credit and/or your carbon-allowance becomes negative, your CBDC can automatically be frozen, as per the algorithms set forth inside the all-seeing AI.

On top of all this, you’ll be required to perform “voluntary community services” so that you can be “rewarded” tokens to your credit allowances or CBDC. If not, then you’ll receive no “rewards” effectively receiving punishments.

Once you get past credentialing, social standing tests and permissioned carbon tokens, you’ll be able to spend your CBDC at virtual merchant sites. Whether it’s for virtual products, such as digital assets in games (like swords, avatars, attachments and fashion accessories), the CBDCs smart contract feature will allow the transactions to occur. If it’s for physical tangible items such as much needed food, water, clothes, medicine, etc., the same process will occur except that the all-seeing AI will negotiate a smart contract deal with the supply chain to deliver your goods from manufacturer to door-step with no human intervention. Completely automated with robots and drones. Only after delivery will the AI at the manufacturer/supplier be alloted the funds sitting in escrow, as per the conditions set forth in the CBDC smartcontract. Humans literally will be stuck at home with no work, isolated from life, surrounded by AI, automation and robots.

This is just a small sample of what is to come in the VERY near future! The tech has all been developed and many pilot programs of everything just mentioned have been running live and working out the kinks.

Legislators in government are laying down the legal frameworks for such a new economy. Once cash is gone, and CBDC goes into effect, along with a global ID system put in place, the world will find itself inside a machine controlled by an all-seeing AI that will be nearly impossible to defeat.

This is the real existential threat we are facing. If and when the all see-seeing AI is able to read our minds with the help of the likes of Elon Musk’s neural link, we will find ourselves paralyzed and eventually witness our children get transhumanized into bio-machines.

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