It’s Time To Question ALL Vaccines
By Ted Kuntz
COVID-19 has challenged some of the fundamentals of Canadian society. One of the positive consequences of the last three years is that more Canadians are actively questioning their assumptions about our government, public health and the mainstream media. One area of questioning that has emerged is whether we have been told the truth about the safety, efficacy and necessity of vaccination. Most Canadians have never questioned, much less assessed the evidence to discern whether the claim that vaccines are safe, effective and necessary is true. They’ve simply accepted this position on faith.
Informed Consent
At Vaccine Choice Canada, we welcome the growing desire to examine this important decision. The fundamental basis of an ethical medical system is informed consent. Informed consent is a process in which patients are given essential information prior to partaking in a medical procedure, treatment, or participating in a clinical trial. The purpose of informed consent is to enable an individual to understand the implications of the proposed procedure, treatment, or trial prior to their participation.
According to the Canadian Medical Protective Association, for consent to serve as a defence to allegations of either negligence or assault and battery, it must meet certain requirements. The consent must have been voluntary, the patient must have had the capacity to consent, and the patient must have been properly informed. For consent to be considered valid it must be an “informed” consent. The patient must have been given an adequate explanation about the nature of the proposed treatment and its purported benefits, as well as the significant risks involved and alternative treatment options. The information must be such as will allow the patient to reach an informed decision.
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It’s Not Too Late
As more and more Canadians reflect upon their experience with, not only the COVID-19 vaccine, but with all vaccines, a near universal response is that those partaking in vaccination were never properly informed to provide truly informed consent. It’s not too late to start asking questions such as:
- What does the vaccine science say?
- Are the claims of safety valid?
- Are vaccines necessary to maintain good health?
- Are vaccinated children healthier than unvaccinated children?
- If not vaccines, what are the alternatives?
Unanswered Questions
Our desire to protect our children from harm makes it difficult to question ideas we have been told repeatedly will protect our children from risk. The fact is there is a well-organized effort to eliminate our right to medical decision-making and self-determination with regard to vaccination. We have seen the consequences of this effort during the last two years with the mandating of the experimental COVID-19 mRNA technology.
Many Canadians are now discovering that there is much about vaccines and the vaccine industry we didn’t know or were never told. For example, that vaccines do not undergo the same level of safety testing as all other pharmaceutical products. Or that COVID vaccine manufacturers have been granted legal immunity such that they are not liable for injury or death caused by their products. This experience is not uncommon. Open and honest discussion about vaccine safety, effectiveness and necessity is actively discouraged.
But what if what we’ve accepted on faith isn’t true? What if the science doesn’t support mass vaccination? What if the medical community is not in unanimous agreement about the safety, effectiveness and need for vaccinations? What if the efforts to impose mandatory vaccination are motivated by interests other than improved health? What if the growing epidemic of chronic illness, immune and neurological injury, and sudden death are a result of the massive increase in the number of vaccines we are subjected to? What if vaccinated children are less healthy than unvaccinated children?
The Most Important Decision
The decision of whether or not to vaccinate is the most important decision you will make as an individual and as a parent. Are you prepared? Do you have enough information? Do you have solid, verifiable evidence to support your decision? You should because vaccination is one decision that cannot be undone. At Vaccine Choice Canada we think it is important that we push beyond using “belief” as the basis for the vaccine decision, and instead decide from a place of information based on quality scientific evidence.
If you want to learn more and exercise truly informed consent, please visit these resources:
- Vaccine Choice Canada:
- Children’s Health Defence:
- Canadian Covid Care Alliance:
- Mama’s Bears:
- Physicians for Informed Consent:
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