

Really? Pandemic Amnesty?

Published On: December 1, 2022Tags: , ,

By Jessica Ferguson

A recent article in The Atlantic titled “Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty” has come under fire. The author, Emily Oster, a professor at Brown writes, “The people who got it right, for whatever reason, may want to gloat. Those who got it wrong, for whatever reason, may feel defensive and retrench into a position that doesn’t accord with the facts. All of this gloating and defensiveness continues to gobble up a lot of social energy and to drive the culture wars, especially on the internet. These discussions are heated, unpleasant and, ultimately, unproductive. In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck. And, similarly, getting something wrong wasn’t a moral failing. Treating pandemic choices as a scorecard on which some people racked up more points than others is preventing us from moving forward.”

First of all, “the people who got it right” did their research, it wasn’t luck! A lot of data, the true science, was available for everyone to read. Whistleblowers in the medical industry were sharing their findings and presenting them to medical officials, government officials, police and the general public, but nobody listened. Most people made a conscious decision not to hear them, choosing only to listen to the bought and paid for mainstream media. There is evidence that media platforms worked together with Big Tech, the CDC and the government —and it’s clear that there was collusion to remove all counterinformation. Anyone with questions or concerns about the acceptable narrative were shamed, fired and/or canceled. So no, this should not be swept under the rug. So much harm was done and continues to be done to this day.

After almost three years of coercion, muzzling of discordant voices, jobs lost, businesses shuttered, millions of vaccine injuries and deaths, and the shaming and division created among our friends, families and neighbors, it is time that “those who got it right” get an apology! It is also time that everyone pitches in and tries to stop this madness! Let’s really try to be ‘all in this together!’ It’s time we move forward together, in unity, armed with knowledge. Everyone needs to look at the evidence, acknowledge wrongdoing, make amends and be the change we want to see.

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The tides are changing…

Thankfully, there are some people with strong voices who agree. In October, Fox news reported “The premier of Alberta, Canada, Danielle Smith said she is working on a plan to pardon residents who were fined or arrested over breaking coronavirus protocols, and apologized to unvaccinated Canadians who faced “discrimination, while in New York, a Supreme Court judge recently reinstated all employees who were fired from their jobs for being unvaccinated: The court found Monday that “being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting COVID-19.” New York City Mayor Eric Adams claimed earlier this year that his administration would not rehire employees who had been fired over their vaccination status.

Del Bigtree spoke passionately about this on his show, ‘The Highwire.” The excerpt below is transcribed from his segment titled, “The Call for Covid Amnesty” from episode 292 and explains the emotions people may be feeling.

“I think in some ways what’s being asked of us is to forgive our families that banned us from the tables and were mean to us and said they never wanted to see us or our children again! I think forgiveness is a good thing. But in order to forgive, there’s something that has to happen … could you please articulate for me exactly what it is that we are supposed to forgive?

You see, because I don’t know. I don’t know what you know and what you don’t know and what you don’t know that you don’t know! And I think that that’s important in this place of forgiveness. So what are we supposed to forgive? Are we supposed to forgive the fact that, you know, you locked down and took away our jobs, our dreams of having a future, that in that process you destroyed our economy, not just in America, but around the world? Are we supposed to forgive that move? Are we supposed to forgive all the sanitizing and the spraying and the invasive destruction of our nasal passages as you tested us with a product that in itself couldn’t even test properly? And how about all those that died and weren’t treated right in hospitals and we couldn’t even get to them to say goodbye — our loved ones, our elderly, our aunts, our uncles, our mothers, our fathers? Instead, we were left outside and they were left alone! We couldn’t go to a funeral. And how about all the suicides that took place and the child abuse and domestic abuse and drug abuse or turning our children into hypochondriacs? Are they going to forgive us for that, for destroying their education and putting them behind in reading and math? Are we forgiving for all of these reasons or will our children forgive us? And how about denying people transplants because they didn’t want an experimental vaccine that might cause the very problem they needed a transplant for? And then the police brutality, attacking those people that were standing in their truth, that wanted to watch their child play in a sports event without wearing a mask because they knew, as we now know, masks don’t work.

Should we forgive the president who promised us that he wouldn’t force a vaccine upon us, then took away jobs from the military, from police officers, from frontline doctors and firefighters, leaving them with nowhere to go? And then the injuries, people suffering from all sorts of seizures that are unexplained, being left in hospitals, and the lies that were done by the pharmaceutical industry saying that these things never happen. And then those problematic vaccines, not only are they hurting people, but they’re still being mandated on our children! Do we forgive while we continue to give this product to our innocent children that aren’t at risk? And how many headlines of athletes crashing into the floor, unable to ever play again, maybe dead, or all of the people, the performers and the singers that can’t get through a concert or can’t do a concert any longer?

This brand “new normal” is this what we’re supposed to forgive and forget and have amnesty for while it’s happening right now? And most importantly, as you talk about the luck factor, I guess, well, if you got this right, you were lucky. Now, I have to be very clear. We’ve said many times and shown you proof that we told you that they did not test whether or not the vaccine could stop transmission during the trials. This is now known to everybody, but we knew it because it was written in our own emergency use authorization in the very beginning. We didn’t get lucky. We were reading the science when you were quoting experts that ended up being liars!

How about those doctors that weren’t liars? How about the inventor of the mRNA technology? Did he get lucky? Did Robert Malone get lucky when he warned the world, I invented this technology and it’s not being used correctly and it’s going to cause serious harm? Really the inventor… did he get lucky? No, what he got was censored! He got shut down by the very people that we’re being asked now to give amnesty to. Oh, how convenient!

When I think about where Jimmy Kimmel stood in the middle of this, shall we forgive him for saying things like this? ‘Dr. Fauci said that if hospitals get any more overcrowded, they’re going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU bed. That choice doesn’t seem so tough to me. Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right on in. We’ll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy who gobbled horse goo? Rest in peace, Weezy. I mean, we still got a lot of pan dimwits out there!’ I guess it is ironic that he said the unvaccinated guy having a heart attack, which is exactly what appears to be happening to the vaccinated people around the world! But if you’re unvaccinated and have any need for the hospital, screw you I want you to die! You know, they’re harsh words.”

We all need to unite more than ever now, but if you’re going to finally extend an olive branch to the people you shamed — “those who got it right” — then you need to first start by acknowledging that there was a moral failing, they had the evidence backing up what they said, and it wasn’t just luck!