How Wealthy is Canada Really?
By A Man Named Duane
This piece aims to explain the true reason to create, hold and maintain a nation of the people for the people.
On September 17, 1995, on the front page of every Canadian newspaper ran this story: The World Bank had completed a five-year study of all the known natural resources of the world and then divided these resources among the people of each of these nations.
They then listed the nations in order of per-capita riches.
Australia topped the list at $849,000.00 USD per person; Canada came second at $704,000.00 USD. Australia’s wealth was based on manufacturing and then natural resources, whereas Canada’s wealth was based on natural resources and then manufacturing. Let it be acknowledged here that most will agree that, in the end, natural resources will always supersede manufacturing.
$704,000 x $1.60 = $1,126,400.00 CAD.
At that time, the total population was said to be between 28 and 32 million. For this purpose, I will use 30 million. Also, to make this tally easier, I rounded the $1.126 million down to 1 million dollars for each man, woman, and child.
30,000,000 x $1,000,000 = $30,000,000,000,000.
(30 Trillion=30,000 Billion=30,000,000 Million)
During the 1970s, Pierre Elliot Trudeau borrowed $40 billion dollars to pay for social programs.
By 1995, Canadians had paid approximately $250 billion in interest payments against the compounding interest being incurred, and banks of the day claimed that Canadians still owed them approximately $800 billion dollars.
To this end, I find using such numbers and words like millions, billions and even trillions difficult to imagine, so let’s simplify this further.
We borrowed $40 and paid back $250, and the bank claims that we still owe $800, even though we have $30,000.00 in the bank. Also, let me add that fresh water was not included as a natural resource, as in those days, fresh water was considered an essential resource not to be sold or traded due to its vital importance to the environment.
Let us note for the record that very little has really changed on this land mass that most recognize as Canada. It is still very vast and very resourceful.
Since 11 December 1931, when the Statute of Westminster was written, ten sovereign nations and two territories were created. They sit but an arm’s length away from becoming the greatest example of prosperity to ever prove itself to the world.
Additionally, Canada’s current federal odious debt is approximately 1.237 trillion.
Let’s also add up all the provincial, municipal, home mortgage, and credit card debt, which may push this number up to 2 trillion. Then recall that the World Bank figures that Canada is valued at 30+ trillion excluding water, which doubles all of this. I will add my opinion here: Water cannot be for sale, even though some will know that the original Free Trade Agreement secretly was a water deal.
The time could not be better for all the nations, tribes and people of this land mass to come together to realize the truly amazing opportunity that stands before us.
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