DRUTHERS: A newspaper is born
In a world where nothing is as it seems, finding truth can be a daunting task. Here at DRUTHERS we are dedicated to sifting through the information to uncover what is really going on in this world.
NOTICE: Nothing in this paper, should be taken as 100% fact, just as topics in the mainstream news should not be taken as 100% fact. What we present here is intended to encourage you to dig more deeply and learn the truth for yourself. We promise to always present our views and findings honestly, but we are not the arbiters of truth. We are explorers of truth and we share what we discover with you.
There is one thing 2020 has made very clear, the mainstream news is not telling us the truth. This is deeply concerning to us and it should be concerning to everyone. Deeply!
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Add to that, the big tech giants are admittedly censoring & deleting anything which questions the official story as told by the W.H.O., including tens of thousands of doctors, scientists & other health experts from all around the world who are ringing the alarm about the extreme government overreach and devastating effects of the ‘safety measures’ implemented all around the world this year.
This is the motivation for the DRUTHERS paper. We aim to give people the opportunity to explore alternate perspectives in hopes of nudging people into questioning things more deeply. For one thing is certain… things are very much different than what is being presented to us. We must see bigger.
Please read through this paper. Take notes on various topics you would like to explore more deeply. Use a search engine like qwant.com or duckduckgo.com rather than the big G. They will give you more honest search results.
We truly love and care for all of humanity. That includes you. Please join us in asking the hard questions that the media are not. Join us in our mission of truth.
Follow druthers.net for much more alternative news, information & commentary and join a fast growing community of people in Canada who are standing up and pushing back. You can also ensure you receive a copy of the next issue of this paper.
Oh, and remember to pass this paper on to someone else when you are finished. Thank you.
With love & blessings for all,
P.S. Druthers is an old word meaning, “One’s own way, preference or choice.”
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