Dear Toronto


Dear Toronto: I love You, But I Hardly Recognize You

Published On: May 1, 2021Tags:

Dear Toronto. I was born and raised in your city, but I hardly recognize you or any of the people that live here anymore. Don’t you remember? It was you and I who high-fived each other up and down Yonge Street after the Toronto Raptors won the NBA championship back in June of 2019. Two million of us hugged and embraced each other just a few days later at the championship parade. You and I shook hands at the Scotiabank arena that one time the Toronto Maple Leafs actually won a meaningful game. You and I fist bumped and did a shot of tequila together at the Brazen head pub in Liberty Village after a Toronto FC game on a perfect July Saturday afternoon. We also shared a laugh on the TTC and on the Go train on the ride home together after the game. But today, Toronto, I don’t recognize you. You’re in shambles compared to what you used to be. How did you get so lost? How did you begin to live in so much fear? Have you actually stopped and thought about it? How did you get to the point where you thought putting a facemask on a six or seven-year-old child for eight hours a day was an excellent idea? Don’t you remember your own childhood?

The people of Toronto and all across Canada are mostly good people. And I think good people have a difficult time understanding the fact that there are evil people in this world. Good people will have a hard time understanding the concept that there are people in this world that will lie to your face and deceive you, and that those same people simply don’t care whether you live or die.

Well Toronto, and to the rest of Canada, I’m here to break some news to you: you are being lied to, and you are being deceived. Unfortunately, you’ve been lied to by some of the worst actors on the face of this planet.

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Of the things that continues to blow my mind is just how bad of actors these people are. Justin Trudeau was a drama teacher prior to going into politics. We all know that more often than not, most drama teachers are just failed actors.

Dear Toronto, it’s time for you to begin to understand that there’s a very devious and deceitful plan in place by these politicians and medical officials that you’re watching on TV every day. Their plan is to completely take away all of your rights and freedoms, and they will literally never come back, for you or your children, until you can begin to understand and accept that this is all a complete lie. These people refuse to acknowledge data and continue to rely on easily manipulated computer modeling that creates their desired effect: more lockdowns and more restrictions.

You turned on your TV two weeks ago and watched the Toronto Blue Jays play the Texas rangers in front of 50,000 people. Have you thought for one second why nothing bad has happened to any of those people who attended the game or played in the game? You turned on your TV back in February and watched Tom Brady lead the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to a Super Bowl title with Toronto-based singer ‘The Weekend’ performing the halftime show in front of a packed stadium in Florida. Have you thought for one second why nothing bad has happened to ‘The Weekend,’ or any of the thousands in that stadium, while you’re still walking around in fear everyday of your life?

Sports and concerts have been happening all across the United States over the past year, at the high school level, as well as college and professional sports, yet there have to have been zero health issues that have arisen because of these activities. Meanwhile, here in Canada, it’s illegal and punishable with a heavy fine for a young boy or girl to simply go to the park and shoot some hoops or kick a soccer ball around the park. That’s not science – it’s evil.

Did you know that all three of Canada’s major league soccer teams are playing their season in the United States because the Canadian government won’t allow them to play in Canada? Both Toronto FC and Montreal are playing their home games in Florida, yet no fans are allowed in attendance during the Canadian teams’ home games because it helps keep up the illusion that a pandemic is still happening. Meanwhile, the very next day, David Beckham’s Inter Miami team played the LA Galaxy in the exact same stadium that Toronto and Montreal played in the day before, except the American teams played their games with thousands of fans in attendance. The Canadian government doesn’t want you to see that.

Dear Toronto, it’s time to begin accepting the fact that you are deceived by some of the people you trusted. It’s time we got past this together. The longer you play along with this lie, the more you’re becoming that person on the TV show ‘Cheaters’ who’s shown video evidence of their partner being unfaithful to them over and over again, but you end up believing another one of their lies and you get in the car with them and drive home together while the rest of the world is laughing at you. Unfortunately, Toronto, the rest of the world is laughing at us right now. It’s time we join the rest of the world by taking off your mask, going out for a walk, and smiling at somebody you don’t know. That will be the first step in us returning to normal. The rest of the world around you is already going back to normal and getting on with their lives, but you’re still listening to the worst actors in the history of television.

Transcript of a video of the same title by broadcaster and writer, Chris McKee.