Celebrating 4 Years of Honest News & Information
As the founder of this crazy little project called Druthers, I wish to give a massive thanks to every single beautiful person who has contributed in some form or another to the continued growth and success of Druthers over the last 4 years. And there are many of you.
Together, we have accomplished something quite remarkable; we have created Canada’s biggest, independent, people-powered newspaper!
They say print media is dying. I think that’s incorrect. It’s dishonest, manipulative media that is dying. Hence why Druthers newspaper is going so strong.
- 4 years strong
- 48 monthly issues
- 13,000,000 newspapers
- 20,000+ supporters
- $1.2M fundraised
Not too shabby for a grassroots media project with no government funding and no big corporate sponsors. This truly is the people’s paper, powered entirely by Canadians who care about the direction this country is headed. The future is in our hands. The future is in YOUR hands. Let’s consciously create a world of truth, love, peace and freedom for all.
Big thanks to our donors
We wouldn’t be printing any papers without you. Donations are the only way the presses keep rolling each month and 100% of donations received are put toward printing papers and shipping skids to our hubs. That’s it. Your kind donations are appreciated, respected and used very wisely.
Don’t lose touch with uncensored news! Join our mailing list today.
Big thanks to our subscribers
The handling fees we earn from monthly postal subscriptions are what cover all other operating expenses and keep the crew fed. Subscriptions are a vitally important part of this operation, and much gratitude goes to everyone who faithfully has Druthers delivered to their door, month after month.
If you’re not already signed up for Druthers home delivery, please consider doing so. We’ll even mail your first month for free so you can give it a try.
Big thanks to our distributors
Thousands of passionate readers/volunteers all across the country pick up bundles of Druthers papers from our hubs and go out into their communities to distribute them freely as they see fit. This is how 90% of Druthers papers get distributed each month, and it’s a powerful way to sprinkle seeds of thought all over the country. If you’d like to help out too, visit the website link above or just email us at admin@druthers.net
And so many others, too
From writers who send us their material each month for publishing consideration to those who frequently promote Druthers—either in real life, online, or both—and many others, too, I thank you all deeply. This really would not be happening if it weren’t for thousands of concerned Canadians helping out in various ways.
I can’t imagine what the state of this country would be if there weren’t 13,000,000 Druthers in circulation, sharing alternative perspectives and helping Canadians see a bigger picture.
We really are making a tremendous difference in Canada. Let’s keep it going.
NOTE: For those who wish to mail in cash or cheques for donations or subscription fees, make cheques payable to Shawn Jason Laplante and mail to:
P.O. Box 40531
Six Points Plaza
Toronto, ON
M9B 6K8
$79 will get you 1 copy per month for 12 months delivered to your mailbox.
Or $119 will get you 3 copies per month, so you have a couple extras to give out.
See all options and pricing at: druthers.ca/subscribe
E-TRANSFERS also welcomed: admin@druthers.net
Please include a note stating if what you’re sending is a donation for printing more papers or if it’s for a postal subscription.
Big thanks & lots of love to you. Thank you for standing strong and doing all you can to make a positive difference in this country.
Shawn Jason Laplante
Creator of Druthers News & Information