Why Druthers? + Many big thanks
By Shawn Jason
As the creator of Druthers newspaper, I honestly believe that if it wasn’t for Druthers and all the incredible people it supported in our shared mission of getting honest, important information to our fellow Canadians over the last 3 years, this country and everyone in it would be completely, royally screwed right now.
Without all that truthful information being shared among the Canadian people, the self-elected ‘overlords’ of this country & planet would surely have had a much easier time rolling forward with their agendas. (Canada was/is clearly a major target in their global manipulations) But rather than it being an easy stroll through the park, they are being met with a large, rapidly growing energy of resistance from people who see enough of the bigger picture to know that standing up and choosing differently really is the only option.
This grass roots, people powered project has now printed nearly 10 MILLION Druthers newspapers and distributed them freely into every nook and cranny across this beautiful country we call our home. That’s a lot of people reached, a lot of seeds of thought planted and a whole lot of awareness raised about the globalists plans for humanity.
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We the people truly do have the power. We just need more people to recognize that and to act accordingly. And that IS happening. Slowly but surely, yet increasingly faster, people ARE waking up and stepping up.
It is highly exciting to me to witness this and I’m deeply honoured to be playing such an integral role in this great awakening that we are all a part of, right now.
When enough of us see the source of our problems, we WILL come together and find solutions. But it begins with awareness. And that is why Druthers.
The great awakening. That is why Druthers. Humanity really is awesome. That is why Druthers. Sharing hope and inspiration with others. That is why Druthers. Helping Canadians unite and collectively choose a better path forward for us all. That is why Druthers. Truth, Love & Freedom is important. That is why Druthers. A bright future for Canada and for all life on earth. That is why Druthers.
It’s pretty amazing to me how only a few hundred people donating each month can have such a tremendous impact. Yes, we receive donations from only about 300-400 people each month and from that we raise $20k – $30k. That prints 200,000 – 300,000 copies of Druthers every single month.
That is huge, no doubt! But let’s think about that for a moment. 300 – 400 people? That’s it? From a country of 40,000,000 inhabitants?
Imagine that we have 3000 – 4000 people donating each month instead of 300 – 400. We would be printing around 2.5 million Druthers each month and waking up so many more people and saving this country so much more quickly! And consider, 4000 people is only .0001% of the population. That means if just 1 out of every 10,000 Canadians were donating each month, tyranny would fall and freedom would reign, a whole lot faster. Surely we can achieve that, yes?
To all who have been donating, THANK YOU!! Truly. I don’t think you can even begin to imagine how helpful and deep reaching into the future your contributions are for this country. You, our donors, are what makes all of this possible. You are all heroes in my books. Thank you.
TO DONATE: Easiest is to send an etransfer to admin@druthers.net or you can visit druthers.ca/donate to pitch in using a credit card or paypal.
For cash or checks, please make them out to:
Shawn Jason Laplante
and mail to:
P.O. Box 40531
Six Points Plaza
Toronto, Ontario
M9B 6K8
Some people have more money than time. They can donate. Others have more time than money. They can distribute, and distribute they do!
The vast majority of the papers we print each month are given away freely by our passionate readers on their own accord, all over the country. 1000’s of them in fact! It’s a massive, epic, growing army of beautiful, caring people, armed only with truth, love & freedom. Armed only with Druthers. To all who have been helping distribute Druthers into your communities, I cannot thank you enough for your service to Druthers, and even more importantly, your service to your country.
10,000,000 newspapers is A LOT and I certainly couldn’t do it myself! It’s all your time, energy, love and support that keeps this project moving, month after month.
TO DISTRIBUTE: If you’re interested in helping get Druthers into your community, please read more here: druthers.ca/volunteer or just email us at info@druthers.net.
There are so many more people to thank as well. Even those who are simply sharing the word about Druthers with people they know in real life, and online too… that is tremendously helpful in growing Druthers and I thank you all, deeply. Keep spreading the word everywhere you are able!
Great change is upon us. This we do not have a choice in. We do however have a choice in where these changes lead us, but that takes a lot of heart, courage, wisdom & strength… and I know you have that in you. We all do. Let that shine and let’s make CANADA more STRONG & FREE than it’s ever been before!! We got this. Let’s do it :)
I love you. Pass it on.
With much love & gratitude,
Shawn Jason
Creator of Druthers.ca
P.S. Never miss an issue by getting a postal subscription to Druthers newspapers. Or choose to get a whole bundle of papers delivered to your door each month that you can give out in your own local community.
Learn more at: druthers.ca/subscribe
Druthers makes it easy for people to help this wave of awakening that is washing over Canadians these days. Druthers makes it easy to stand on the right side of history. Where do you stand?
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