

Municipal Tax Time: Call-to-Action

Published On: April 1, 2021Tags: ,

By StandUpCanada.Solutions

We are sharing a fantastic suggestion. It’s municipal tax time! Write to your city councilor and mayor to demand compensation for drastically reduced municipal services since March 2020.

Below is an example of an email which has been sent out. Adjust your letter as you see fit, and make sure to include the services which were reduced or stopped. Making it personal is always effective – the actual naming of something you weren’t ‘allowed’ to do without the threat of a fine, even something simple like walking in a park. Email addresses for councilors are easily found with a google search.

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“(Name of Councilor or Mayor), I will be paying the interim tax bill today. But before paying the final bill, which will arrive in June, I would like to know how (name of your City) citizens will be compensated, tax-wise, for the great lessening of some services, and stopping of others, which have occurred since March 2020. I will be expecting some kind of rebate from the final tax bill regarding: schools, recreation, parks, libraries, services for the disabled, hospitals, courts, festivals – just to name a few.”

Guess what? A response was received back by the municipality indicating “a more fulsome response shortly”.