Under The Bus
Exploring Trudeau’s Tyranny Through the Lens of Narcissism
By Soha Grace
A few years ago, during a peaceful protest on narcissistic abuse, I found myself in conversation with a supporter. Upon discussing this protest, a lady, who agreed with the content of this particular protest as it related specifically to narcissistic abuse, thoughtfully concluded: “Aren’t all protests about narcissistic abuse?”
Years later, as I watch what has been taking place in Canada, and all across the world, I am, in some ways, saddened by this grim reminder, and in others, alleviated by the exposure of this truth: We are all holding space as victims in this narcissistically abusive dynamic with our own elected government.
The more I bear witness to the dynamics taking place in politics, and, specifically, the rhetoric emanating from Canada’s Prime Minister, I am struck by the parallels that exist between a narcissist (a true narcissist diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder), and their victim. And I have to wonder: how have we become so enmeshed in a narcissistically abusive dynamic contained within the citizens and their leaders in this supposedly democratic country I have called home for four decades? But this shouldn’t come as a surprise to those who know a covert narcissist’s favorite meal: the empath. Not unlike the narcissist’s usual favorite victim, we Canadians have been a perfect target for the wiles of this treasonous, underhanded attack, still presenting the common image of a people who are soft, yielding, relenting, cordial, good-hearted, friendly, polite, and accommodating.
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Of course, being a Canadian leader, the abuse must be of the covert variety. After all, the vestiges of having been the queen’s golden child still abound, while the American scapegoat child abandoned her majesty long ago in 1776, like a sixteen year old, fleeing the home, resenting corrupt parental control. Having figured out the price to pay for values that no longer serve them, they left—Canada staying home until the age of 45. Americans kept their guns. We kept our politeness.
And now, so many years later, our Canadian protestors have used their politeness to attract world wide attention, deflecting any aggression towards the law and their lawyers, holding up a mirror to the Canadian government for them to see their own reflections—to see the truth of what they have been doing to our country and our people.
The way our Prime Minister has aligned with himself, the golden child (consisting of the vaxxed and pro-mandate folks) and thrown the scapegoat child (the unvaxxed, and the truckers and citizens protesting) under the bus, is a prime example of narcissistic scapegoating.
But, here is the thing about the scapegoat child: They are the truth tellers. They often have a keen ability to discern fairness from injustice and will often sense bad character when they come across it. And they can be very intelligent. And they are strong. They are often chosen specifically with this in mind, I’m told, because a narcissist wants to be able to habitually hurt or even destroy the scapegoat over time. So sometimes they are pegged early on, even groomed, before being thrown under the bus.
Now, here is the thing about buses: they might be a bit confusing underneath, the first time around, with all those metal parts and whirly-gigs and thing-a-ma-jigs but, over time, the darkness proves to be a nice cocoon in which to think. Think about what is happening. What went wrong, to gain clarity. And by reverse engineering, one starts to figure out the underbelly of the bus, make friends with it, and perhaps even become a bus mechanic.
I have no doubt that some of the truckers leading the protests are, in fact, bus mechanics. The way our Prime Minister is painting a typical narcissistic (dynamic) picture with the protesters, and the opposition, feels textbook to me. The narcissist hopes to do away with anything that threatens the narcissistic globalist agenda…I mean, err, family dynamic. And what is a country if not one giant family, governed (often, unfavorably) by a parental unit of some kind—some-level-of-authoritarian “leader”, often hiding out and not to be found. And since we’re on the topic of disappearing acts, let’s move along to the next abusive tactic found at the earlier stages of the trucker’s Ottawa protest: stonewalling.
Should we tell our Prime Minister that stonewalling is the greatest predictor of divorce in a marriage? Or that it generally marks the final breakdown in any relationship? I just wonder if any of the lawyers at ground zero in Ottawa were divorce lawyers; it seems as if the country might as well be heading for divorce. But this should by no means come as a surprise, after all, he is, in fact, cheating—now so blatantly in bed with big pharma, and other world globalists hopefuls. So it should come as no surprise to him that his disappearance, reappearance, and subsequent lack of productive communication with the protestors will not end in resolving conflict in good conscience, but instead in eroding trust, disrespecting a significant proportion of people and leaving them feeling further controlled, unheard, and disrespected. It’s a good thing divorce is in the works now as you sure don’t want to be around for the smear campaign.
Ahhh, the smear campaign: a commonly found tool in every narcissist’s arsenal of weaponry. And it seems that your knowledge of the narcissist’s dirty deeds will surely erupt a smear campaign, assassinating your character (perhaps by labeling you as a racist, misogynist unlawful nazi sympathizer, spreading violence where it isn’t welcome) while invalidating your thoughts and emotions, and undermining your ability to discern right from wrong.
Why does a narcissist smear? This is simple. They are on a mission to destroy your credibility, and to maintain or even strengthen their status quo. This design (like most narcissistically abusive strategies) seeks to silence, and exhaust you to the point of being too tired, fearful, and disoriented, to put up a good fight. The toxic system requires buttressing lies with more lies: the more they spread untruths, fake news, and belittle and mock the victim, the more they feel safe that their position remains unthreatened and control can reign supreme. At this point, all that matters is what the outside world (including global leaders) might think, and so maintaining one’s propagated false self is of primary importance. And while the golden child holds down the narcissist’s fort, recruitment of auxiliary help is imminent, and flying monkeys are enlisted. Oh, Dorothy. If only we would have listened to your, now ubiquitous, cautionary tale. But it’s never too late to learn from our TV ancestors.
Flying monkeys are used as a common narcissistic technique to paint the narcissist as the victim and their target as the perpetrator, and is tangentially related to blame shifting, and tied into smear campaigns. These monkeys are normally willing perpetrators of the abuse and don’t mind doing the Narcissists bidding for them (as seen with the wicked witch of the west’s monkeys, who under the witch’s spell, were called upon by her to do her dirty work).
Sometimes for reasons of prestige, or power by proxy, the monkey’s are seduced into willing compliance to destroy their victim; In the case of the trucker’s protest, a variety of flying monkeys have been employed, other politicians, police, certainly the media, evoking punishment and further controlling and manipulating the situation to Trudeau’s favor. This publicly takes the confrontational attention away from the narcissist, and places it on the victim (blame shifting), further disabling, in this case, the protesters’ good sense in questioning the bad behavior of the narcissist, while placing the victim on the defensive.
Now, Canada’s Prime Minister is continuing to proclaim that we all want things to return to normal and, if only it weren’t for the protesters, this wish would be granted. He continues to purport that the protesters are holding up the economy, and stepping on our democracy when it is clear that the mandates are, in fact, holding up and stepping on people’s lives and livelihoods—the actual issue at hand—and have been for two years, initially being told lockdowns would last two weeks. Which brings us to the next tactic: gaslighting. This form of abuse is named after the 1938 play, Gas Light, where an abusive husband drives his wife to insanity by making her question what she has experienced. This tactic can take on many forms, but always has the intent to erode the victim’s sense of reality, and drive them (finger’s crossed!) to insanity. And, like many of the narcissist’s weapons, gaslighting, often colloquially referred to as smoke and mirrors, resides under the umbrella of the aptly titled; crazy making.
One form of this tactic occurs when the abusive party continually moves the invisible goal post by redefining terms and expectations, previously mentioned as satisfactory. A narcissist can never be satisfied, and this lack of ability provides a fertile breeding ground for moving of the the goal post. A moving target of expectations and requests keeps the control forever in favor of a twisted agenda, disorienting, confusing, and rendering the victim off balance while fortifying the narcissist’s power, control, and damaging regime. The eternal talk of methods that have been thoroughly exhausted after the two year mark is an example of this as is suddenly and without honest reason, having declared Ottawa to be in a State of Emergency in order to enlist the help of police, and continue to ignore our Constitution while further securing, in this case, tyranny. And, of course, when these new conditions and demands that have been set up for us to follow, are met with resistance, another covert tactic of manipulation ensues: punishment in the manner of withholding (the “take-away” game). In the case of these truckers, the removal of gas cans, propane, diesel tanks, millions of dollars raised in support, and even their identity, and status as Canadians, represents this technique well.
Though it seems “instant karma” is resulting from the Prime Minister’s divisive efforts, ironically, having united Canadians together in ways not imagined before the protest. And not only Canadians, but Americans too, are standing united, offering support in numerous ways, while sharing common disdain for govern”mental” abuse and manipulation. Have we now begun closing the gap between the scapegoat and the golden child, not only with Canadians and Americans, but with the vaxxed and unvaxxed? Trudeau is uniting people against him, and so it should be, brothers and sisters coming together and looking straight into the eyes of their leaders, pointing the finger in the right direction. It is as if a fully permeable membrane of the heart just opened up between Canada and the United States, effectively unifying North America. As the rest of the world looks on, we can be proud of how far we’ve come, and who and what we’ve inspired along the way.
And although, through the illusion of choice, we have chosen a leader that appears to be propagating a textbook definition of covert narcissistic abuse (this particular textbook being the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders), the full exposure of a toxic government seems to be the only take-away. Perhaps we need a new electoral system representing the popular vote. It is interesting to observe Trudeau’s undervaluing of the percentage of Canadians supporting these protests: the lowest recorded percentage of support has been around 30%, incidentally, the same number that got him elected. How can that number be both significant enough to secure the top position in office and suddenly so insignificant that these Canadians are swept under the rug and the bus? Perhaps these truckers might make good candidates in three years time.
So what is to be done? Should we pour water on Trudeau to see if he melts? Is this protest metaphorical water, the feminine element, richly associated with emotions, intuition, and flow—tied to the tides and the moon—-movement, not stagnation. As he stands firm in his faulty beliefs, will he take note of his emotions, his intuition? And as we move forward, how will we, peace-loving Canadians, remain integrous to ourselves when faced with tyranny-of-the-majority and mass manipulation? By recording interactions? Sharing information? Private internet media outlets? Grassroots politics? Or do we need to change our definition of integrity (but keep the ‘grit’). I wonder if the only way to maintain peace in the face of a tyrannical leader, is perhaps, to turn our hopes to the one system that is supposed to supersede any government illegalities: the law. The law is the agreed upon heart of human consciousness through time: a safe respite of hope. There is no “caucus” with a judge, so the final decisions rest on them, and them alone. We have to hope that there will not be a time when our judges are monetarily influenced and end up in bed with big pharma, but instead remain faithful to the citizens of Canada and not easily bought, as our politicians have been. (Or Hello, Common Law!) It is time to redirect the Prime Minister’s flying monkeys to pull back the curtain on the great and powerful wizard of frauds. Let’s not ignore the man behind the curtain, but continue to expose him instead. Because Dorothy, we are hearing you, and there really is no place like home.