Druthers: About/Mission/Purpose
Druthers is an old word meaning one’s own way, preference or choice. It comes from the slang expression of, “I’d rather”. Eg., “If I had my druthers, we all would know the truth.”
In November of 2020, Druthers became the name of a brand new independent newspaper in Canada (druthers.net) and it was quickly, strongly embraced by the freedom movement.
As of April 2022 this Druthers project has printed over 4,000,000 newspapers and freely distributed them all across Canada with the help of thousands of donors, volunteers & other supporters.
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MISSION/PURPOSE: We are explorers of truth and invite others to join us. We’re about sharing seeds of thought, building community, protecting freedom of choice, exposing the old, inspiring the new and doing it all with a focus on peace, love & harmony for all.
Druthers does not claim to be an authoritative voice of truth. We share what we think we know and believe to be true, but what the absolute core truth is on many topics is not always easy to ascertain 100%. One thing to us is certain though, we are being lied to on an epic scale right now and Druthers is doing a fantastic job of helping more people begin to question things more deeply and honestly.
These 12 page, free newspapers, are entirely funded by our gracious donors, written by our passionate readers, promoted by our biggest fans and distributed by our eager volunteers and all this in a very grassroots kind of way, all across Canada.
If you appreciate these efforts, please consider the following.
For every $1 donated, we print 10 newspapers and have them given freely to our fellow Canadians. That means every $1000 in donations gives us the ability to print and distribute 10,000 more newspapers! How many people will that help see bigger?
We generally fundraise between $25k – $35k per month and print & distribute 250,000 to 350,000 Druthers papers accordingly. Please help keep this monthly paper alive and healthy by sharing a kind donation at: http://druthers.ca/donate
Another great way to support this project is with a postal subscription. Have your Druthers delivered to your door each month at: https://druthers.ca/shop/subscribe/
Or to send cash, checks, money orders, gift cards, etc….
Make checks payable to: Shawn Jason Laplante
And mail to: Shawn Jason Laplante
P.O. Box 40531 Six Points Plaza
Toronto, Ontario
M9B 6K8
E-transfers are also very welcomed with email admin@druthers.net (password not needed since we are set up with auto-deposit)
And if you have any questions or wish to lend your time, skills or other resources to this project, please reach out to admin@druthers.net.
Big thanks & lots of love!
Shawn Jason
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