

News From Around The World – November 2022

Published On: November 1, 2022Tags: , ,

By Paul Bennett

A Third of French Women do Not Want to Have Children

According to a recent poll in France, 30% of women of childbearing age do not want to have children. The poll, carried out by ELLE, a women’s lifestyle magazine in collaboration with polling experts at the Institut français d’opinion publique (Ifop) spoke with 2005 women to conduct the poll.

ELLE on their official website stated: “How to explain this lack of love for motherhood? Carried by the feminist wave and in particular by #MeToo, the respondents confide above all, their desire to remain free of their destiny. 50% believe that a child is not essential to their personal development, while 48% wish to continue living without assuming parental responsibility.

According to the article, “Sondage exclusif : 30 % des femmes en âge de procréer ne veulent pas d’enfant” (originally published in French), the environmental and climatic crisis also motivates the non-desire to have children for 39% of the women questioned, followed by political and social crises (37%) and fear of overpopulation (35%). Unsurprisingly, nearly one in two EELV [French Green Party] supporters want to remain childless, while on the right (Les Républicains, Reconquête, RN), the majority of women still express a desire for motherhood. The same goes for feminist and ecological affinities: 50% of women consider themselves “very feminist” and 54% say they are “very ecological” and do not wish to have children. There is also a strong disparity in the desire for a child according to the socio-professional category of the women questioned. While women from the working classes continue to want to become mothers in their vast majority, 36% of business leaders prefer to remain “childfree”.

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Of those who did not want to be a mother, 39% said that the “climate crisis” played a role in their desire not to have children. 37% said that political and social crises played a role, and 35% cited a fear of overpopulation. When broken down by political affiliation, almost half of French Greens in the EELV party said they didn’t want children. Comparatively, most supporters of Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party wanted to have children. The survey found that more working-class women wanted to have children compared to those from more professional backgrounds such as business. That being said, France continues to have one of the highest birth rates in the European Union above EU standards but in recent years the birth rate is dwindling.

The ‘not so surprising’ results from the French poll are a snapshot into current Western values and a sad indictment of a soulless society that places little emphasis on motherhood and the family. The decline of the traditional family in Europe and beyond is slowly happening.

Box of Gold Teeth Found is Not Evidence of Russian Torture according to Ukrainian Dentist

A Ukrainian dentist in the eastern Kharkiv region recently verified untrue reports of Russian torture by confirming that a box of gold dental crowns and rotten teeth belonged to him.

On October 4 Ukrainian Defence Ministry posted a picture on Twitter depicting a gas mask and a large plastic box of gold dental crowns lying on the grass and blamed Russian troops for committing war crimes in the area. The Ukrainian Ministry tweeted: “A torture chamber in Pisky-Radkivski. A gas mask that was put on the head of a victim who was covered with a smouldering rag and buried alive. And a box of gold dental crowns. A mini-Auschwitz. How many more will be found in occupied Ukraine.”

However, a village dentist, Sergey, 60, confirmed with German Newspaper BILD that the gold dental crowns were from his dentistry work and not extracted from torture victims. He believes that the box of teeth shown by the Ukrainian Ministry on Twitter came from his own plundered house.

BILD reporter, Paul Ronzheimer, tweeted on October 5: “We spoke to local dentist Sergey in the village about this horror-photo: The teeth look like the ones from my cabinet. My house was looted by the Russians. They come from people that I treated all these years. I took these teeth out.”

Sergey told BILD: “The teeth look like from my stolen collection. I’m the only dentist here. So, if they were found, they must be by me. Some residents told me that the Russians used the teeth to scare people.”

According to BILD: “Asked whether the crowns might come from dead people, the dentist replied: “My God, no! They come from people I have treated all those years. I took teeth out because they were bad. Over the course of 30 years, I have removed tens of thousands of teeth. This is a fraction of them. Sometimes, I pull out five to eight in one day. I have been doing this for 33 years.”

In any war, the truth is always the first casualty, with propaganda, lies and misleading stories par for the course. Both sides in this dirty war are steadily and desperately ramping up false narratives to suit their own agenda.

New Abortion Law in Hungary Gives Unborn Babies a Chance For Life

In mid-September, Hungary introduced vital legislation requiring women who are seeking an abortion to listen to the baby’s heartbeat before termination.

Journal The European Conservative said: “From now on, before making the final decision to initiate a termination procedure, the mother will have to have heard her baby’s heartbeat during an ultrasound scan.” The Journal added: “From now on before proceeding with the abortion, the mother must obtain a medical certificate from a pre-natal healthcare provider, proving that the vital functions of the foetus, i.e, the heartbeat, could be “clearly identified” by the patient and the doctor.

In a statement, Hungarian Interior Minister Sando Pinter said that “almost twothirds of Hungarians associate the beginning of a child’s life with the first heartbeat,” and that modern equipment can detect heartbeats early in pregnancy which can provide “more comprehensive information for pregnant women.”

Dora Duro from the opposition party Mi Hazank (Our Homeland) praised the new decree on her Facebook page: “This is the first pro-life move since the regulation of abortion in 1956, breaking a decades-old taboo. There will be at least a few seconds when a fetus can communicate with its mother who can listen to its heartbeat before an abortion is carried out.”

Amnesty International Hungary and advocates for abortion predictably reacted to the new law by saying it would make it “harder to access legal and safe abortion” and will create a “barrier to accessing abortion” which “must be repealed immediately.” Aron Demeter, a spokesperson for the Human Rights organization said: “It is definitely a worrying step back, a bad sign. This amendment achieves nothing, but will further traumatize women, put additional pressure on women who are already in a difficult place.”

Hungarian Prime Minister and EU Villain Viktor Orban has championed the importance of traditional family values and has given families with multiple children incentives such as tax breaks and subsidies to help improve the declining birth rate in the Central European country. In April 2011, under the leadership of Orban, Hungary approved a new constitution protecting life from the moment of conception. Article 11 of the Constitution states: “Everyone has the right to life and dignity; the life of the foetus will be protected from conception.”

Since the 1950s, abortion in Hungary is legal in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy on medical and social grounds.

It is hoped that many thousands of lives will be saved in Hungary because of this new law. With the recent overturning of Roe v Wade, and the new decree in Hungary, the fight for the rights of the unborn baby appears alive and well.

90% of People Attending Gender Service in 2022 May Have Autism

An alarming statistic from an audit at an Irish gender identity service has raised concerns regarding informed decision-making, assessment, and treatment of vulnerable people attending the service. In a statement shared with GRIPT, an Irish online news website, the National Gender Service (NGS) revealed: “Based on these Audits the National Gender Service has seen an increase in the number of people attending their service with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).”

The NGS estimate that those availing their service with ASD could be 90% for 2022. According to the NGS: “This number was as low as 3% in 2014. The last time a full-service audit looking at prevalence of ASD was in 2019. At that last stage, the number was 34%. A repeat audit is ongoing and the expectation for 2022 is that figure will increase significantly and may reach as high as 90%.”

Rather than asking serious questions about the alarming statistics regarding autism within the service, the NGS is instead asking the health service to provide specialized support and staff to help with autism. In their statement, “they have insufficient resources to meet current and future demand for their services.”

However, the NGS did acknowledge that further help and exploration are needed: “Being autistic does not mean that a person cannot go on to start hormones or have gender-affirming surgery. However, it is important to understand a person’s autism as part of a broader clinical assessment that includes assessment of social and occupational function, mental health, and communication needs, as all of these can be affected by autism.”

Gender identity services have been in the spotlight this year. One of the world’s largest youth gender clinics, the famous Tavistock clinic in North London was embroiled in controversy over its handling of vulnerable children earlier in the summer. NHS England was ordered to shut down the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the London centre after a damning report indicated it had failed vulnerable young people. The report also highlighted the disturbing side effects of ‘puberty-blocker’ drugs in adolescents.

In an open letter to the NHS on July 19, revered pediatrician and former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Dr. Hillary Cass, spoke candidly about her findings in the interim report into care at the Tavistock Centre. She said: “My interim report highlighted the gaps in the evidence base regarding all aspects of gender care for children and young people, from epidemiology through to assessment, diagnosis, support, counselling and treatment.”

Dr. Cass was highly critical regarding the prescription of powerful and lifechanging drugs for children with gender dysphoria. She found that there is a “lack of clarity about whether the rationale for prescription is as an initial part of the transition pathway as a ‘pause’ to allow more time for decision making.

We, therefore, have no way of knowing whether, rather than buying time to make a decision, puberty blockers may disrupt that decision-making process. A further concern is that adolescent sex hormone surges may trigger the opening of a critical period for experience-dependent rewiring of neural circuits underlying executive function (i.e. maturation of the part of the brain concerned with planning, decision making and judgement). If this is the case, brain maturation may be temporarily or permanently disrupted by puberty blockers, which could have significant impact on the ability to make complex risk-laden decisions, as well as possible longer-term neuropsychological consequences.”

The Tavistock gender clinic was once called “the model for treating trans people around the world.”

Irish Senator Sharon Keogan who has been raising concerns regarding youth gender identity services in Ireland best summed it up when she said: “This issue today will be tomorrow’s national scandal.”