

80 Canadian MDs VAXXED and Dead

Published On: November 1, 2022Tags: , , ,

By Dr. Mark Trozzi | drtrozzi.org

Around the world, the extreme body count of men, women and children who have been injured or died following the forced and misrepresented genetic injections, continues to grow. The injections are dangerous based on their declared content, but they have many undeclared toxic ingredients as well. No one is spared from the assault on our rights and health.

Though many doctors have maintained their income by complying with and participating in the criminal injection campaign; they are still required to roll up their sleeves and take their turns in this sick game of Russian roulette. In 2022 we now see dramatically increased death rates among young injected Canadian physicians.

Here is a recent compilation of Canada’s growing number of injected and lost medical doctors (currently 80). Our condolences go to the family’s of the lost Canadian physicians whose names and faces appear here.

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Here also, is Dr. William Makis’ second letter to the Canadian Medical Association respectfully asking that they fulfill their duties: investigate the death and carnage associated with the injections, and halt mandates for healthcare workers to be injected.

“On September 3, 2022, I wrote you a letter regarding the sudden and unexpected deaths of 32 young Canadian doctors since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, and I raised concerns about COVID-19 vaccines and vaccine mandates contributing to these sudden deaths. The letter went viral on social media, it was viewed by millions of people worldwide, was translated into dozens of languages, and became the topic of numerous podcasts, media interviews, internet videos and news articles.

There has been a tremendous interest worldwide into what is killing Canada’s fully COVID-19 vaccinated young doctors. Unfortunately, Canada’s healthcare leaders, including CMA, do not share this interest. Both of you failed or refused to respond to my letter, and you also failed or refused to respond to inquiries made by American philanthropist Mr.Steve Kirsch, as well as inquiries made by journalists.

I am now providing you an update with information about 80 young Canadian doctors who died suddenly or unexpectedly since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines. Four more doctors have died since my previous letter, and these unexpected deaths are accelerating. You cannot continue to ignore this.

My team has assembled a database of 1638 Canadian doctor deaths during the period 2019-2022, with 972 of them from CMA’s own website. Our preliminary analysis of this extensive data suggests that Canadian doctor deaths under age 50 in 2022 will be 2-fold higher compared to the 2019-2020 average. Shockingly, Canadian doctor deaths under age 40 are already 5-fold higher in 2022 compared to the 2019- 2020 average, and Canadian doctor deaths under age 30 are 8-fold higher!

McMaster University recently announced the sudden deaths of 3 young fully COVID vaccinated medical residents during the summer of 2022, which is unprecedented. All Canadian medical students and residents were forced into unscientific, unethical, cruel and harmful COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

I implore you again to remember your Hippocratic Oath and your own CMA Code of Ethics, and call for an immediate halt to all COVID-19 vaccine mandates in Canadian healthcare.”

Dr. William Makis MD


Bright Light News interviews Dr. Makis
Here is the Bright Light News’ Interview with Dr. Makis from last month; he discussed these matters when the injected physician body count was at 32.


Or go to rumble.com and search “32 Canadian Doctors Died & Corrupt Medical Colleges Are Destroying Medicine -Dr. William Makis, Md”

Dr. Makis testimony of rampant criminality
Dr. Makis tells the shocking story of how the College of Physicians and Surgeons in his province was weaponized in a corrupt campaign against his lawful position. This demonstrates how unlawful and abusive these medical regulators had become even before their current devoted role in the covid-crimesagainst-humanity.


Or go to rumble.com and search “Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Peter McCullough weigh in on corruption within the CPSO & the CPSA”

Originally published at www.drtrozzi.org