G7 Laughing


You Need To Know This!

Published On: February 1, 2022Tags: , ,

By Al Jacob

This is no conspiracy theory or coincidence, this is a puzzle put together from information available on online public domain.

Dear fellow Canadians,

Please take a moment to read my story. In 1989 December I was a freedom fighter in the Romanian revolution and now that the trucker convoy arrived in Ottawa, I will witness the second revolution here in Canada, where I emigrated for a better life. Not in my wildest dreams would I have been placing myself in the same situation where I was in 1989: Broken, all my rights infringed, dictated what to do and say, and forced to believe in things I didn’t.

I compare Justin Trudeau with Nicolae Ceausescu because both of them treated people like ants, stepped on their pride, freedoms, beliefs and often spit them in the face with lies.

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A couple days ago a video surfaced on the internet in which Klaus Schwab was praising Justin Trudeau while bragging about how Mr. Shwab’s people penetrated western governments and have slowly taken control of them. I took the time and did some digging and found all the pieces of the puzzle on one public website. Disturbing to find out how many politicians in JT’s cabinet are sharing Klaus Schwab’s “GREAT RESET” idea and are working tirelessly to achieve it.

Here are the facts from https://www.younggloballeaders.org. I will copy and paste some text from this website so you can faster comprehend what is going on.

“Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, created the Forum of Young Global Leaders in 2004 to help the world meet increasingly complex and interdependent problems. His vision was to create a proactive multistakeholder community of the world’s next-generation leaders to inform and influence decision-making and mobilize transformation.”

The following Canadian people are named by Klaus Schwab’s organization and here is how you find them: https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community just type in the names you are interested in.

Jagmeet Singh
Leader, Canada’s New Democrats, New Democratic Party of Canada. He does not approve of the truckers demands because he is probably a true believer of the “GREAT RESET”. His name pops up on member’s page #79.

Chrystia Freeland
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada.

Karina Gould
Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, Employment and Social Development Canada.

François-Philippe Champagne
Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

Ailish Campbell
Ambassador of Canada to the European Union, Global Affairs Canada.

Elissa Golberg
Assistant Deputy Minister for Strategic Policy, Global Affairs Canada.

Renée Maria Tremblay
Senior Counsel, Supreme Court of Canada. I am not accusing her of anything, just wondering where she is when our fundamental human rights are infringed by JT’s government?

As you can see there are some politicians in our government responsible for what is happening now in Ottawa and none of them had the courage to come out and face the Canadian nation before it was too late. Combing through this website you will find the glue that really fastens the puzzle pieces together.

Mark Zuckerberg
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Meta

Vasudha Vats
Vice-President, Pfizer.

And the biggest piece of the puzzle!!!!!!!

Klaus Schwab
Bragging About Infiltrating World Governments | The Great Reset WEF

Dear editor I think the Canadian people and the trucker convoy have the right to know that these people in our government and leadership have strong affiliation with Klaus Schwab and his interference with our life and future as a nation and as a country. I think whether you support or oppose what is going on in Canada, as journalists it is your duty to defend the interest of the nation, your brothers, sisters, mom’s and dad’s interests.

As we said back in Romania in 1989 to our soldiers, cops, fire fighters, doctors and nurses, secret service members, news and media outlets: “Watch out on which side of the barricade you are, the history books will remember you”.

And let me finish with another Romanian saying: “there are good men, bad men and truckers; you can mess with the first two but not with the TRUCKERS”
With love and respect toward all Canadians,
Al Jacob