Writing Elected Officials [converted]


Writing to your elected officials

Published On: July 1, 2022Tags: , , , , ,

By Gary Harrison

Until a short time ago, you had two options if you wanted to contact an elected official, by telephone and by mail. In the last several years, e-mail has been added and has become the medium of choice. It’s fast, it gets read, and — virtually all elected officials use and welcome e-mail communication. Whether it’s sent through the post office or electronically, it should be formal and as wellwritten as you can make it. Political communication, to be taken seriously, should send the message that you care enough about the subject to take some care in writing about it. In the days before e-mail, officials generally considered letters more important than phone calls, because they took more thought and effort. A proper e-mail letter carries the same message — this person has really thought about this, and has put some work into sending his/her opinion. But, not enough people are writing to our elected officials. Maybe if more of us did this, people inside the government would be educated and wake up to what is really going on! Remember, most have been lied to and have not seen the evidence and have only heard one side!

Here’s why it’s is important to write to your elected officials; To demonstrate to them that his/her constituents are aware of an issue and have a real interest in the outcome, to inform an official about an issue or situation, giving them background and history that he/she may not have, and at the very least… to put an official on notice that you are watching his/her actions, and that he needs to take your votes into account at election time! Here is an example of a recent letter written to an official.

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Minister Jean-Yves Duclos;
I sent an email to you before you left for Europe to discuss the WHO International Health Regulations. I received no acknowledgement from your side and now you are back on Canadian soil. It has been difficult to decode all the announcements emanating from many sides after the May 22-28 meeting. My takeaway is that there is still no agreement on a go forward but my sense is that the plan remains to grant unbelievable powers to the WHO to recognize, coordinate and execute strategies to address future health issues without essential consultation and agreement with national governments. Sounds like ceding national sovereignty to me. Limited initially to health but it is a slippery slope that would lead to ceding national sovereignty in other areas of strictly Canadian oversight.

My position is that you and your government do not have the authority to give away Canadian health sovereignty to a foreign entity. With only 30% of the popular vote in the last election certainly does not qualify your party to take unilateral action on this critical issue. Very little coverage in mainstream media. If there was, I am confident that literally tens of millions of Canadians would be fiercely objecting to such treason. And this is why it is essential that any giveaway of our sovereignty be voted on by Canadians in a national referendum. Similar proposal has been put forward in Australia. Almost 50 countries in Africa have voiced their disapproval in addition to others in Asia. Brazil would leave the WHO if this theft of sovereignty moves forward.

It is quite incredible that so many Western nations (US, Canada, EU) continue to consider the WHO the prime world leader for overall international health issues. The WHO is a shadow of its former self. In my opinion, the WHO deserves a failing grade for its action on covid-19. Why do I say this? The WHO is no longer 100% funded by governments. For years, the WHO has increasingly depended upon privately funded NGO’s – the largest being the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – getting to 1 USD billion over the past 2 years. However, Gates has deep conflict of interest connections to several pharmaceutical companies. He has even boasted that his initial $10 billion investment in international health will return him $200 billion. So let’s not be naïve. Gates and his pharma ‘buddies’ are not our friends. First and foremost, they are out to make profits for themselves and their shareholders and in so doing gain complete control over global health delivery.

The following summarizes events that point to WHO failures with respect to covid-19.

  1. The PCR test used (and still being used) was never designed to test for pathogens – this according to Kary Mullis, inventory of the PCR test. Far too many false/positives. But effective for generating FEAR.
  2. Masks, distancing, lockdowns now in hindsight did not appreciably eliminate mortality. More FEAR. Significant drops in social development and IQ among children.
  3. Mental tragedies (suicides, drug overdoses), family violence, etc. along with economic damage to businesses has been catastrophic.
  4. Gene therapy products injected in far too many people were never properly clinically tested and peer reviewed for safety and effectiveness. Check out US VAERS for deaths in excess of 30,000 and over 1 million vaccine injuries.
  5. The gene therapy products were never designed to kill the virus. The Emergency Use Authorization only addressed symptoms of the virus. Now shown to have no effectiveness against stopping viral transmission.
  6. There never has been any attempt to determine deaths in Canada of those “with’ covid or ‘from’ covid. Big difference. Deaths due strictly to ‘from’ covid are significantly lower in US & Europe.
  7. Survival rates – those under 50 well up and over 99%. Even those over 50, 95% +.
  8. WHO and pharma were aware that the vaccine travelled throughout the body penetrating soft organs with severe consequences.
  9. It was strongly recommended (Barrington Declaration) that those over 65 should be the focus of early treatment. This was ignored in favor of a blitzkrieg approach on the entire population. Still 80% of deaths were in seniors over 65 – many with comorbidities.
  10. Approval of injections of under 30 were known not to be necessary. Young people are amazingly resilient. However, after jabs, teenage males were highly susceptible to heart issues and unnecessary deaths.
  11. Deaths among healthy people 25-64 have exploded well beyond normal death levels vs comparable year ago levels – the vaccine may be the only possible explanation.
  12. With waning effectiveness, more boosters are encouraged. However, results from the UK and Israel demonstrate that those with 2 shots with 1 or 2 boosters are, by far, the main cohort of hospitalizations and deaths.
  13. Many who objected to receiving the mandatory vaccine lost jobs with enormous impact on their daily lives. Free travel was prevented.
  14. Egregiously, perfectly effective non patent medicines have been proven to be successful against covid 19 all around the world but not acceptable to administrative health authorities and government. Why?
  15. WHO over the past few years have softened the definitions of ‘pandemic‘ and ‘vaccine’.
  16. Removed the benefits of Natural Immunity from vaccine definition.
  17. Natural Immunity has now been shown to be highly effective in combating infection but scant recognition from WHO The implications of ceding Canadian health sovereignty to the WHO must be made fully aware to Canadians and essential transparent discussion be completed. With this process, I am confident that Canadians will insist that the Canadian Government receive the necessary direction to reject the WHO’s proposed regulation amendments.

Gary Harrison
Waterloo, ON