

Would a Vaccine “Immunity Passport” Violate The Canadian Charter Of Rights And Freedoms?

Published On: May 1, 2021Tags: , ,

By Justice Centre For Constitutional Freedoms @

In the latest escalation of rights infringements, governments in Canada are now actively discussing vaccine passports, which would effectively mandate vaccination for Covid.

A government threatening or mandating liberty restrictions against Canadians who do not want a Covid vaccine would, in our view, be a violation of the section 7 right to life, liberty and security of the person, and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice. Once established, the government would then have to prove that this serious rights infringement is demonstrably justified on a preponderance of evidence.

The Supreme Court of Canada, in a foundational case, established that in Canada freedom means the absence of coercion or constraint. If Canadian governments move to force or otherwise mandate vaccines, they need to be effectively and immediately challenged in court.

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JCCF: Founded in 2010 as a voice for freedom in Canada’s courtrooms, the mission of the Justice Centre is to defend the constitutional freedoms of Canadians through litigation and education. We fight for Canada to become and remain a free society, where the equality of all Canadians and their individual freedoms are celebrated and respected.