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World Economic Forum Board: Former VP Al Gore, Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister, BlackRock CEO & More

Published On: April 1, 2022Tags: , ,

Americans (and Canadians) Must Pressure the Federal Government to Disavow the Dangerous World Economic Forum

By Renee Nal

The World Economic Forum has enormous influence across the planet. Their trained globalist flunkies (see board members below) have been installed in prominent roles in governments, industry and academia. They have been vastly successful in implementing founder Klaus Schwab’s vision of merging industry with governments (i.e. global socialism) through “stakeholder capitalism.”

Whether it is through the Great Reset (i.e. Build Back Better), the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or ‘stakeholder capitalism‘, the World Economic Forum’s goal of global socialism is the same. Whether the World Economic Forum uses the pandemic or “climate change” as the launchpad, the goal of global socialism is the same.

‘Stakeholder Capitalism’

‘Stakeholder capitalism’ strips the profit motive from industry, forcing companies to ultimately be dependent on governments, who get their money from taxpayers. Obviously, this system would be unsustainable, but it is still embraced by the ‘elite’. As former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

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What happens when the money dries up?

Using technology to empower a full globalist takeover, the World Economic Forum wishes to transform “social and economic systems” worldwide. The cojones are mind-boggling. In a sane world, the World Economic Forum would be dismissed as lunatics. Instead, they are celebrated by the anointed.

According to their latest annual report, the “purpose” of the World Economic Forum is as follows:

“At the World Economic Forum, our purpose is clear: we aim to shape the future of public-private cooperation. We want to do so globally, regionally and nationally. We want to help develop successful and responsible business models. We want to harness the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We want to design cohesive, sustainable and resilient social and economic systems. And we want to enhance the stewardship of our global commons.”

The WEF quest to create so-called “public-private cooperation” has been so successful in rewarding big corporations and crushing small businesses that Klaus Schwab has been able to move onto bigger and more ambitious projects that will result in the literal transformation of human beings.

As previously reported at RAIR Foundation USA, Joe Biden’s State Department is partnering with the World Economic Forum to reward climate cronies (referred to as the First Movers Coalition) by creating a “demand” for green products that does not currently exist:

The Biden administration has bypassed the Constitution to collude with the World Economic Forum for the latest scheme, which was announced at The UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26) in November. The effort — to create new markets for ‘green’ products — is spearheaded by Biden’s unelected and unaccountable ‘special envoy to the climate’ John Kerry, using the resources of the State Department.

Leadership and Governance

Members of the World Economic Forum board include the following (full list and links to bios:

  • Marc Benioff, Chair and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Salesforce
  • Laurence D. Fink, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock
  • Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of Canada
  • Al Gore, Vice-President of the United States (1993- 2001); Chairman and Co-Founder, Generation Investment Management LLP
  • Yo-Yo Ma, Cellist
  • Julie Sweet, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Accenture
  • Andre Hoffmann, Vice-Chairman, Roche
  • Christine Lagarde, President, European Central Bank

Many of the board members graduated from the World Economic Forum’s school for Young Global Leaders.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Meritocracy is a dirty word for these self-described elitists, who reward their WEF cronies based only on their allegiance to Klaus Schwab’s vision of a Fourth Industrial Revolution, which have satellites all over the globe, including San Francisco.

Watch a promotional video for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Center in San Francisco:

Watch Klaus Schwab discuss the future, which will include implanting chips in people’s brains:

Americans must pressure their local representatives and the federal government to disavow the dangerous World Economic Forum.

Originally published at: