

Without safe elections, there is no democracy

Published On: September 1, 2022Tags: ,

By Elizabeth Davis-Dagg, J.D.
Former Deputy Mayor of Lambton Shores

I come to you in an effort to secure support for an action to protect the integrity of municipal elections in Ontario.

Many municipalities across Ontario have contracted with Scytl, a technology company based in Barcelona, Spain to provide internet and phone voting in municipal elections on October 24th.

The problem is that Scytl works in cooperation with Dominion Voting. There is credible video evidence from around the world that these voting services are not secure and can be manipulated. There is also credible evidence the mail-in process for voting can be undermined by fraudulent voting.

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We must remove ourselves from contracts with Scytl.

Without safe elections, your vote may not count.

Without safe elections, there is no democracy.

I contacted my local municipal council and asked them to reconsider their decision to work with Scytl. I encourage you to determine if your municipality is working with Scytl and if so, do the same. Ask your Mayor, Deputy Mayor and councillors to vote for a reconsideration of this contract. Urge them to present/support a motion which includes the following elements:

  1. One day elections — no mail-in ballots;
  2. Identification required to vote;
  3. Votes counted on election day with the results presented the same day; and
  4. Paper ballots only — which can be recounted and confirmed for accuracy.

Having been in political office, I am confident that a vote of reconsideration is still possible given the timelines between now and the municipal election.

We need to return to closely controlled paper ballots that can be recounted and confirmed for accuracy.

Thank-you for considering my appeal. These are perilous times. Please take action.