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Why The Victoria Declaration?

Published On: July 1, 2021Tags:

By Ted Kuntz

There is little argument that governments globally have exceeded their delegated authority. Governments around the world are indiscriminately and immorally destroying local economies, closing businesses and schools, restricting personal movement, mandating unwarranted behaviors, imposing unproven medical interventions, and eliminating the most basic of human rights and freedoms. All of this in the absence of true authority, without evidence of benefit, accountability, and in ignorance of the overwhelming damage to the health and well-being of all of humanity.

To permit this unfettered abuse of power is to risk losing the natural rights and freedoms that are the heritage of all people and the foundation of free and just societies. History reveals that rights and freedoms are never returned willingly. Rather, it is the oppressed themselves who ultimately reclaim and preserve human rights that benefit humanity.

The authors of the Victoria Declaration recognize rightly that it is the duty of every human to ensure that fundamental human rights and freedoms are upheld. The consequence of failing to stand up and curtail tyranny is to risk losing all that we hold precious and to condemn future generations to lives of servitude.

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Who Is the Victoria Declaration For?

The Victoria Declaration is a call to embolden humanity to stand united to stop all forms of tyranny, and to reclaim our right to live in freedom and aspire to our dreams in the full expression of all that human life can be. We acknowledge that it is our responsibility to take back what we have allowed to be taken from us and to protect our inalienable rights and freedoms.

We present the Victoria Declaration as an expression of our historically recognized divine rights on behalf of all who seek freedom.

We recognize that we are on the front lines of the most important battle in history. This is a battle to save democracy, freedom, human liberty and human dignity – the birthrights of every human being.

How to use the Victoria Declaration

The Victoria Declaration presents a foundation for the restoration of humanity. Its authors declare that humanity is at a critical juncture because collectively we have failed to grasp the significance of the events unfolding around us and to respond accordingly.

It is time to rise up, speak up and stand firm against tyrannical orders to ensure that future generations may thrive in freedom, health and happiness.

The Victoria Declaration is for you, your family, your community, your city, your nation — for humanity itself in all of its sovereign expressions. Please take this document and share it, evolve it, express it, and make it your own.

Call to Action

Our request is that you firstly read the document and thoughtfully consider its implications. The Victoria Declaration is first and foremost a declaration of selfresponsibility. It declares that we who have been given these fundamental rights and freedoms from our Creator have a responsibility to protect and preserve our rights and freedoms, not only for ourselves, but for all future generations; it is we who must stand up to the tyranny violating humanity at this time.

Second, declare your pledge to stand in your power and authority and reclaim what has been unlawfully and immorally taken from us by signing the declaration.

Third, share this document widely. Invite others to accept the responsibility to protect our rights and freedoms. This includes family, friends, colleagues and acquaintances, and also our duly elected representatives in government and the various agencies and organizations who are obliged to preserve and protect humanity. We encourage you to print, post, share, and invite others to join in this global freedom movement.

It is critical that we take action now to reclaim what is rightfully ours.

May our voices joined in harmony be insurmountable.

Read the full declaration at: librti.com/victoria-declaration