What is Freedom?
By Allison Azulay
It is surprising how few people can answer that question.
Put it this way: If you protest against restrictions or petition the government for freedom, you do not know what freedom is. Freedom is never given, it is taken. Anyone who “grants” freedom is claiming the right to take it away on a whim.
So again, what is freedom?
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Freedom is knowing and exercising your natural and unalienable (not inalienable) right to free will and informed — not tricked or coerced or presumed — consent, and your natural and unalienable right to deny consent in all matters. In short, it is the right to make choices. Freedom means rights, whether they are written in law or not. But it also means responsibilities, and included among those is (a) accepting the consequences of poor choices and (b) acknowledging the rights of others to free will and freedom of choice. No legislation, including so-called “emergency” legislation, gives anyone the right to take away others’ free will and freedom of choice. Period.
To be clear, we all have the right to make our own choices within Natural or Universal law. And the true law is simple: Do no evil, speak no evil, and accept no evil. Further, all are equal before the law, without exception.
True law does not prevent us from protecting ourselves from actual threats. But an invisible enemy that cannot be proved to exist (insert virus, unknown terrorist, climate change alleged by actresses and bought science, undisclosed military manoeuvres, yada yada…) is not an actual threat; it is a fear-promotion campaign designed to con us into giving up our rights and freedoms.
Nor does true law prevent us from taking back our freedom. What does taking it back mean?
To be truly free, we have to be willing to give up anything and anyone that prevents our freedom. Given our long history of totalitarian creep, which is inevitable with any form of top-down and effectively unaccountable government, taking back our freedom means starting over and doing something completely different from what we’re used to.
Only when we create an independent society does independent life begin.
Right now, we are going through life, social, economic, political, and psychological changes more profound than anything experienced in a very long time. But our salvation, our power, lies in the human heart, the power to reflect, accepting responsibility, and a sense of humour and ability to recognize absurdity and to laugh at ourselves as well as at the absurdity around us.
We need to remember all that has been systematically driven out of us: the knowledge that respecting the basic rules of coexistence is required to survive and to thrive. That means taking pride in doing our work well, behaving decently toward others, helping others, and putting common interests above our own (as opposed to acting for the “greater good,” which is word deception that really means acting to benefit those who consider themselves greater than the rest of us — all of those wannabe-greats being obscenely rich control freaks and eugenicists pushing false narratives to con us into global government by and for them).
In order to change the world in which we live, we must change human consciousness — how we think. That includes setting our egos and all we think we know aside; learning the truths, including real history, that are being suppressed by the elites; examining their propaganda and recognizing the lies; being willing to abandon all we have known to start fresh and create a society dedicated to life instead of war, theft, slavery, and death.
It will not be easy to start, but the path to freedom gets easier while the seduction of the apparently easy road leads to a nowhere that is truly hell on earth.
Make no mistake: The old “normal” is exactly what led to where we are now, in an enslaved “new normal” we are being told to accept for the good of those who consider themselves greater. The shortages we are experiencing are not caused by “dissidents” (meaning all who think for themselves, see through the con, and refuse to knuckle under). We were told many months ago to expect shortages, and who does not remember that governments ordered the destruction of food “in case it might be contaminated.”
This is a wake-up call and an opportunity to recognize that being locally self-sufficient is security (which is why it has been discouraged in order to make us dependent on global corporations). And bottom-up government by all members of the community (instead of a few narcissists) and for the benefit of all the members of the community is how we organize ourselves and our resources to achieve security and freedom.
The question is: Do Canadians have the sense and the gumption to create a REAL normal that actually benefits us all instead of only the few?