The,green Eyed,girl,looking,through,torn,paper.,spying,,glancing


What Do You See?

Published On: September 1, 2022Tags: , , ,

By an outraged individual who has had enough

Everyone can identify something about this pandemic that does not make sense. I see:

The government asked everyone to blindly trust a vaccine with unknown side effects over Nobel prize-honored Ivermectin, which, in Uttar Pradesh, India, was used to cure Covid. IT WORKED.

While failing to stop Covid, the vaccines managed to end careers, destroy families, friendships, people — some permanently injured and some dead — my deepest condolences go out to all the victims. As far as physical side effects go, Pfizer was forced by the courts to release a few pages of those documents. LOOK IT UP. Don’t you wonder why they went to court to prevent showing you? Interviews with the Pfizer CEO are also a fascinating listen. The vaccine failed to stop Covid.

Fear motivated illogical behaviour. So tangled in fear we overlooked that blind trust was put into a vaccine with unknown side-effects due to fear of catching a virus with a survival rate of 99.8% AND that is already treatable. Meanwhile, GOOGLE “Died Suddenly”, Click “NEWS”, scroll. For August 2022 in Alberta, the leading cause of death is unknown. We can agree something is clearly wrong. Why have more children been getting strokes?

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Zoo animals were subjected to “VOLUNTARY” injection training. What is voluntary about an animal being trained to give their arm on command?

The government defeated the purpose of lockdowns by allowing flights from the most infected areas to fly in the entire time we were in hiding to “flatten the curve”. That brought them money that they could not afford to lose for their well-being while telling you to lose yours. — By the way, don’t forget to vote Liberal again to help them keep their jobs and continue to use our tax money against us.

Professionals in their fields were fired for differences of opinion. Yesterday we were forever in their debt because they saved the life of a loved one and now we fire them and pretend a shortage of doctors is why we replace them with doctors from outside the country. In other cases, doctors across the globe are stepping down and speaking out against what they describe as ‘crimes against humanity’.

All this while the remaining “top doctors” stress survival through an unhealthy lifestyle. They encourage the healthy to stay inside over exercise. They encourage vaccinations over vitamins that can boost our immune system and help us maintain healthy lifestyles. They encourage us to order online instead of eating healthy. They encourage masks instead of the oxygen we need to survive.

I am sure you the reader can name other absurdities that just do not make sense.

People forget the first nation that the Nazi’s invaded was their own in Germany. This was accomplished not with an army, but with a radio. That radio spread the same kind of propaganda that is driving the fear around Covid. The fear and agitation that disengaged you from your sense of reason. All while being encouraged not to think and not to ask questions!

If fear disengages us from reason, then maybe the best way to make sense of this pandemic is to try to understand things for what they are, rather than what we are told to take from it. Take a step back and really consider for yourself, what is happening around you and why that could be.

What do you see?