We’ve Got This
By Druthers Staff Writer
A recent Gallup Survey found that just 16% of Americans trust television news. Corporate news ratings are also down across-the-board this year, led by CNN’s 68% decline in prime time. People are finally seeing through the corporate sponsored lies. And once you see the lies, once they have lost your trust, there is no going back. The relationship is over.
Of course, we know who has sponsored much of their lies -the very pharmaceutical companies profiting off this vaccine. Good Morning America, CBS Health Watch, Anderson Cooper 360, ABC News Nightline, Making a Difference, CNN tonight, Early Start, This Week with George Stephanopoulos -have all, at some point, been brought to you by Pfizer. Even CNBC’s own twitter posts have been sponsored by Pfizer. And worst of all, the vaccine trials themselves were sponsored by the very pharmaceutical companies that made them -how is that objective?
And while at times it seems that the agenda keeps on pushing forward, we the people are pushing back just as hard. A poll by the Trafalgar Group found that the overwhelming majority (71.4%) of Americans oppose vaccine mandates. We are seeing this belief roll out into the real world as workplaces all across the world are standing up for their right not to get vaccinated.
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In Canada, after the Toronto Police Service announced a mandatory vaccination policy for all members, the Toronto Police Association opposed the mandatory vaccination. The TPA stated they “must make every effort to protect all of our members and therefore, does not support this mandatory vaccination announcement or mandatory disclosure.”
Meanwhile in America, Southwest Airlines experienced a “sickout” in October when thousands of employees cashed out on their sick days prior to a vaccine mandate taking effect. The Airline, who cancelled over 2,000 flights the weekend of Oct 8th, originally blamed “the weather,” but when there was a lack of data to support this, the pilot’s union finally admitted that it was because of “unavailable crews” (careful not to use the word “strike” or “walkout” as it is illegal for a pilot to go on strike in America). At one point, 30% of their flights were cancelled.
And across North America, thousands of General Electric employees walked out to protest vaccine mandates. GE locations across North America, including 750 GE employees in Ohio (pictured), conducted a walk out the morning of October 21st to protest the company’s vaccine mandate.
Over in Europe, thousands of medical professionals declared COVID policies “crimes against humanity” and signed “The Rome Declaration” in protest. Over 10,000 physicians and medical scientists worldwide have signed to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behavior. Behavior such as denying patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient relationship and suppressing open scientific discussion for profits and power.
Humanity is standing up and saying enough is enough.
Together, we can, and we are, saying “NO” to surrendering our bodies.
Together, there is a way forward to a world without mandates and lockdowns.
Together, we have more power than the few who think they can control us.
We’ve got this.
Stay Strong.
Stay free.