Vaccines and Returning to School
By Ted Kuntz
September marks the return to school of our children. One of the more important issues that parents need to consider is whether vaccine mandates exist in your province. Ontario and New Brunswick are the only provinces in Canada that mandate vaccination in order for children to attend school. Both of these provinces allow for personal belief and religious exemptions, meaning all vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule are voluntary in Canada.
While childhood vaccines are voluntary, Health Canada and their public health agents along with the corporate-controlled media consistently declare that your child must be fully vaccinated to attend school. They also declare that vaccination is life-saving and for “the greater good.” These declarations are false and intentionally dishonest. The unfortunate reality is that our governments and their public health agencies are committed to coercion. By failing to honour informed consent, they violate legal and medical ethics. Children have the right to bodily sovereignty and the right to benefit from the protection and wise counsel of their parents, who are responsible for making informed medical decisions for their children.
Ontario public health policy is one of the more egregious in its efforts to coerce parents. The policy requires parents who refuse even one of the recommended childhood vaccines to attend an “education session” designed to compel parents to vaccinate. Parents who insist on exercising their right to informed consent are required to sign an affidavit stating that they are “knowingly putting their child’s life at risk.”
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No mention is made in their education sessions of the serious, even deadly effects of vaccination, the failure of the vaccine industry to prove safety using a true placebo, the negative impact of vaccination on the natural immune response, or access to the vaccine product monographs that list ingredients, adverse effects, contraindications, and limitations to safety testing. When parents are given only one side of an issue, it is coercion, not consent.
Vaccine Choice Canada has been defending a parent’s right and responsibility to make medical decisions for their children for 42 years. We began in 1982 when the Ontario government introduced legislation mandating vaccination in order for children to receive a public education. Ironically, this was the same year the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was signed. The original legislation had no provisions for personal belief or religious exemptions. A group of parents lobbied the Ontario government for two years and were successful in having the legislation modified to include exemptions. These parents were the beginning of what today is called Vaccine Choice Canada.
Public health policy in New Brunswick has also been egregious in its coercion of parents. In 2019, the New Brunswick government introduced legislation to remove personal belief and religious exemptions—in response to only 11 cases of measles in the province. Vaccine Choice Canada secured six international experts to address the proposed legislation, including Dr. Bob Sears, Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, Dr. Meryl Nass, and lawyer, James Kitchen. I also presented on behalf of Vaccine Choice Canada.
In our discussion with government legislators, the turning point was when the question was asked of the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH), “How many of the eleven children who contracted measles were vaccinated?” The energy in the room shifted dramatically when the CMOH refused to disclose this information to legislators. An Access to Information and Privacy request (ATIP) revealed that 9 of the 11 children who contracted measles were fully vaccinated with the measles vaccine. One was partially vaccinated, and only one child was unvaccinated.
Vaccine Choice Canada has developed many resources to assist parents in exercising their right to medical choice and how best to deal with the coercive actions of governments and public health agents.1
Parents need to be especially vigilant with their pre-pubescent children who will be targeted for the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) vaccine. This vaccine is purported to prevent cervical cancer, although no studies have substantiated that the vaccine reduces the incidence of cervical cancer at all. The vaccine is also given to boys, even though they don’t have a cervix.
Undermining Parental Authority
Intentional messaging is disseminated to undermine parental authority when it comes to vaccination, exacerbated by the presence of “vaccine clinics” in schools. With disregard for the wishes of their parents, our children are herded into a gymnasium or cafeteria and injected. There are even websites on the internet that counsel children about how to get vaccinated without the knowledge or consent of their parents.
Because of the “mature minor doctrine,” which is health policy in all provinces in Canada, our schools and public health officials disregard the right of parents to make medical decisions for our children. This doctrine purports that children as young as nine years of age are mature enough to make the vaccine decision for themselves. Our counsel to parents is to avoid sending your child to school when a vaccine clinic is being held.
Do not assume that school personnel or public health agents delivering the injections will honour your right to informed consent. Vaccine Choice Canada regularly receives stories from parents whose children arrive home from school and declare they were injected with multiple shots. The reality is that our governments, public health agencies, and the doctors and nurses who administer vaccines have no regard for informed consent, even though this is considered a fundamental principle of ethical medicine.
In a 2014 paper, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced their new “implied consent” policy, which states, “The physical presence of the child or adolescent, with or without an accompanying parent at the vaccination session, is considered to imply consent. This means that a child sent to school on the day of a vaccine clinic is now consenting by implication.”
They also have no regard for individualized medical treatment that provides a risk-benefit analysis for each vaccine and each individual. When the product is vaccines, we are subjected to a one-size-fits-all approach.
The clearest example of this one-size-fits-all approach is the injection of newborns with the Hepatitis B vaccine on their first day of life. Hepatitis B is a virus that is spread through the exchange of bodily fluids during sex and IV drug use. Given that our newborns are not engaged in these behaviours, the risk of contracting Hep B is non-existent. The only legitimate risk to infants is birth from a mother with Hep B. While every mother who receives prenatal care is tested for Hep B, Health Canada recommends Hep B vaccination for our day-old infants.
To assist parents of young children in their vaccine decision-making, Vaccine Choice Canada has just published a new book—A New Parents Guide to Understanding Vaccination.2 We contend that the vaccine decision is the most important decision a parent will make for their children. Unlike other medical treatments, the effects of vaccination are permanent and cannot be reversed.
The artificial stimulation of the immune system with manufactured viruses, bacteria, adjuvants, and toxins including mercury, aluminum, polysorbate 80, SV40, and other ingredients permanently alters the natural immune response. Injected aluminum from vaccines is known to cause inflammation of the brain and is linked to neurodevelopmental disorders, such as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), learning disabilities, speech delay, and autism. Autism is the true pandemic with 1 in 25 children diagnosed today. Vaccination is a decision that should not be taken lightly or without due diligence.
What most parents don’t understand is that many of the products that are called “vaccines” do not prevent infection or transmission and can increase the risk of chronic disease. While Health Canada and vaccine manufacturers refuse to conduct vaccinated vs unvaccinated studies to prove safety and efficacy, several independent researchers have conducted such studies in recent years. The results are deeply disturbing. The evidence is compelling that vaccinated children suffer more chronic disease, hospitalizations, and death than unvaccinated children.
Studies with graphics that clearly show the difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated children are available in the New Parents Guide to Understanding Vaccination.
Cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, recently declared, “The mRNA jab is the most horrific medical product in history.” I suggest the reality is that the vaccine paradigm is the most horrific medical practice in history.
Ultimately, it is you, the parents, who must claim the responsibility for the vaccine decision, as it is you who will experience the consequences of this decision. This is no time to have blind faith in these institutions, which insist on legal and financial immunity when their products cause injury and death.
Ted Kuntz is the President of