Unvaccinated Patient Denied Transplant Faces Tragic Outcome

Unvaccinated Patient Denied Transplant Faces Tragic Outcome

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Unvaccinated Patient Denied Transplant Faces Tragic Outcome: Doctor Speaks Out

Published On: November 1, 2023Tags: , , ,

Dr. Byram Bridle Condemns Physicians Who Prohibited Unvaccinated Grandmother to Death

By The Vigilant Fox

One of the most heinous actions during all of COVID is still underway in Trudeau’s Canada: unvaccinated citizens, even ones with natural immunity, are being denied life-saving transplants. That’s what happened to mother of four and grandmother of two, Sheila Annette Lewis.

In 2019, Sheila was diagnosed with a terminal condition and needed a transplant to survive. Sheila applied for a transplant, was approved, and was literally next in line to receive the vital organ she needed to survive. But there was a problem once COVID arose: Sheila lacked the “correct” form of protection — she had natural immunity, not “vaccinated” immunity.

Doctors required Lewis to get jabbed, but she declined the COVID shots, citing it violated her conscience and would infringe upon the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Consequently, she was demoted to the bottom of the list. So, Sheila legally challenged her demotion, asserting that the Charter protected her right to decide what goes into her body. However, her efforts were unsuccessful.

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Sheila’s arguments were rejected by both the Alberta Court of Queen’s Bench and the Alberta Court of Appeal, which ruled clinical treatment decisions weren’t governed by the Charter. Seeking redress, Lewis appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada, which decided not to hear her case. As a result, Sheila suffered a horrible and suffocating death.

Expert witness Dr. Byram Bridle knows the doctors who destined Sheila to death. And he had a lot to say on the matter.

“If you don’t know about Miss Sheila Annette Lewis, you need to. Everybody needs to,” urged the viral immunologist during a live panel hosted by Bright Light News. “She died. She was allowed to die because she was denied a transplant here in Canada. This is the Canada that we live in … everybody in the world wanted to come here because it was a great place to live. Now, we live in a place where we deny people transplants and destined them to death, horrid, horrible deaths because they won’t take an experimental shot that doesn’t work.”

Dr. Bridle emotionally described how Sheila died. “She was a mother of four — grandmother of two. She died at 58 years of age. She died a horrible death — suffocating, slowly suffocating … That’s the reality. Horrible death. She was denied a life-saving transplant.”

“A gag order was put on those who are involved in this trial because the doctors did not want anybody to know who they were,” he continued. “And no wonder, when you know the story.” It’s important to note that the organ Sheila needed, or the hospital involved, also cannot be publicly disclosed because, with that information, people can deduce who the doctors involved were.

Dr. Bridle mentioned that he served as an expert witness in Sheila’s initial court case. “They would not rule on the evidence,” he said. This issue persisted in the Court of Appeal, where Dr. Bridle felt common sense was ignored. The Supreme Court of Canada wouldn’t even hear the case. “This is what our court system is like,” he lamented. “This is the country [we live in], and we’re supposed to be proud to be Canadians?”

“This is the important thing,” Dr. Bridle emphasized. “She [Sheila] was denied a life-saving transplant because she literally had demonstrable proof of robust immunity against SARS-CoV-2. But unfortunately, she did not get that immunity in the ‘correct’ way that came [as] the result of a natural infection. And she lacked a piece of paper that certified two needles having gone into her shoulder.”

Dr. Bridle then looked directly into the camera and issued a direct statement to the doctors involved.

“There is a court order. As somebody who served as an expert witness, I’m sworn to not be able to release the names of the physicians. Okay. And I will honor that. I served the court. I take my service to the court seriously. I answered every question they asked me, and I told the truth to everybody. But I know who the physicians are. I know who you are, and you know who you are, and shame on you!” Dr. Bridle exclaimed. “You are responsible for the death of this woman, and you know it.” Sheila Annette Lewis is remembered by her four kids, two grandkids, and a community that loved her. Originally published at VigilantNews.com