Unvaccinated: How Canada Turned to Hatred and Division
By Réjean Venne
In 2021, Canada and the world welcomed a new revolutionary technology that was supposed to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, the benefits we may have achieved from this medical breakthrough was overshadowed by the harms it created in our society.
Governments and health authorities made many mistakes over the course of the pandemic. The hatred and misunderstandings that our experts and authorities allowed and encouraged in the latter half of 2021 and into 2022, may go down as the worst public health disaster of our lifetime.
Unvaccinated: How Canada Turned to Hatred and Division is a firsthand account of how it all began and what led to our toxic relationship with vaccination statuses. In Canada, organizations ended up firing hundreds of thousands of people because of their vaccine status.
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The unvaccinated became the textbook description of a second-class citizen. By the end of 2021, they could no longer enter almost all public places. They could not board a plane or a train, and they couldn’t even leave their own country (they still cannot). In Quebec, this group lost their right to even buy groceries at Canada’s two largest retail chains, Costco, and Walmart. The most draconian laws that were introduced made it illegal for all socialization to occur among unvaccinated people. In Alberta the health authorities would be the first to officially make it illegal for the unvaccinated to socialize whatsoever. On September 16, 2021, an unprecedented law was approved in the province that forbid any unvaccinated person from having even a single visitor in their private residence. As opposed to previous gathering restrictions laws in the country, this one was indefinite and had no end date. Violators could be subject to fines of up to $100,000. British Columbia would implement a similar law a few months later. Our government was attempting to remove the unvaccinated from society. Unfortunately, society accepted this.
In this new book I analyze the most shocking policies and public health messaging that Canadians faced and attempt to understand what we accomplished by dividing society.
I believe that even though the pandemic and vaccine segregation will come to an end, we need to reflect on what happened and acknowledge our mistakes. By doing so, we can avoid making such mistakes in the future if the COVID hysteria comes back.
This book will try to explain why people hated the unvaccinated so much. By January 2022, daily cases in nearly every province were disproportionately in fully vaccinated individuals, proving that the vaccine was more about reducing the severity of the disease and no longer about reducing spread. Despite this, 27% of Canadians polled around the same time believed that the unvaccinated should be jailed. 37% of Canadians believed that those who chose to remain unvaccinated should be denied health care. 33% believed that their drivers licenses should be revoked. 77% supported the idea of barring the unvaccinated from every public place in Canada. 27% of supposedly compassionate Canadians, stated that they had zero sympathy for an unvaccinated person who fell ill or died.
Ultimately my goal is to try and resolve what allowed our societies to succumb to hatred. My hope is that by understanding our motivations, we can identify them sooner in the future and help avoid the perpetual cycle of humanity falling into dangerous ethical territories.
Learn more or get the book @ rejeanvenne.substack.com/
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