Unions Have Issued Vicious Smear on Concerned Parents
By Linda Slobodian
Union officials grossly miscalculated the iron will of fed-up parents who mobilized and marched to fight the sexualization of their children in Canada’s classrooms.
Jumping into the fray to intimidate, wrongly accuse and silence parents was a tactical error by the unions that only strengthened the resolve to protect their children.
In fact, it resulted in a redrawing of the battle line to take on the unions and “fight a bunch of hyenas.”
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The coast-to-coast 1 Million March 4 Children Wednesday was only the beginning, said Calgary march organizer Mahmoud Mourra.
“Our battle now has shifted in a different direction. The battle has shifted from fighting corrupted politicians and the board of education to fight the unions publicly,” said Mourra who also organized ‘Leave Our Kids Alone Calgary.’
“The leader of the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) yesterday said parents are exaggerating, a bunch of liars about stuff that takes place in schools. This put us in a different position now of raising our voice louder and choosing our steps.”
ATA President Jason Schilling said Wednesday in a statement, the march — in which tens of thousands took part — was “part of a coordinated strike across North America to promote misinformation, intolerance and hate toward the (sexual minority) community, as well as toward teachers who work to protect the safety and well-being of all students.”
“Efforts in schools to support sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) education are not what the protesters are portraying it is.”
“SOGI education is intended to ensure that sexual and diverse students, and families, feel safe in school by ensuring that all students gain a better understanding of how different students identify.”
Hold on. Who’s telling the truth?
In a statement on social media Wednesday, Education Minister Demetrios Nicolaides said SOGI is not a part of Alberta’s curriculum. He said parents must be notified about courses or materials that deal with “primarily and explicitly with religion or human sexuality.” And, that they can opt out.
Is he sure that all teachers, including the very radical, are following the rules on all subject matter? What about lesson content and many books in libraries with graphic images that age-inappropriate sexual instruction and promote sexual minority doctrine, anal sex, and masturbation?
Schilling told a big fib about the mission of the million march protesters. They did not spew hate or attack sexual minority members.
“We’re not motivated by hate. The union was not fair. Liberals, NDP, all the devils are united to defeat the parents’ right to raise their children. This is something we cannot accept,” said Mourra.
“Some of the teachers are angels. Some of them are devils in academic clothes because they are pushing their personal agendas onto our kids.”
“I don’t care if you are gay or lesbian. Whoever you are, it’s not my business, I don’t want to know. Just leave those kids to be themselves.”
Mourra said the protest was just “an eye-opener.” “We’re not going to end it here for sure. It’s too quick to make the determination of what’s next. But I know for sure after talking to my team, the union is involved so it’s time to get our voice louder,” said Mourra.
“We’ll tell our base to boycott every business that supports these unions, or provide a service to these unions, to let them know we are the stakeholders.”
“It’s up to parents to raise their children.”
“We want them to be safe, secure, including (sexual minority) kids if some of them are among our families or other families.”
Schilling wasn’t the only union official to jump in to tackle parents.
Hamilton union leader Anthony Marco warned that “seasoned activists” would be “taking pictures” of protesters’ licence plates.
“The union can fight dirty. But I can tell you one thing — as long as you have faith in God if you believe, or if you don’t believe and have faith in yourself that you’re doing what’s right, and you’re standing on the right side, there’s a time to die for what you believe.”
“They will fight. We will die for what we believe.”
Now before anyone goes off the deep end and twists this into some sinister threat — it is simply a passionate statement by a concerned man of Islamic faith to express the importance of protecting children.
“You know, the biggest proof that those unions are lying and they’re not fair is that kids in Edmonton or in Ontario that face a challenge by a teacher, that are degraded by teachers, nowhere do you hear from them about what happens to our kids or to our students.”
“They don’t believe in family values and principles. They’re in favour of the sexualization of our children. This is something we cannot accept.”
“We are working for our children, for our kids, for the future of this country. I don’t think we will leave the battle without us winning.”
“Even though they don’t say it publicly they are turning this country into a communist society.”
Mourra said there hasn’t been an official count on how many marched.
“All our numbers were amazing except in BC, we didn’t do very good. The union played a big role, especially with the NDP government there. Maybe we weren’t prepared enough.”
Many parents kept their children out of school for the day to show support. And that will happen again, he vowed.
“We will be shutting down schools. This is something we brought to the table. We’ll take out kids and go to the parking lot and have a family day party … I want to see where the government’s going to go after that.”
The march was spearheaded by Muslims but organizers, parents, guardians, and supporters from all religions banded together in protest.
“We all worked together to make this event successful. Our Christian brothers and sisters who I love and respect, they supported us.”
Mourra said parents are in it for the long haul.
“This battle is not something we can end by one day. It’s a long, long battle from the amount of unity we see from the dark side coming together to fight us viciously, to be aggressive with us, to go against us.”
“The only way we can defeat that is by getting united, standing together. We need to stand together. As parents there’s no chance for us to lay back and ignore the fact that there’s some dirty agenda taking place in our schools.”
“We should leave our kids, and the counter-protesters kids, alone until they are adults and mature enough to determine what they want out of this life.”
“I cannot press my Islamic ideology into someone’s life. I don’t want them pressing their ideology into my children’s lives.”
Linda Slobodian is the Senior Manitoba Columnist for the Western Standard based out of Winnipeg. She has been an investigative columnist for the Calgary Herald, Calgary Sun, Edmonton Sun, and Alberta Report.
Originally publisheded at: www.westernstandard.news
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