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Transgender Medication Harms Kids

Published On: October 1, 2023Tags: ,

By Elise Roberts

Concerned parents have every right to an equal voice in their children’s sex ed curriculum and have good reason to protest against gender ideology in schools. The political indoctrination begins in the primary grades and has the potential to confuse children about their sexual identity, possibly leading to gender transition in youth. This is especially concerning given the harmful medications used in the process of gender transition and the absence of long-term studies to demonstrate safety.

The original intent of the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) curriculum was well-intended, to empower and educate children and youth against bullying. The curriculum evolved to a stronger focus on gender ideology that uses graphic books, strict rules about using non-gender pronouns and gender neutral washrooms in secondary schools. The indoctrination can be coercive, potentially leading to gender transitioning becoming a trend, whereas youth may not have otherwise made that choice.

Lupron (Leuprolide acetate), a puberty blocker, is one of the medications used for gender transitioning youth. This year the US Food and Drug Act issued a warning that it can cause brain swelling and blindness. Other negative side effects are bone density loss, cognitive impairment, heart failure, strokes, blood clots, depression and suicidal thoughts. Yet advocates for gender transition claim the process is essential to prevent suicide.

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What’s more, there have been no clinical trials or studies on the negative effects of puberty blockers. An article in the American College of Pediatricians stated: “This means that youth transition is experimental, and therefore, parents cannot provide informed consent, nor can minors provide assent for these interventions. Moreover, the best long-term evidence we have among adults shows that medical intervention fails to reduce suicide.”

The BC Provincial Health Service Authority Trans Care website states “Puberty blockers are considered to be very safe overall. We are not sure if puberty blockers have negative side effects on bone development and height. Research so far shows that the effects are minimal. However, we won’t know the long-term effects until the first people to take puberty-blockers get older.” The next page states, “You have the right to accurate, evidence-based information about gender health and care options.” These 2 statements are completely contradictory. How can the Provincial Health Authority claim a product is safe when long term negative side effects remain unknown?

In this case, the standard of medical care for youth has diminished to an all time low, when it should be the highest possible standard with precautionary principles at the forefront.

And should elected government leaders and healthcare professionals be investigating whether there are profit incentives by pharmaceutical corporations to promote puberty blockers before policies are established? It’s time to take a second look!

In 2008, BAYER withdrew their Leuprolide acetate implant, used for prostate cancer, from the market based on diminished market demand. In 2018, Lupron manufacturer AbbVie made $726 million on this drug alone. Do these massive profits indicate slick marketing strategies that prey on vulnerable, impressionable, gender confused youth? That is sinister.

BAYER is now a corporate sponsor of EGALE, a global organization that supports transgender youth through education in schools, funded by Health Canada. Transgender clinics are increasing rapidly on a global scale and so, therefore, are sales of harmful medications. Could transgender youth soon be a target market for BAYER to sell another form of Leuprolide acetate?

It is truly alarming that our elected politicians support sex educational policy on the ideology of just one special interest group while excluding all others. Instead of school boards, teachers and their unions inviting concerned parents to have civil discussion, to give them an equal voice, they incite the LGBTQ community to name-call and shout accusations of hate and racism. Their behaviour at the 1MillionMarch4Children was unprofessional, irrational and bizarre. Parents have reasonable and legitimate concerns about the well-being of their kids, especially in a climate where big pharma profit takes priority over people and where big pharma influences government health policy to such a huge extent. This is Trudeau’s divided Canada, our once great and democratic nation.

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