Queen’s Park Toronto, around 10,000 people turned out for the lockdown protest on March 17, 2021
This Is Why We Are Protesting
By Tea Lynn Moore
April 25, 2021 marks the 1 year anniversary of Canada’s fight for our rights and freedoms. The Canadian freedom movement started with a small group of protesters in downtown Toronto, and has evolved into many groups made up of thousands of Canadians with all sorts of political beliefs and backgrounds, uniting for human rights. The protests focus on a variety of issues at hand, including: lockdowns, vaccine choice & safety, the suppression of COVID treatments (like Ivermectin and Zinc with HCQ), isolating and masking of children in school, scientific fraud, censorship/freedom of speech, government and corporate overreach, The Great Reset, and many more!
The mainstream media wants you to believe these are simply “anti-mask” rallies, they are not. For some, masks may be an issue, however these protests have been going on since long before masks were mandated (remember when the WHO was “anti-mask”) and if masks were abolished tomorrow, these protests would still continue. “Anti-mask” name-calling is an example of willful-ignorance and the mainstream media’s way of belittling the movement. We all know there is so much more we are fighting for. This is a human rights movement -one that’s been needed for a long time, and one that will continue to grow until the people who ought-not-to-be in power are out of power, and humanity is put first again.
So why are we fighting for human rights?
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In May 2020, during one of the early protests at Queens Park, Toronto, ESL teacher Mike Jackson encompassed the mission brilliantly during the following speech:
“My name is Mike. Although who I am doesn’t really matter. What matters is what I am, because that is what brought me here today. I’m a father, I’m a husband, I’m a brother, a friend, I’m a son, I’m a grandson, I’m an uncle, I’m a teacher, I’m a student -we’re always learning- that’s why I’ll never stand up here and try to say I know everything, but I’m going to tell you how I feel. I’m a worker. I believe in a creator, I’m a Canadian, I’m a human being, and I’m angry! I am outraged at the Federal, Provincial, and Municipal government’s negligent lockdown at the expense of the economy and the very things that makes Canada, Canada. Democracy, capitalism, freedom. There’s a reason why we have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I’m angry at a lockdown based on shoddy scientific models and government-sponsored statistical fraud at the behest of unelected, international institutions. Institutions like the World Hoax Organiz –no, World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, and the United Nations. Unelected, international institutions that are controlled by a handful of wealthy elite psychopaths hell-bent on unilaterally imposing their own globalist ideological vision of the future at the expense of our innate, GOD-given human rights and freedoms and our GOD-given right to live.
If this was truly about safety, the moment the data showed the death rate was equivalent to a bad flu season, the lockdown should have ended right then -but it didn’t. It transformed into a cultural shift to the “new normal,” with children isolated in circles at school drawn out on the pavement. Meanwhile, our leaders are living by the ‘old normal’. Do you know how trainers keep elephants from running away with a little piece of string around their foot? When they are babies they use huge chain-linked chains. Once they give up trying to break it, they switch it to a little, thin rope. This is what they are doing to our children. If our children are living in circles, they don’t believe they can do anything beyond that. This is what they are doing.
History is wrought with tyrannical dictators and regimes seeking more and more power over the people – from Stalin to Mussolini, from the Pharaoh in the Bible to Hitler. Fear, intimidation, and propaganda are the hallmarks of government power grabs and oppression. However, these historical examples that burned into our memory were limited to specific nations and geographic locations. Today, it is on a total global scale, crossing all borders. Never, in human history, has there ever been such an attempt; such an orchestrated, deliberate attempt to overthrow and subjugate every man, woman and child on the face of this planet. This is not a racist agenda, No, no, no! This is not a racist agenda, this an anti-human agenda. And our politicians have been either bribed, threatened or even worse, in favour of these treasonous crimes against humanity, because that is what it is.
Make no mistake. This lockdown is the single greatest human rights, civil rights attack in history or our species and most people are still asleep to the tyranny that is unfolding before us. For example, look at the police. Whether they realize or not, we are fighting for them and their children’s future too. And I know in my heart, like we’ve seen in parts of Europe, eventually the police will stand down and support us because we’re fighting for them too. Let’s be real: no parent wants their child to have their wings clipped. Every parent wants their children to have a future. This is what this is about. And having a future can only happen in free and just society. So, yes. We really are all in this together.
I cannot tell you how inspiring it is to see so many informed people speaking up. There are many of you with many valid, and yet very different reasons… medical freedom, ending the lockdown, right to work, cures being suppressed. We are all probably experiencing, when you talk to your loved ones and try to enlighten them, their ears are turned off. Our uninformed friends and families will not unite under these banners due to the unjust… ‘conspiracy theory’ branding so people won’t listen.”
“The mainstream media is cancer!” -random guy in the crowd shouts.
“Indeed it is” -says Mike J.
“But there is some very good news about these different issues: it’s that they all fall under one umbrella issue; this is all about freedom. This is all about government overreach and suppression of our GODgiven human rights and freedoms at the hands of a few. An un-elected few. This is what the majority of us can unite under, because they are not fully aware of what’s really happening, they haven’t gone down the rabbit hole. So we have to unite under what this issue is really about; human rights. This is the same issue that has united human-kind since the dawn of time, although under different labels. It doesn’t matter if you are white, black, brown, liberal, conservative, Canadian, American, Russian, French, English, Indian, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Catholic, Buddhist, rich or poor. This is oppression on a planetary scale. So this directly affects us all.
If you give up living in order to live, then they have already won. Many are afraid of hardship and dying for a cause, but if we are afraid to live, and we will be if this global, unelected body rules us and takes root. Come on, if we are afraid to live then we are already dead.
Oh, my fellow Canadians, the truth north is no longer free. If we want to restore Canadian sovereignty and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, we have to take action in a productive way. And I know all you want to do something, but you may not know what you can do. You may be saying, ‘I’m just one person, what impact could I possibly have?’ A big one, my friends, a big one.
Here is one way. If every person here wrote 10 very short letters and sent them by Canada Post every Monday to the Prime Minister, the Premier… they can manipulate the news, they can manipulate social media, but they can’t stop the mail. Another thing you can do. Make a document and put it in the mailbox of every house on your street. If we all do this, our truth gets out, the message gets out, and it cannot be censored.
This lockdown is illegal as it is not backed by science, case closed! This is a human rights issue, and tyranny is at our doorstep. So rise up. Be steadfast. Be fearless. Take action, but make sure it is peaceful because we are not like them. If you’re scared, remember what you are fighting for deep in your heart. You find it! I’m fighting for my loved ones. I’m fighting for my right to exist freely and independently. Lastly, if you believe in a creator, trust he is with you because we are fighting a just cause. Do this. Do this, and GOD willing, we will defeat this scourge on humanity.”
Mike’s full speech can be viewed on Bitchute here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/OzDmuS5MOqhB/
Although this speech is now a year old, it is sadly just as relevant today as it was back then. But we have since made an impact. Like Mike suggested, we’ve written letters. We’ve also protested, helped businesses re-open, and have helped people reunite with their families. Mike’s second idea, giving your neighbours a document informing people of what’s going on, is happening right now with Druthers.
Thank you for opening your mind and being part of the solution to bring human rights and freedoms back to life.