There Comes A Time When One Must Take A Stand
By Elizabeth Fildey
Isaac was devastated. Last month with no notice, our adult son with special-needs was terminated from his day program simply for stating he didn’t plan to get the COVID shot. His day program was his world. It was where his friends were, where he learned life-skills, where he did enrichment activities and exercised some independence away from his parents.
My husband and I have been advocating for our son his entire life. It never once struck us, however, that we would have to advocate for his right to decide, for himself, what he does want or doesn’t want to put into his body in the guise of “medicine”.
The sudden termination took place following an explanation by the program administrator of The LifeSkills Centre Inc. to day program participants about how they must have the COVID shot in order to continue to attend. Prior to the statement being made to the participants, this requirement had never been communicated as a new policy to the parents or guardians. Our son was simply told in writing he was terminated, apparently because he stated his choice, before the shot had even been offered to him.
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The letter, tellingly, did not actually state the reason for the termination. It simply stated “In light of our conversation on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, we have decided to terminate our services … The LifeSkills Centre Inc. has the absolute right to amend the terms of this Agreement … by providing fourteen (14) days prior written notice to the parent/guardian/client.”
He is crushed. He now has nowhere else to go for a day program and has been relegated to the bottom of the waiting list for services.
As anyone close to a person with special needs knows, helping them acquire friends and a meaningful social life is challenging. Throughout elementary and high school, Isaac was usually left on the sidelines; other students, not understanding how to interact and involve a child with special needs, would enjoy their play and activities oblivious to him sitting alone. The day program he was in for the last three years with same-age peers was a God-send.
I don’t know exactly what led to the decision by the program leader. Was it fear, was it manipulation by the mainstream media, or is it becoming a given that the COVID shot will be required in order to receive services?
Our non-political, previously non-activist family has been ignited. We have filed a Human Rights application, have been speaking and writing publicly, and have solicited the assistance of our Ontario Member of Provincial Legislature.
There comes a time when one must take a stand. I have never been a public activist – although I have advocated on behalf of my son for years. Now, I am publicly advocating for everyone, for the right of the individual to make the choice about whether or not they will accept this COVID shot. I do not want this COVID shot requirement to become the norm for buying, selling or receiving. That is wrong! We possess a God-given right to bodily sovereignty.
May God keep our land, glorious and free.
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