

Queen’s Park Toronto, around 10,000 people turned out for the lockdown protest on March 17, 2021

The World Wide Rally For Freedom Returns

Published On: September 1, 2021Tags: , , ,


On Saturday September 18, 2021, the People of the International Freedom Movement in more than 40 countries around the world will be taking to the streets in defense of their fundamental Human Rights.

On July 24, our third World Wide Rally For Freedom was our most successful to date, and we are moving from strength to strength to build our movement into a beacon of Freedom for the World.

In its fourth installment, our movement is resolved upon shared objectives, shared principles, and shared solution actions that we invite all people in every nation to stand behind for the future of our society.

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We will not allow our inalienable Human Rights to be re-packaged as Human Privileges, to be conditioned upon compliance with Authoritarianism.

Throughout history, Humanity has been tried and tested in difficult times, but in the end, Freedom Always Wins.

We stand for the rights of all people to push back against infringements against their Freedom by joining us.

One Day. Everyone Together. We Will All Be There.

We are taking a stand for 5 important Freedoms:

  • Freedom of Speech.
  • Freedom of Movement.
  • Freedom of Choice.
  • Freedom of Assembly.
  • Freedom of Health.

We are advocating for 5 important Objectives:

  • End Lockdowns
  • End Mask Mandates
  • Prevent Vaccine Mandates and Coercion
  • Return to Standard International and Domestic Travel
  • End all State of Emergency Declarations

We are building our Movement upon 5 important Principles:

  • Decentralization
  • Collaboration
  • Community
  • Stability
  • Peace

We are advocating for 5 Solutions:

  • Non-Compliance
  • Empowerment
  • Freedom Preserving Institutions
  • Freedom Culture
  • Shift The Narrative

We call on all opponents of the Coronavirus Restriction policies of their own government to participate in this World-Wide Protest.

We maintain that it is better to be right, than to be in the majority.

We can overcome widespread fear of social disapproval by building new social relationships with people that we align with and by helping people to find new communities to be a part of.

We will welcome those that are ready to change their mind, and to admit that they were wrong about their fear-induced support of tyrannical policies.

We will push back against widespread propaganda, by producing our own media, and advancing our own narrative, instead of succumbing to the one being pushed on us.

We will not accept the rampant politicization of Science and Medicine, and we will return these institutions to being neutral sources of information for the benefit of society, over government and corporate interests.

We see the processes being used to strip the Freedoms of people gradually and incrementally, by leaving restrictions in place after each round of lockdowns, and we will continue to push back against them.

We see that the Coronavirus is rapidly becoming a new Religion of Fear and is being invoked to justify tyranny using the same repressive mechanisms of state control over dress, language, and social interactions that have been used historically in past theocratic regimes.

We will push back against this Religion of Fear with our message of Freedom.

On Saturday September 18, 2021, we will all once again demonstrate for our Fundamental Human Rights, for our Constitutionally Protected Freedoms, and for the end of the excessive Coronavirus restriction measures.

Now we will stand up. One Day. Everyone Together
