Control Group

control group

The Vaccine Control Group

Published On: November 1, 2021Tags: ,

For those of us, who have and wish to remain un-injected; science needs us! We are the control group. At best the injection campaigns are clinical pharmacologic trials. Trials or experiments require a treatment group and a control group. Otherwise, there is nothing to compare, and science is absent. However, if governments and institutions are pushing for 100% of the population to be injected, then there is no control. We have no way to compare people’s health with and without the injections. The control group, the un-injected, are essential, to observe any benefits as well as detrimental effects from the injections. In the absence of a control group, people could for instance be fooled into thinking that disease and death resulting from the injections are due to something else like the delta variant, or some new patent laden virus, PCR, and injection industry.

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So, help science while exercising your choice to not be injected. Officially join the control group. Sign up and print your control group photo ID card which indicates that you “Must Not Be Vaccinated”.

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