The UFO File: 2024 Year in Review
By Lynn Davis
For those of us who are instinctively drawn to the UFO File and UFO/UAP Disclosure, 2024 was a year of revelation and wonder, anticipation and disappointment. UFO/UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) sightings over North America and around the world increased exponentially throughout 2024, culminating with the mysterious drone incursions over practically every continent. To complement this, the United States (US) Department of Defence (DoD) and the Pentagon released more unclassified information on UFO/UAP, and Congress continued its push for UAP Disclosure.
As the year progressed, legacy media increased its reporting on the phenomenon, upholding the government narrative, of course. The past year opened a lot of eyes and ears that had previously been welded shut against the possibility that “we’re not alone” and that there has been, for decades, US government involvement in the UFO File.
By familiarizing ourselves with 2024’s unfolding in regard to the UFO File, we can become better prepared to confront and manage what is assuredly turning out to be the wildest wild card ever played upon humanity. What is crucial to keep in mind is this: As with everything else, what we see and hear coming from the halls of authority is only the surface story, the proverbial tip of the iceberg. However, ardent and astute researchers can glean much from the government-directed narrative, if only the fact that the public has been, for decades, lied to and denied the full truth and corralled into a false belief system through false flags and media hype.
February 2024 saw more government legislation enacted that required the Archivist of the United States to begin collecting and publishing records that “pertain to unidentified anomalous phenomena, technologies of unknown origin, and non-human intelligence.”2
The following month, on March 8, 2024, the Pentagon’s UAP office—the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)—released a much-anticipated report entitled “Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Volume I February 2024”3 The report drew from interviews, archival research, and partnerships across governments and industry. In its Executive Summary, the report states: “AARO found no evidence that any USG [United States Government] investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology.” Furthermore: “AARO found no empirical evidence for claims that the USG and private companies have been reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology.” The Pentagon stuck to its guns, denying all possibility of non-human intelligence (NHI) and extraterrestrial technology.
In April, during a hearing before the US House Armed Services Committee, Representative Rob Wittman revealed observations made at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, in December 2023. He stated, “We saw recently a very disturbing trend…where because of a large number of UASs (unmanned aircraft systems/drones) that were in that airspace, Langley had to close down [to defend the safety & operations of the base.”4 “Drones” became to go-to term to identify strange objects sighted over military installations, US Navy carriers, and by US Air Force fighter jets.
In late May, Karl Nell, retired US Army Colonel and a former Deputy Chief of Staff for US Africa Command, spoke at the SALT Conference in New York City. Mr. Nell’s talk was entitled “The Real Black Swan Event: The Controlled Disclosure of UAP and Non-Human Intelligence”. He stated, “Non-human intelligence exists. Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and has been ongoing.”5 Certainly a jaw-dropper by a high-ranking military officer with an impeccable reputation.
The summer of 2024 rolled in with the US DoD’s confirmation that the US and its allies within the Five Eyes (UK, AUS, NZ, CAN, US) continue to discuss areas of mutual interest and concern related to UAP. A Liberation Times article contained several official statements from various government spokespeople.6 In the article, the UK Ministry of Defence stated, “In over 50 years, no sightings of extra-terrestrial intelligence, Unidentified Flying Objects and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena reported to us indicated the existence of any military threat to the United Kingdom.” The US DoD’s official word was “AARO is committed to working with allies and partners in an open, sharing environment to identify and resolve UAP sightings.”
July’s main activity revolved around the reintroduction of a version of the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act (UAPDA) to the Fiscal Year 25 National Defence Authorization Act (FY25 NDAA), known as the “Rounds Schumer Amendment.” It’s available for scrutiny as part of the Congressional Record.7 At month’s end, Senators Mark Warner (Democrat-Virginia) and Marco Rubio (Republican-Florida), respectively the chairman and ranking Republican on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), filed a revised version of the FY25 Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA), including revised UAP-related language.8 More government jargon to help dilute our senses.
August was most interesting. On August 20, Harald Malmgren, a former advisor to many global leaders and in particular to Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford, posted on the social media platform “X” a fascinating tidbit related to UAP disclosure. He stated, “60+ years ago, I was provided highest level classifications to lead DoD work on nuclear weapons & anti-missile defence. Informally briefed on ‘otherworld technologies’ by CIA’s Richard Bissel (who had been in charge of Skunkworks, Area 51, Los Alamos, etc.) but sworn to secrecy”.9 A week later, a 10-month study by John and Gerald Tedesco entitled “Eye on the Sky: A UAP Research and Field Study off New York’s Long Island Coast”,10 using short-wave infrared light, was released and documented recurring luminous spheroids travelling at extreme velocities, then abruptly resuming stationary positions. The two scientists are currently working with staff at Harvard University and NASA on the authentication of their findings. Good luck to them.
In September, Donald Trump was asked in a Lex Fridman interview whether he would support the declassification of additional UFO-related data, if he were to be re-elected.11 In answer to Fridman’s question, “Will you help push the Pentagon to release more [UAP] footage, which a lot of people claim is available?” Trump replied, “Oh yeah, sure, I’ll do that. I’d love to do that. I have to do that. But they also are pushing me on Kennedy. And I did release a lot, but I had people come to me and beg me not to do that – but I’ll be doing that very early on.” We shall see if he keeps his word.
Moving into October, journalist Michael Shellenberger revealed that a new “whistleblower” had emerged with allegations that the Pentagon is illegally hiding a secret UFO/UAP crash retrieval program called “Immaculate Constellation”.12 The Pentagon’s immediate response was, “The DoD has no record, present of historical, of any type of SAP (Special Access Project) called Immaculate Constellation.”13 Following up on this, Representative Matt Gaetz appeared on The Benny Show, with further confirmation of the CIA’s knowledge of and involvement with back-engineered craft. “It’s now open source information,” Gaetz retorted, “that the CIA has a program around [UFO] craft recovery. It’s not a question anymore.”14 Strong words. Gaetz also indicated that a separate video will be forthcoming that will expound upon the topic of UAP. To date, I haven’t found the video. Could Gaetz’s statement have prompted (or forced?) his resignation from Congress five weeks later? What does he know? How much does he know?
On November 13, around the same time the mysterious drones began showing up in the UK and New Jersey, a joint Congressional subcommittee held a UAP Hearing entitled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth”.15 It’s mission: to explore a variety of observations and allegations regarding UAP disclosure. But again, as with the testimony of David Grush at the UAP Congressional Hearing in July of 2023, the four witnesses in this November Hearing reported third-party accounts of extra-terrestrial craft and back-engineering programs. No first-hand witness testimonies. No evidence. Just hearsay and polite solicitation by NASA for funding in its ongoing investigations of space.
That same week, in mid-November 2024, AARO published its latest unclassified version of their UAP Report.16 The report’s conclusion: Nothing to see here, folks. All “resolved” cases can be attributed to “prosaic” objects—balloons, birds, UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems/drones), satellites, and aircraft. A handful (21) cases merit further analysis, but “none of these resolved cases substantiated advanced foreign adversarial capabilities or breakthrough aerospace technologies.” Following the release of this report, however, AARO’s new Director, Dr. Kosloski, spoke to several reporters relaying some interesting and intriguing facts. “There are interesting cases that I do not understand, and I don’t know anybody else who understands. There are definitely anomalies. We have not been able to draw the link to extraterrestrials, [but] we’re not ruling this out.”17 Whoa! Did he really say that? Doesn’t this statement, coming from the Director of the Pentagon’s UAP investigation program, clash with the ongoing narrative the Pentagon has been presenting?
In late November and into December 2024, the drones began showing up in earnest. The incursions continue and warrant a whole other article. Needless to say, the world waits with bated breath for information, for action, for answers. Suspicions rise. Patience wains. Independent media is going crazy with theories, while legacy media is leaving the story behind, just as we’ve left the past year in our wake.
C.S. Lewis said, “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”
I want to believe.
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