The NATO War Against Russia
By Michael Bay
From 1945 to 2020, the United States (US) has carried out military and clandestine operations in no less than 66 independent countries.1 According to research authors Christopher Kelly and Stuart Laycock, the US “…has invaded 84 out of the 194 countries recognized by the United Nations and has been militarily involved with 191 of those.” 2
The excuse used to justify most of these military interventions is that they were done to protect US national security interests. But in truth, none of the countries the US invaded ever posed a potential threat to their security. More accurately, they were to protect the supremacy of the American dollar and promote US corporate dominance in the world.
In the last few decades, many countries have questioned their support of a US-controlled unipolar world. They have observed the unjust manner in which America has bullied other nations through never-ending economic sanctions, asset seizures, political manipulation and military interventions.
The current conflict in Ukraine is no different. When the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, former President Gorbachev secured a promise from NATO that it would not advance eastward toward Russia. This commitment was not honoured, and NATO continued to expand, absorbing most former Soviet countries into its military alliance. Russian leaders repeatedly warned that this expansion posed a real threat to their national security. Unlike the historically false US claims, Russia’s fears were/are based in reality.
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Regardless, US and European Union (EU) leaders ignored these concerns and continued to expand their military dominance. Russia drew the line with Ukraine and vowed that it would never accept a hostile country on its doorstep. The reason was logical. They didn’t want US/EU offensive weaponry on their borders. And who can blame them? Would England allow China to patrol the English Channel with their warships? What would the US do if a hostile foreign power tried to install nuclear weapons on a Caribbean island? Oh, wait! That actually happened in 1962 with the Cuban missile crisis. And what was the US response? Kennedy threatened nuclear war if they were not removed, and Soviet leader Khrushchev wisely complied.
Now, the scenario is reversed, but no one in the US or Europe seems to be listening. In fact, US/EU leaders continue to insist that Ukraine will eventually join NATO, basically dismissing Russia’s main concern regarding their national security.
There’s no logical reason why Ukraine can’t continue to serve as a neutral buffer zone between the superpowers. In fact, for decades, Moscow had a friendly neighbour, and Russia supplied much of Europe with cheap natural gas, which passed through Ukraine.
But things changed radically in 2014 when the US State Department, under the direction of Victoria Nuland (former US Under-Secretary of State), crafted a plan to turn Ukraine into an enemy of Russia. A CIA-supported coup overthrew the neutral government of President Viktor Yanukovych and replaced him with Petrovych Yatsenyuk. He was Nuland’s choice, as confirmed in the 2014 audio-taped conversation,3,4 between her and US Ambassador Jeffery Pyatt. In it, she clearly expresses her preference for “Yats” (Yatsenyuk), and it was he who was given the job as Prime Minister from February 2014 to April 2016. After Yatsenyuk, each subsequent Ukrainian leader has been pro-western, with Zelenskyy becoming President in 2019.
Soon after the coup, to oust Ukrainian President Yanukovych, the Kiev government started bombing the ethnic Russians living in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Russia tried to diffuse the situation with the Minsk Accords, signed in 2014. This Agreement was supposed to guarantee the protection of the Russian minorities living in the Donbas Region. However, the Ukrainian government did not respect it and continued the bombing, killing an estimated 30,000 ethnic Russians.
There are many reasons why the US has wanted to control Ukraine, including using it for money laundering, tax evasion, human trafficking and bio-weapons research. Victoria Nuland admitted to the US Senate under oath that they were supporting bio-labs there, and even Joe Biden’s son (Hunter) was convicted of operating shady business deals in Ukraine.
But the biggest reason for their intervention in Ukraine is tied to the delusional neocon idea that they can weaken Russia militarily and economically to the point where they can conduct a regime change similar to what they have done in so many other countries. Even though they have utterly failed in this effort, NATO has not been deterred.
And while they carry on this endeavour, the US military-industrial complex (MIC) is making a fortune. All the weapons destroyed on the battlefield need to be replaced, and US arms manufacturers are the biggest contractors. In fact, the US government vastly outspends all other nations in the world when it comes to the military. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the US spent $877 billion on military defense in 2022. That’s more than the next 10 countries combined. Russia only spent $86 billion. The top five arms producers in the world are American companies.
The US economy has become dependent on the arms industry and actually needs ongoing global wars to create a never-ending demand for its weapons. The presence of 750 military bases spread across 80 different countries ensures that the US can go to war anytime and anywhere.5 By contrast, both China and Russia each have only about eight military bases abroad, most of which are located in neighbouring nations.
However, over the last 20 years, US dominance and the global supremacy of the US dollar have been threatened. In 2009-10, countries like China, Russia, India, Brazil, and South Africa started an economic block called the BRICS. This alternative economic partnership is designed to free countries from dependence on the US dollar and shield them from punishing economic sanctions.
Currently, there are 10 nations that are BRICS members, with 13 more accepted as partners at its Summit in October 2024. This growing economic block now poses a direct threat to US global economic dominance, which explains why they are so obsessed with the Ukraine conflict. They desperately need to militarily and economically undermine Russia and are using the Ukrainian army in this effort. They care little about how much the war costs the US taxpayers (almost $200 billion thus far). In the words of US Senator Lindsay Graham, “Killing Russians is the best money we ever spent”.
The reporting on this conflict by the Western corporate media has been both hysterical and deceptive. They have demonized Putin (Americans always need a villain) and claim that Russia wants to take over Europe. They continuously repeat that in February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine in an unprovoked attack, intentionally neglecting to provide any historical information and refusing to mention that in 2014, the US government provoked the conflict by conducting regime change in Kiev.
In the seven years following the coup, NATO spent seven years building up a 600,000-strong Ukrainian army in preparation for war. The former German chancellor, Angela Merkel, revealed this truth in December 2022. She admitted that NATO had only signed the Minsk Accords to buy time so the Ukrainian army could become stronger.
And contrary to the false media narrative, Russia did not conduct a full-scale invasion in February 2022. They sent a limited number of 60,000 soldiers into Ukraine, hoping the West would understand the seriousness with which they viewed the NATO threat. There was an expectation that peace would be discussed.
Shortly after, in March 2022, Turkey almost secured a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia. The Agreement included a promise that Ukraine would not join NATO and that the ethnic Russians in the eastern provinces would be protected. Unfortunately, it became apparent that the US did not want peace, and NATO dispatched Boris Johson to Kiev to tell President Zelenskyy that under no circumstances should he sign any peace deal. Instead, NATO promised to give him all the weapons he needed. The puppet-president Zelenskyy agreed, and the prospects for peace were destroyed.
Tragically, this whole war could have easily been settled if the US had just agreed to two simple requests: One, that Ukraine remain neutral and not become a member of NATO, and two, that the Ukrainian government stop the aggression against the ethnic Russians living in the Donbas.
But Washington refused to agree to these requests and instead has doubled down on sending increasingly lethal weapons to Ukraine. Starting with ammunition, they quickly escalated to Bradley fighting vehicles, tanks, anti-tank missiles, anti-missile defense systems, shells with depleted uranium, illegal cluster bombs, F-16 fighter jets, and finally, long-range missiles. In addition to the weapons, there are many NATO technicians along with about 30,000 US/EU mercenaries fighting against the Russian army in Ukraine.
The ultimate goal of the delusional US neocons and EU globalists is to bring Russia to its knees and install a pro-western government in Moscow. This will allow them to gain access to trillions of dollars in resources and use this economic power as leverage against China. Many US Senators and EU politicians have openly admitted that they are at war with Russia. The destruction of the Nord-Stream gas pipelines by the US was designed to isolate Europe from Russia thus forcing them into greater dependence on the US for energy supplies.
Once it became apparent that there was no negotiating with the West, Russia started to mobilize a 300,000-strong army designed to de-militarize Ukraine and push their army out of the eastern regions, which they annexed in September 2022.
It seems that NATO miscalculated Russia’s resolve and effectiveness in both weathering the economic sanctions and defending their national security interests. In spite of the hundreds of billions in military equipment that the US and Europe have sent to the war effort, the Ukrainian army is losing. It matters little to the US/EU leaders that an entire generation of Ukrainian men have been sacrificed for their delusional goals. They continue to encourage them to fight “to the last Ukrainian.” Even worse, they are willing to bring the world to the brink of nuclear war in order to expand or prevent the demise of the American empire.
Since this conflict began, NATO has never considered an off-ramp. Indeed, they don’t seem to understand what is at stake and have sabotaged every effort for de-escalation. Russia will never accept the hostile takeover of their country or the presence of NATO on their borders. The West is risking nuclear war over Ukraine—a country that most Americans can’t even find on a map.
Let’s not pretend that this war has anything to do with democracy in Ukraine, as some pro-US journalists would have us believe. Ukraine is not a democracy. It is a country where money is laundered, sex trafficking is rampant, and bio-warfare is researched. Corporate America wants control, and in April 2023, the state-owned Ukrainian gas company Naftogaz held talks with US oil giants Exxon Mobil, Halliburton and Chevron, inviting them to come in and run its oil and gas industry. This year, Zelenskyy signed agreements with BlackRock to further facilitate US corporate control of Ukraine.
Looking ahead, it’s almost certain that NATO will continue funding the war. Recently, the US and UK have conducted long-range strikes into Russia in spite of the ongoing warnings from Moscow. The latest warning came on November 21, 2024, in the form of a new hyper-sonic intermediate-range ballistic missile that Russia launched. It successfully hit (and apparently destroyed) an underground weapons manufacturing plant in the Ukrainian city of Dnipro. This missile can be equipped with nuclear warheads and travels at Mach 10, making it impossible to defend against. Russia launched it as a warning to the West to stop the attacks on their country.
The collective West leaders appear not to be heeding the warning. Indeed, French President Macron just authorized the use of long-range strikes against Russia, and the UK is discussing the formation of a coalition of European countries willing to enter Ukraine and engage the Russian army directly.
As the Ukrainian frontline collapses, it is obvious that the psychopaths in Washington and the delusional European globalists have no reverse gear. They will not go down without a fight. And the corporate-owned, mainstream media and all their pro-war apologists will do everything in their power to convince the world that we must have war in order to have peace. It is only by the grace of God that this war has not gone nuclear. Yet.
4. (provides context for reference 3)
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