The Media Recipe
They’ve Been Practicing the Script for Decades
By Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
When I wrote my book, FOWL: Bird Flu Is Not What You Think in 2005, (no longer in print) global health masters were gearing up to terrorize the public over a new (novel?) influenza virus named H5N1 causing a condition that came to be known as ‘Bird flu.’ In retrospect, Bird flu was a trial balloon that tested the waters and set the groundwork for where we are now. I’ve posted four previous substacks that were inspired and partially excerpted from my book here, ( This substack looks at the ‘media recipe’ that was created in 2004 and still used today to drive people to get injected with foreign matter ostensibly to keep them from getting sick.
Little Interest in Flu Shots
The ho-hum attitude most people have about the next pandemic is the same attitude exhibited in the aftermath of other pandemic fiascos: Swine flu (1976), smallpox hysteria (after 9-11), Bird flu (2005), and more recently, Delta, Omicron and monkeypox and now, even Ebola, in the Marburg family of hemorrhagic viruses. In fact, more and more people are also giving a hand flick regarding all of the various ‘jab and boost’ campaigns. The media’s frenzy has lost its effect. People have not only lost interest, but they also see the lies for what they are: strategically placed propaganda for global control and dominance. Predictably, public health officials, especially the WHO, don’t like this one bit…
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The Truth about Flu Deaths
Every winter, millions around the world get sick with what is called ‘the flu.’ Coworkers and classmates are home for about a week, feeling miserable. Some die from this illness, mostly the elderly and infirm. We have long been told the annual death toll exceeds 36,000 people in the U.S. and hundreds of thousands of more deaths around the globe. As it turns out, the CDC was forced to back away from this mantra because they were caught in a lie.
Instead of the estimated 36,000 annual flu deaths in the United States, a figure often cited to encourage people to get flu shots, the actual number of deaths caused by influenza illness over a 14 year span (1999 to 2013) ranged from as few as 257 to a high of 3,550 in 2013.
Let that sink in.
In fact, if you look at the 2015 stats compiled by the American Lung Association ( getmedia/98f088b5-3fd7-4c43-a490-ba8f4747bd4d/ pi-trend-report) using the CDC mortality files, you can clearly see that the number of deaths from influenza is a fraction of the total number of deaths from pneumonia. Yet, all stats parrotted by the media and attributed to ‘the flu’ are a combination of pneumonia and influenza deaths.
John Hopkins Medical Center reports “there are more than 30 different causes ( conditions-and-diseases/pneumonia) of pneumonia grouped into bacterial, viral, fungal, and mycoplasma pneumonia. The most common is Streptococcus pneumoniae, not influenza.”
The Hype to Keep Up the Heat
As predictable as the return of yellow school buses and Monday Night Football, the arrival of fall also brings chatter about the approaching flu season. In 2003, surveys showed that nearly 65% of people did not receive the flu shot — including 47% with chronic illnesses and 78% of children aged 6-23 months. A new strategy was devised for the 2004 flu season to push their worthless shots into the arms of every one, from six-month-old babies to 96-year-old grandmas.
Knowing the flu shot doesn’t prevent the flu, as I wrote about here (, the CDC needed a new plan to support pharma’s revenues. The value of the influenza vaccine market has grown year after year. I don’t have the revenue stats from 2003, but it was – and remains – big business. In 2021, the global influenza vaccine market was valued at USD $7.02 billion and is projected to grow from USD $7.54 billion in 2022 to USD $13.58 billion by 2029. ( influenza-vaccine-market-101896)
The CDC’s new plan was fully disclosed in a 51-slide communiqué called “Planning for the 2004- 05 Influenza Vaccination Season: A Communication Situation Analysis,” prepared by Glen Nowak, Ph.D., the Associate Director for Communications at the National Immunization Program.
You can review his entire slide deck here: (
The most important part of the program, “The Seven-step Recipe for Generating Interest in, and Demand for, Flu (or any other) Vaccination,” (slide 24) was designed to methodically manipulate the general public. Language used in the presentation reveals the intent of the government and their drug company partners: Use major media to send scheduled, fear-based messages designed to convince the public that the flu shot is necessary to save lives. The more subtle message was to motivate patients to demand to be vaccinated.
Here is a synopsis of Nowak’s 7-step Recipe:
Step 1: Begin discussing flu shots as part of the “flu season.”
Posters, fliers, and media campaign materials are mailed to public health departments, pharmacies, and offices of healthcare providers by mid-August. The 5-color glossy materials are strategically placed to “plant seeds” in the minds of patients so that they request the flu vaccine when it arrives.
Step 2: Engage the Media.
The media will start announcing early on that a “new influenza strain” is anticipated and this year, it “will be associated with severe illness and serious outcomes.”
By announcing the locations of flu shot clinics throughout a community during the evening news and a radio public service announcements, the stations are an accomplice to the propaganda. The media gives millions of dollars of free advertising to vaccine manufacturers.
Step 3: Predict dire outcomes.
The build-up continues throughout the fall as local and national medical experts and public health authorities parade across national mainstream TV and radio shows to voice concern, sound the alarm, and urge influenza vaccination.
Here’s an example of hundreds of similar interviews: “We know we’re going to have a pandemic because, historically, we’re overdue for one,” said Neil Pascoe, an epidemiologist in the infectious disease division of the Texas Department of Health. “When it happens, it’s going to be huge. It will be global, and everyone is going to be affected…it could be terribly fatal. Imagine 4 million Texans [becoming] infected, and 20 percent of them die.”
Step 4: Use ‘worst case’ language.
The reports from medical ‘experts’ are used to frame the flu season, using terms specifically chosen to “motivate behavior.” Broadcasters are instructed to use language such as “very severe,” “more severe than last or past years,” and to repeatedly use the word “deadly.”
Step 5: Everyone is at risk…and could die.
The media is coached to continually release reports from health officials, to increase credibility, that “this year’s influenza is causing severe illness,” fostering the perception that everyone is susceptible, unless, of course, they are ‘protected’ by a flu shot.
Step 6: “It’s about the children…”
Again, the media is an accomplice to the promotionals. Examples of sick children are shown, with reporters often standing in front of a local hospital. They occasionally interview families willing to come forward with their stories. They show pictures of people being vaccinated, “first to motivate, then to reinforce” the importance of flu shots.
Step 7: Positive reinforcement.
All parties involved are encouraged to use history to reference past influenza pandemics to continually stress the importance of vaccination. Be sure to review Nowak’s entire slide deck to fill in the details.
Fast forward: 2020
On November 19, 2020, Nowak was tapped again to push the uptake of vaccines, but this time, it’s the Covid jab.
He spoke at the ImmunizeDC Virtual Summit with a presentation entitled, “Improving Confidence in COVID-19 Vaccines & the Nation’s Immunization System.” The focus was on building Covid19 vaccine and vaccination trust using risk communication principles. His was particularly addressing those who were reluctant to get the recommended Covid shot. He used this quote from Forbes to make his point:
“What we do know is that public acceptance of a Covid-19 vaccine will play an outsized role in our ability to get as many people vaccinated as possible—and to that end, it isn’t too early to begin planning our efforts to educate the public. As a new analysis published in JAMA makes clear, early planning and public education is a must. To proactively confront barriers to Covid-19 vaccine acceptance in the United States, its authors argue, we must ramp up public health education now.”
The educational objectives of the conference were:
- Identify potential missed opportunities for vaccination due to the pandemic and increase immunization rates within your practice setting
- Identify reasons for vaccine hesitancy and utilize lessons learned to respond to vaccine hesitancy in local communities
- Describe latest data and recommendations on COVID-19 and implement those within your practice
- State the best approach to conducting mass vaccination clinics for a diverse group of potential patients
- Identify methods for increasing vaccine confidence and utilize these strategies for increasing immunization rates in your practice
The target audience for this conference was physicians, pharmacists and nurses and childcare providers engaged in the care of children and vaccines.
Vaccinate, Vaccinate, Vaccinate…
If you are entertaining any thoughts that they will stop pushing for every human to be fully vaccinated with every shot they have created in the past, or will create in the future, think again. They are relentless and even 15 years later, are formulating language for the media to convince you to be injected with solutions of their making.
There are many programs such as this designed to educate providers on how to administer shots, then code appropriately and bill for insurance reimbursement. Doctors are also taught phrases and are given language on how to manipulate the general public into believing that flu shots, Covid jabs – and all other shots for that matter – are safe, effective, and absolutely necessary for avoiding illness.
We now know nothing could be further from the truth. Fortunately, the same old ‘recipe’ has worn thin and many are seeing through the lies. It is becoming increasingly difficult to whip up fear about the flu and about Covid, no matter how many reports of “catastrophic concern” are rolling off the presses.
The next time you hear fear-based stories pushing any type of jab, know that the messages have been crafted and those delivering them have been thoroughly trained. They have been practicing the scripts for decades. Don’t let their next round of ominous forecasting about a new ‘scary pathogen’ enter your psyche.
Originally published at
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